Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,061 to 6,080 of 10,181
  1. Morris Kornberg collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Morris Kornberg and his friends; an identification card for the Jewish Community of Wuerttemberg (Israelitische Kultusvereinigung Württemberg); and a commemorative album with tipped-in photographs by Alexander Fiedel of the "Jidiszer D.P. Center UNRRA - P.C. IRO in Stuttgart" written by M. Kornberg.

  2. State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa Państwowy Urząd Repatriacyjny. Oddział Powiatowy w Częstochowie (Sygn. 5)

    This collection contains the remnants of files from the Repatriation Office county branch in Częstochowa in 1945-1950; including telegrams, reports, questionnaires and registration books. Approximately 80 % of the preserved documents are registration books containing the data of each repatriate such as: where the given person came from, the dates of their arrival and departure, the destination, occupation, nationality, date of birth. Jews comprise a minority of these individuals.

  3. Eric Bergtraun papers

    1. Eric Bergtraun collection

    The Eric Bergtraun papers consist of biographical materials, photographic materials, log books, and scrapbooks documenting Bergtraun’s participation in Boy Scout activities as a Jewish refugee in Shanghai during and after World War II.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Brief shot, harbor, loading ship. CU, man. 01:24:06 Arabs hauling bags of oranges. Crane loading oranges for export on French SS Champollion. Passengers on deck. 01:24:43 "Gerusalemme / Trieste" ship at dock. Soldiers. Loading and unloading crates, oranges. 01:25:46 CUs, orange boxes. 01:25:57 Several scenes of unloading donkeys with a crane. 01:26:25 Polish immigrants on board ship. More shots of Poles. 01:26:57 Stevedores working with Haifa in BG. Oranges for export loaded onto Norwegian ship. 01:27:32 CU, Mr. William Peasley, Director of Customs and Excise, talking to British Police Serg...

  5. British Defence Medal 1939-1945 ribbon awarded to Jewish Brigade veteran

    1. Hildegard and Moritz Henschel collection

    British Defence Medal 1939-1945 ribbon awarded to Shmuel Givol Gotthold. Gotthold was a soldier in the Jewish Brigade, British Army, 2nd Jewish Battalion, Palestine Regiment. In the immediate postwar period he was stationed in the British Zone in Germany where he helped trace missing persons and aided refugees desperate to know whether their family members had survived. The Brigade was established by the British in September 1944. It included more than 5000 Jewish volunteers living in Palestine and was the only independent, national Jewish unit to serve in WWII. The unit served in combat du...

  6. Jewish paper based ephemera

    Robert Edward Edmondson anti-Semitic broadsides: Six broadsides, issued by the Edmondson Economic Service, under the following titles and dates: "'Invisible Government:' The Hidden Autocratic Minority Menace to American Democracy" (18 May 1934); "Prof. Felix Frankfurter" (4 July 1934); "Are You a Communist, Mr. Dickstein?" (15 December 1934); "Justice Brandeis Unfit?" (15 March 1935); "Jews Off Gold?" (10 August 1937); "The Jewish Hymn Onward Christian Soldiers--To Make the World Safe for Communistic Jewry!" (10 January 1939). Announcement of protest against the Jewish boycott of Germany, B...

  7. Selected records of the Provincial Office in Tarnopol Urząd Wojewódzki w Tarnopolu (Sygn.1180)

    Monthly reports of the Tarnopol regional municipal offices regarding regional security, social and political movement, professional associations, communist organizations; papers from conferences of governors, maps of the voivodship showing the activities of political organizations; correspondence regarding communist propaganda; reports on sabotage actions, and lists of foreigners displaced from the Polish People's Republic (Illegal trips, seeking refugees for deportation).

  8. Selected records from the Central State Archives of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Documentation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan related to the evacuation of civilians during WWII.

    The collection contains documents of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and medical hospitals, Tashkent Medical Institute, medical reaserch centers and other state medical agencies active on the territory of Uzbekistan during WWII. It includes records related to the medical assistance given to evacuees, the improvement of the sanitary condition of places where evacuees are resettled, and the measures taken by local medical personnel to maintain and improve the health of the evacuated population. Among the records are financial reports, statistical information, and annual presentations abo...

  9. Yehuda Zerzy Singer papers

    The Yehuda Zerzy Singer papers contain a handwritten diary, photographs, and documents relating to Yehuda Zerzy Singer’s experiences in Poland and Russia during World War II and his life in Palestine after his arrival with the "Teheran Children." The collection includes school certificates, a postcard, identification cards, and photographs of Yehuda in Kibbutz Ein Harod. The diary was written, in Polish, by Yehuda from September 1, 1939, the day of the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland, until the beginning of 1942, about one year prior to his arrival in Palestine. The diary documents the...

  10. Robert Hesse papers

    Documents related to the career and emigration from Germany of Robert Hesse, including identification documents (German passport and identification card), certificate of discharge from Buchenwald (1938), immigration card from Cuba, typed resume (1940), and photo copies of two family photographs.

  11. Herbert Klein papers

    The Herbert Klein papers consist of identity, education, employment, and immigration records related to Herbert Klein of Vienna, Austria and his parents and pre-war, wartime, and post-war financial and restitution documents regarding the expropriation of the family's automobile garage and repair shop in Vienna, "Berthold Klein and Co."

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Finnish refugee children; US embassy; Propaganda; Smashed windows

    1021 VVV (09:26:42): Finnish Refugee Children at Falun, Dalecarlia, September 1944. Finnish refugee children's home at Falun. General view of home. Children dancing in small circle. CUs, children. CU, young matron of home. CU, small Finnish child. LS, children on lawn in front of the house, running into the house. CU, Finnish boy sitting on steps. 1021 parts of AA and ZZZ (09:28:45): AA: Various EXT shots of building of "general interest" to MOT cameramen, including the American Embassy in Stockholm, the American Legation, and a Nazi building. Shots of entrances and signs. INT, Press Depart...

  13. German advance toward Caucasus

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 16: Winter. German soldiers in village. Garmasch. Elderly Ukrainian peasant. Move to Latonovo, with patches of snow still lying. Destruction. Werchne Schiroky. In large town of Stalino...

  14. Eva Rosemarie Feigl collection

    Consists of documents, eight pre-war family photographs, and two books written in German and Hebrew entitled, "Gebetbuch and Stunden der Andacht" from the estate of Ms. Eva Rosemarie Feigl. The documents included in the collection are: Eva Feigl’s naturalization certificate, Alien Registration card, high school diploma, birth certificate, and a photocopy of an affidavit in lieu of a passport, issued by the U.S. consulate in Marseille, 1940. Also included are handwritten genealogical charts by Feigl, a handwritten copy of a text related to Feigl's departure from Europe in 1940, and a printed...

  15. Igo Krischer papers

    The collection contains correspondence, certificates, booklets, flyers, and photographs, related to the musical career of Igo Krischer (1906-1993), a Polish jazz drummer, singer, and composer, and to his activities during World War II, which he spent in exile in Iran and Palestine. Included is correspondence from his family who remained in occupied Poland; photographs of family, friends, and bandmates, from approximately the 1930s and 1940s, as well as later images of Krischer; identification documents used by Krischer, ranging from his birth certificate to his union membership card; and pr...

  16. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture: Second World War Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto: Segunda Guerra Mondial

    Diplomatic dispatches, cables, and confidential reports sent by the Argentine embassies and consulates in Europe to the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture in Buenos Aires during World War II and in the immediate postwar years. Includes information about Jewish refugees and visa applicants, the political relationship between Argentina and Nazi Germany, a list of the crew of the German battleship "Graf Spee", and situation reports from various Argentine diplomatic posts around the world. This is an ongoing digitization project.

  17. Leon Levitch music collection

    1. Leon Levitch collection

    Consists of six paperbound workbooks of with sheet music booklets of music (in Italian), some with hand-written notes; one single sheet of undated music (four pages), entitled "Le scale maggiori colle armonie (triadi)"; one bound music booklet entitled "Jüdische lieder / Harmonie: Leon Levitch / Ft. Ontario / Oswego Youth Choir"; one notebook with handwritten notes in pencil; and one interoffice envelope with the insignia "G. Shirmer ... Publishers, Importers and Dealers." Most items were used by the donor while he was at the Ferramonti camp in Italy, or as a refugee at the Fort Ontario Eme...

  18. Selected records of the General Jewish Labor Federation "Bund" in Poland Ogólno Żydowski Związek Robotniczy Bund w Polsce (Sygn.1214)

    Records of the activities of the the Central Committee of the Jewish Workers Federation "Bund" in Poland and abroad between 1900-1948. The collection contains circular letters, proclamations, reports, posters, appeals, photographs, press articles, a list of confiscated newspaper “Fołkscajtung”, correspondence, minutes, testimnonies, bulletins, accounts, memoirs, and card files.

  19. On the invasion of Poland

    On the invasion of Poland: various (successful) military campaigns by Nazis, on land, sea, and air. The Schleswig-Holstein bombards Danzig. Huge German naval warship firing cannons at port. Smoke, war. The garrison surrenders. White flag, slow pan along banks of canal. Cigarettes are distributed to POWs by German soldiers. Nazis and horse-drawn artillery advancing along hay-covered country road. Artillery is fired; skirmish lines move up; bicycle troops move along a road. Captured Polish soldiers are marched to the rear, fed at a German Army field kitchen. In village, refugees (women and ch...