Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,561 to 6,580 of 56,066
  1. Children's Crusade for Children fundraising collection can

    Metal fundraising collection can used by the Children’s Crusade for Children. The Children’s Crusade for Children was a penny sharing relief program with the purpose of providing assistance to the war stricken children of Europe. The program was organized during the winter of 1939-1940 under the leadership of Marion G. Canby and Dorothy Canfield Fisher. The program was supported by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and special tin collection cans were decorated with artwork designed by Norman Rockwell and distributed to schools around the country. The children were instructed to give as many pen...

  2. American League for Free Palestine letter

    Contains a mass-mailed, typed letter from Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook) and Samuel Merlin with an appeal for financial support of the American League for Free Palestine; in English. Verso is a full page of handwritten text in German; not dated.

  3. Jewish religious and philanthropic associations, Kaunas (Fond 1143)

    Correspondence and other records of various Jewish religious and philantropic organizations active in Lithuania before WWII.

  4. Oral history interview with Pierre Arnaud

  5. Drawing of Paula Wolkowitz

    Paula Wolkowitz (who went by the name "Pesa") was born in 1898 and was the mother of Hugo Zulawski, who was one of the "50 Children" from Vienna who were saved by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus in 1939.

  6. Selected records of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Waszyngtonie (Sygn. 490)

    Correspondence, reports, memoranda, press clippings, press reviews and other documents concerning the following subjects: Political relations between the US and Germany; minorities in Poland and the USA, immigration policy in USA and Canada; Polish and Jewish scouting in the USA; Polish Army in France (1939); Jewish issues in Poland and Germany (1935-1937); diplomatic reports on the situation in Germany (1940); Polish-American relations (1944-1945); World War 1939: the situation of children and women, the fate of prisoners of war; immigration policy in USA and Mexico (1940-1944); aid for re...

  7. Stuffed bear

  8. Jewish children at play after the Holocaust

    Little girl (Menachem’s sister) waves flags outdoors besides car, plays with two older boys and mother (in Israel).

  9. Hinda Saul collection

    Consists of one folder of typed English language translations of letters sent from Nochum Berman in Šeduva (Lithuania), Lithuania, to Hinde Zarachaite (Zarkey), who immigrated to the United States in 1937. The letters are dated 1937-1940, and the later letters describe the beginning of the persecution of the Jews in Lithuania. Nochum Berman most likely perished in August 1941 as part of a roundup in Seduva. Also includes three facsimile autograph books, based on Hinda Saul's own autograph books, dated from 1934 in Widze (now Vidzy, Belarus) and 1936-1937 in Šeduva, and after her arrival i...

  10. FDR campaigns for NY governor; Morgenthau family home movies

    Franklin D. Roosevelt swimming in the pool at the Morgenthau residence. Henry III holds up fish. The three children, Elinor, and another boy roast marshmallows outside. Women's luncheon (possibly a Vassar reunion organized by Elinor) outdoors at the farm, views of the property and a river. The Morgenthau children play on rings, swim in the pool, play ball, and sail toy ships in the swimming pool. Airplanes fly overhead. The children help build a dock in the summer at the farm; playing with the family dog, whose name was Puddles. A large group of people on the farm with a stable in the BG wh...

  11. Dodge family papers

    Book and folder: records of the hospital laboratory in the Dachau concentration camp. Recorded in book and on separate pages contained within the folder are last names of victims interned in Dachau and records of their blood and urine work. The book, which dates November 30, 1942 - April 7, 1943 is labeled on cover "Häftl.-Revier Laboratorium" [prisoner laboratory area]. The folder bears pink label imprinted "SS Hauptsanitätslager Aeusserlich" and stamped "Häftl. -Revier Laboratorium" and contains loose pages, dated August 21, 1942 - December 4, 1942 recording the same information. Occasion...

  12. Russell Blixt collection

    Contains a photograph of the Buchenwald concentration camp taken soon after liberation. The image depicts cart of deceased bodies stacked and people standing in the background, one wearing concentration camp uniform and the rest appear in civilian clothing. Includes an envelope pre-printed "censored photographs" and addressed to "Capt. Russel [sic] G. Blixt-0373750/705th.TD.Bn..."

  13. Oral history interview with Teofila Kotlewski

  14. Wofford Lewis collection

    Consists of Wofford Lewis's copy of "Nurnberg" by Charles Alexander (Nurnberg, Germany: Printed by Karl Ulrich & Co., 1946) along with his documents (some pasted inside the book) related to his time at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, in August 1946. Includes his signed gallery ticket (upgraded to "press"), dining room permission, military authorization for the trip, IMT brochure, copies of 1945 regulations regarding treatment of prisoners on trial, and a description of the IMT heraldic design.

  15. Jewish family life after the war; Altalena ship on fire

    Hannah and baby exit a home (Israel?). Baby pushes a pram. 09:11 MS, crowd of people on the street, palm trees in BG. Menachem (?) plays with a collection of porcelain dolls and rides a carousel [poor VQ]. 10:18 Children play on a balcony (in Israel?). 11:34 MS, a ship on fire [probably the Altalena in June 1948], billowing smoke. 12:16 Child (sister of Menachem?) plays on the balcony, rides a tricycle, and pushes a toy wheelbarrow; the flowerpots contain mini flags of Israel. Some celebration (nursery school graduation?), women carry flowers and children eat an assortment of desserts.

  16. Relaxing in Bulgaria

    Panoramic view of mountains and trees, possibly in the Rila mountain range. Two people, including Licco Max Haim, emerge from an earthen hut. Two men and a group of women climb a mountain then relax at the top. Backpacking and mountaineering. More CUs of Licco. Resting by a river. Mountainous scenery and more hiking. Brief shot of a car and residence.

  17. Licco Haim and friends on a ski holiday

    AGFA 8 1941. [COLOR] The friends climb a snowy path with skis for an adventure. 01:00:30 Berta Haim (Licco's wife). Pan of mountain landscape. 01:03:01 [B/W] Skiing filmed in slow-motion. 01:03:45 Chalet Sherni Vrah in the Black Peak. 01:08:46 [COLOR] Three friends slowly walk with skis across the snow toward the camera. More skiing. 01:11:43 [B/W] Skiing in slow-motion. LS of skiers with plane overhead. The friends, including Berta, walk back up for another run.

  18. Ruins

    Destroyed homes and buildings filmed from a moving vehicle, probably in France in summer 1944. Small children stand by the road, while adults rummage through the rubble for their possessions. More pans of the devastation and ruins of buildings.

  19. Letter of protection

    Contains a letter of protection issued to Dr. Farago Gyorgi, signed by the Apostolic Nuncio in Budapest, Monsignor Angelo Rotta, dated November 15, 1944.

  20. Dr. Wieslaw Piller collection

    Contains documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Wieslaw M. Piller (donor's grandfather), who was Roman Catholic and interned in Auschwitz from June 1940 through 1944 and then Sachsenhausen from October 1944 to February 1945 Includes materials about his postwar experiences in and around Munich, Germany.