Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 55,241 to 55,260 of 55,889

    Личные документы и материалы И. А. Боринского (1945-1990). Переписка с болгарскими школьниками о событиях Второй мировой войны Фотографии: начальника штаба партизанской бригады “Христо Ботев” Косты Ламбрева при вступлении в г. Пловдив (1944); первомайской демонстрации в г. Пловдиве (1945), народного ополченца Налбантова Петко Рашковича и его встречи с Г. Димитровым (1947 г.), памятников русским воинам - освободителям Шипки и Пловдива; ветеранов 46-й гвардейской Запорожско-Одесской артиллерийской бригады; памятника советскому воину-освободителю в г.Пловдиве („Алёше”).


    Биографические документы С. Н. Рузанкина – личные документы, материалы о трудовой деятельности, награждении и др. (1938-1992 гг.), Рукописи статей о пребывании в фашистском плену: „У каждого своя биография (записки кацетника)”, „Люди, прошедшие ад”, „В плену у желтого дьявола”. Записная книжка с заметками о пребывании в плену с адресами других советских военнопленных – узников концлагерей. Переписка с бывшими узниками концлагерей и остарбайтерами. Фотографии Рузанкина С.Н.


    Биографические материалы А.С. Вайнштейна – личные документы, удостоверения участника войны, карточка ветерана, автобиография, сведения о его деятельности в период Великой Отечественной войны в качестве редактора районной газеты «Велижанский ударник» в г.Омске, потом корреспондентом Всесоюзного радиокомитета, сведения о выполнение им заданий «Совинформбюро» на линии фронта. Списки генералов запаса и отставки, ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны, пограничников, чекистов-пограничников, которые жили на территории Октябрьского района города Одессы в 1970 году. Газетные статьи А.С.Вайнштейна и ...


    Автобиография Р.А.Шувалова. Альманах “Сердце отдаю людям” о работе поисковиков- исследователей Украины, работа “Указатель мест захоронения воинов, погибших в годы Великой Отечественной войны (1941-1945), прах, который покоится в земле города Одессы». Карты-планы кладбищ, где были захоронены советские воины, а также немецкие, итальянские и румынские военнопленные. Заметки, фотографии, перечни мест массового уничтожения еврейского населения в Одесской области. Выписки из документов Государственного архива Одесской области, статей из периодических изданий относительно установления фамилий и ме...

  5. Documents and Materials on the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 in the Territory of the Odessa Region: The Underground and Partisan Movement

    Documents on the underground and partisan struggle that took place in the territory of the Odessa region during World War II began to be put into storage in 1944 at the former Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, where they were stored in fond P-11, op. 45 (Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine). These documents were made into a separate consolidated collection (f. P-92) in 1975. In subsequent years, a number of units therefrom were transferred to the corresponding party archives of the Nikolaev and Kirovograd regions, and s...

  6. Documentation from Economic Archives in Germany, 1933-1945

    n the Collection there is documentation regarding the confiscation of Jewish property including: - Documentation from Wirtschaftsarchiv Baden-Wuertemberg containing correspondence regarding the Aryanization of Jewish shops and companies, and directives from the Finanzministerium (Finance ministry) regarding the distancing of Jews from economic life;- Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin (Financial Directorate in Berlin) regarding Jewish property, including a list of Jews expelled from their homes, property and tax files of Jews, directives and regulations regarding Jewish prope...

  7. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC - Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation) in Paris

    The Archives contain documentation of the Gestapo, the Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (CGQJ-Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs), the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF-General Union of Jews in France), the German and Italian Embassies, the Nuremberg Trials and more.

  8. Israeli Police Investigations of Nazi Crimes: Documentation of the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes

    In the Record Group there are files prepared by the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes for use in Nazi war criminal trials. In the files there is documentation regarding criminals or locations where crimes were committed (such as camps) including protocols of testimonies, information collected by the police, and much administrative documentation regarding the investigations and the unit itself.

  9. Indictments, verdicts and investigatory reports from the trials of Nazi criminals, Germany

    Included in the files: - Legal documentation: indictments and verdicts, protocols of trials and correspondence between the investigating bodies (the local States Attorneys in West Germany, the Security Bureau in East Germany);- Evidentiary materials: Information gathered during the investigation regarding Nazi criminals including many testimonies, copies of documents from the Nazi period, maps and photographs of sites at which crimes were committed, interrogations of criminals; - Reports of experts prepared for the trial such as reports from the Military History Research Institute in East G...

  10. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kakhovka District at the Executive Committee of the Kakhovka District Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Kakhovka Town (Kakhovka District, Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fond house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings (in the territory of the G. Dmitrov Kolkhoz [Kakhovka district]), on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc. The documents are in Russian.

  11. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Chaplynka District at the Executive Committee of the Chaplynka District Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Chaplynka Village (Chaplynka District, Mykolaiv Region, from 1944 Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fonds house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings, on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc. Chronological information on the occupation of population centers of the Chaplinka district includes...

  12. Генічеська міська біржа праці Генічеської міської управи, м. Генічеськ, Генічеського району, Запорізької області.

    Заяви установ і приватних осіб про направлення на роботу. Посередницькі доручення для осіб, направлених на роботу.

  13. Documentation from trials conducted against war criminals that were held in Austria after the war

    The main body of the Record Group consists of verdicts and short items regarding trials conducted in the People's Courts after the war. Additionally, in the Record Group there is much documentation from the trial of Ernst Lerch and others, commanders of the SS-und Polizeifuehrer (SSPF -SS and police commanders) in Lublin including important information regarding the mass murder of the European Jews in the area.

  14. Documentation of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Krakow, Poland regarding the organization activities in Poland, 1939-1942

    The documentation includes the welfare and assistance activities of the AJDC to the Jews of Poland; it consists of four main parts: 1. AJDC correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland; 2. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations in Poland; 3. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations outside of Poland; 4. Survey reports, charts and statistical data. 1. Correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland, August 1940-January 1942, including requests for the issuing of various permits, such as...

  15. Благодатнівська районна управа, с. Благодатне Миколаївського округу.

    Накази Благодатнівської райуправи про норми та терміни здачі худоби, хліба та картоплі

  16. Alexandria Collection: Nazi documentation from the US National Archives

    The documentation includes documents from German government offices, Nazi organizations (including the Nazi party), SS Headquarters and the German Police, as well as German Army units on various levels, from Army Groups to Divisions.

  17. Card file of members of Hungarian labor battalions who perished

    The card file was collected and compiled by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense (Honvédelmi Minisztérium) between the years 1945-1954, and includes the personal cards of Hungarian Jewish victims. Some of the documents are photocopies of death certificates which were issued by local courts on the basis of lists and publications of various bodies such as the International Tracing Service, the US army, declarations by individuals regarding Hungarian Jews who had perished, and lists prepared by former prisoners.The card file, which was used for legal, and other, purposes includes information abou...

  18. The Yitzhak Stone Collection: German documentation regarding German war crimes in the occupied countries

    There are copies of German documents used by the prosecution; sometimes there are also translations for these copies. Files 131-199: Files submitted by Serge Klarsfeld from Paris including varied documentation regarding the Security police in Ostland from 1941-1942, a survey by Lefler regarding the SS, 1932-1936, the indictment against Dr. Thomas Vauberg, the war criminal (Yad Vashem Accessions Book Entry 4239);Files 200-245: Files submitted by Yitzhak Stone to Yad Vashem in December 1957, including varied documentation from the Nuremberg Trials (mainly Series PS), testimonies and two repor...

  19. Testimonies, diaries and memoirs from the Holocaust period and regarding the Holocaust

    In the collection there are diaries, testimonies and memoirs written mostly by survivors with some material written by Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The content of the documentation is varied and multi-lingual. Most of the documentation was written and documented after the war, and the rest, mainly diaries, during the Holocaust. Those who were persecuted have documented their personal experiences, and through this documentation it is possible to closely follow the personal stories of the writers before the war, during the war and afterwards.

  20. Documentation from the Auschwitz Trials in Frankfurt, 1965-1968

    The Record Group includes documents gathered within the framework of the prosecution as preparation for the trials, the testimonies taken and the protocols of the trials themselves.