Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,201 to 6,220 of 56,066
  1. Kaufmann family collection

    Collection of prewar photographs, photographic postcards, and written testimony relating to the Kaufmann family from Cologne, Germany. Photos document the family before WWII, and the postcards were written by the donor's brother in Amsterdam to their parents in New York, NY. Includes a testimony written by donor in 1998 and 2011 regarding her experiences during the Holocaust.

  2. Drunk Nazis; Jews with armbands in Reichshof

    KZ-Bewacher. Men in civilian and uniform (police) - drunken revelry. 10:04:19 Men make fun of Jewish rituals: men put a jacket and tablecloth over their shoulders and head. Gas protection school probably in Knurow. Eastern campaign. 10:13:00 (1942) Russia, winter 1942, place, snow-covered houses. 10:22:41 Generalgouvernement Distrikt Krakau. Reichshof District Authority (Rzeszow). 10:23:28 Street scene from Reichshof, Jews with armbands. 10:23:34 View of the entrance to the ghetto. Street is narrowed by two walls. 10:24:25 "Kino Apollo". German soldiers stand in front of the cinema. "Deutsc...

  3. Great Britain and Iceland in 1937

    Statue of Queen of England, guards marcing through England, British guards marching, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, street performers, speakers and spectators, socialism, ferris wheel, tourists on beach, graveyard, farmer with horse

  4. London; Paris world's fair

    AGFA 1936. Title cards in German. Reel 1 (M 243) "London." Street scenes. Reel 2 (M 198): "Paris. Einige Bilder von der Weltausstellung." International Exposition in Paris, 1937. German pavilion. Transportation.

  5. Charles Schwager collection

    Contains letters, envelopes, speeches, clippings, blank letterhead, and assorted attached documents and print materials received by Charles Schwager of New York, in response to letters he wrote to various United States Senators and Representatives, ambassadors, committees, and organizations he was actively involved with; bulk dated 1930s-1940s.

  6. Luftwaffe bomber squadron

    Film material collected regarding the Boelke squadron ('Kampfgeschwader' 27 Boelcke was a Luftwaffe medium bomber wing of World War II). Including shots of Roma/Sinti, Königsberg after the air raid of August 8, 1944. 10:00:12:20 Dr. C. Keller, medical officer of III./KG 27 Boelcke.

  7. Children; soldiers; lake; "Jews forbidden" sign on tram

    City streets. A large building marked “MOCKBA,” or Moscow, possibly in Lwiw. Local children in rows pose for the camera. German soldiers looking out of a train. “IVAN PASPAISINOVI ELEKTRO-INDUSTRIJA” building. Men stuff cloth bags with hay. A mliltary car is camouflaged in leaves next to a house in a rural location. 10:09:37 Various scenes/locations - civilians walk in a city, house and trees, lake, swimmers, plane, dock, lake, and surrounding environs, boat, German soldiers shows off lobster. 10:12:29 City in ruins. Civilians. Trolley car with a German painted sign forbidding Jews passes: ...

  8. Private films; Hitler posters/propaganda

    Kodak. Private film. Germany

  9. Schützenpanzer; Russian campaign

    Schützenpanzer [armored personnel carriers]. German soldier on scouting armor, field exercise. 02:26 Soldiers on street, Krad. 03:08 Winter: patrol on foot. 03:22 HK flag, eagle, barracks "Schlieffen-Kaseme", MG shooting, (Winter), then spring: recruits. 05:47 light armored car, various shots, slipped into ditch. 10:14 Start of Russian campaign, tanks, captured Russian flag, German leaflet to Russians.

  10. Olympics 1936

    KODAK. German amateur filmmaker, Willi Wünsch. 10:00:00 Grünau, rower, commentator, Japanese. 10:05:38 Stadium, spectators close: Norwegians, Italians, Jesse Owens? run. 10:06:37 diving. 10:08:38 triple jump. 10:10:50 Diving (Slomo), swimming

  11. Journey continues in Konstanz, Zurich, and Paris; Family celebrations; Onboard the SS New York returning to America

    With intertitles in English. “On the boat to Konstanz- Germany- scenes along the Bodensee.” Scenes of the town and seagulls from the water. 0:23 “The Insel Hotel and Gardens at Konstanz.” Shots of swans, other birds in the water. Well-dressed woman walks around the courtyard of the hotel. 1:13 “Scenes in Zurich- Switzerland.” Views of Zurich and the mountains behind it. 1:22 “The University.” Views of the University, city behind it and a busy, snowy street. A man directs traffic as a streetcar passes in front of the camera. 1:42 “The Garden of the Hotel Baur au Lac.” Well-dressed woman walk...

  12. Königstiger 1944

    Königstiger 1944. Panzer III. Filmed on 35mm by a PK soldier and presented to Mr. Richard Freiherr von Rosen on the occasion of his birthday.

  13. Labor Service

    With Geman titles (and French translations). Scenes from the Arbeitsdienst des Stahlhelms [Labor Service of the Steel helmets]. "Bund der Frontsoldaten" [Front Soldiers Association]

  14. Reichsarbeitsdienst in Poland 1940

    "RAD Lager Freiburg" 1940. Boarding train. Fires. Ruins. "Rückfahrt nach Radom" Swimming.

  15. Adolf Hitler, filmed by his pilot Hans Baur (partly in color)

    10:00:00 View from a flying plane on wing and propeller, flight over clouds 10:00:27 Inside the cabin: Goebbels reads, Brückner sleeps, Schaub behind Hitler, Hitler reads in the "Völkische Beobachter". 10:01:05 Color: Hitler on an airfield. Cannon. Hitler eats standing in the midst of officers, 10:01:38 Hitler gets on the car, the car is surrounded by members of the Luftwaffe, all of them raise their arms to greet the Germans, several vehicles set off. 10:01:51 Hitler with escort (including Wilhelm Keitel and Julius Schaub) holds on to his cap and welcomes Luftwaffe officers.

  16. Private Nazi films; ice sailing; Jews with armbands in Poland (color); Roma camp

    Material from Götz Hirt-Reger. Some parts with title cards in German. Air rifle shooting, women's sport, men's sports, man limps, stadium sports competitions, lunch table. Family, dog, garden, Leipzig. Agriculture, grain harvest in Saxony, hunting. 10:54:41 1943. Ice sailing on the Rangsdorfer See. 11:00:19 German withdrawal in Russia, mud, stuck vehicles, riders. City, bomb damage, Dornier whale. Russia, soldiers hunt pig, tanks. 11:17:17 RAD camp (color). Brief shot, Jews performing hard labor. 11:17:49 Title card: "Warschau ost-Einfahrt" City views, rubble, Jews with armbands (color), ar...

  17. Wehrmacht; Reich harvest festival

    Wehrmacht on parade in Heidenheim. 10:01:58 Reich harvest festival Bückeberg near Hameln

  18. Reichsautobahn; Hamburg harbor

    Reichsautobahn, Obersee / Lanke, "Memories": Color, Berlin-Lanke, Werbellinsee, b/w. 10:00:31: Reichsautobahn, evening at the Bodden. 10:01:41: Dievenow / sea. 10:02:36: Demmin. 10:02:54: Gnevsdorf. 10:03:47: Walchow. 10:04:24: Schwerin.10:05:23: Hamburg (looks like cut commercial film). 10:07:36: Hamburg: harbor tour, filmed privately

  19. Romania; Hungary; Transylvania

    Romania 1944. Bridge. Mud. Roma camp. Romanian military. Bucharest radio report, swimming, car. Petroleum area. Hungarian border. Transylvania. 03:00:00 - 03:57:09 Same as M 2573 (

  20. Ruth Reed family papers

    The collection primarily contains pre-war photographs of Ruth Reed (née Feldman) and her family in Katowice, Poland, along with post-war identification papers, correspondence, photographs, and restitution claims paperwork. Also included are wartime photographs of her paternal relatives in the Noher family who moved to Wellington, New Zealand prior to the war. The biographical materials include a small amount of documents related to members of the Noher and Bromberger families, a family tree, Hans Noher’s death certificate, post-war identification papers of Ruth Reed, handwritten notes regar...