Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,521 to 50,540 of 55,889
  1. Miniszterelnökség, Társadalompolitikai Osztály (1938-1941)

    • Records of the Prime Minister’s Office, Department of Social Policy (1938-1941)

    1938 was a significant moment of change in the history of inter-war Hungary as it brought the beginnings of war preparation, the first stage of successful border revision, the first generally applied anti-Semitic law but also an interrelated new phase in social policy. The collection of the Department of Social Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office from the years 1938 to 1941 contains a fragment of the papers created during the functioning of the Department of Social Policy and Propaganda as well as the Social Policy and National Policy (Nemzetpolitikai) Service. The collection also contain...

  2. Кozma Miklós iratai (1897-1941)

    • Papers of Miklós Kozma (1897-1941)

    Miklós Kozma (1884-1941), director of Magyar Távirati Iroda (the Hungarian News Agency, MTI), Minister of the Interior, Governor of Kárpátalja. Kozma served as an army general during the First World War and began his public career as a member of the National Counterrevolutionary Army of 1919. He was the Head of Department for National Defense and Propaganda at the Supreme Commander and later served as the rapporteur for military affairs at the Military Office of the Regent. In 1920, Kozma was appointed head of the semi-official Bureau of the News Agency (even though the News Agency was oper...

  3. A Magyar Távirati Iroda iratai. Kőnyomatosok (1920-1949)

    • Records of the Hungarian News Agency. Lithographs (1920-1949)

    The Hungarian News Agency circulated a huge amount of diverse materials in the inter-war period and the years of the Second World War. They were still called lithographs though they actually consisted of stencil materials by this time. For the Hungarian papers, the Hungarian News Agency sent daily, weekly and confidential reports, economic editions and related dispatches. It circulated separately prepared news for foreign consumption. It also had internal handouts and so called unpublished communiqués. With the sole exception of the confidential reports, all of these were prepared without i...

  4. Sztójay Döme miniszterelnöki iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Döme Sztójay

    Döme Sztójay (1883-1946), politician, diplomat and soldier. Sztójay served as Hungarian ambassador in Nazi Germany between 1936 and 1944. Upon March 19, 1944, Horthy was to appoint him to be Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in the collaborationist government of Hungary. Sztójay held these function between March and August 1944 and was thus directly responsible for the mass deportations of close to half a million Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau during these months. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1946. The collection is a fragment of the semi-official correspondence of Döme...

  5. Mentesítési osztály

    • Bureau of Exemptions

    In the years of anti-Semitic radicalization in the late 1930s and early 1940s, Hungarian legislation increasingly redefined the category of Jews in a racial manner. The definiton it adoped was in some respects stricted than the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935. At the same time, under the German occupation of Hungary and the Holocaust in 1944, certain people defined and persecuted as Jews could be exempted. The major means of this was to acquire the status of an internationally protected person, which the neutral Embassies operating in Budapest at the time would grant. Next to this, there was al...

  6. Zsidók anyagi és vagyonjogi ügyeinek megoldására kinevezett kormánybiztosság iratai

    • Records of the Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews

    The Holocaust was not only the largest genocidal operation in 20th century Hungarian history but also a gigantic campaign to systematically rob the wealth of Hungarian Jewry. In Hungary, the Europe-wide campaign of robbery usually referred to by the name of Aryanization had various initiators and a large segment of benefactors in society while it was also planned as a state-directed and -controlled process. In June 1944, a Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews was newly established. As of July 23, Albert Turvölgyi, who until then served ...

  7. Magyar Rádió és Telefonhírmondó iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency

    The records of the Hungarian Radio at the Budapest City Archive provide an invaluable and underutilized source for the study of the era of Nazism and the Holocaust in Europe. Hungarian radio records exist not only for the years of anti-Semitic radicalization in Hungary but also for 1944, the main year of the Holocaust in Hungary as well as the early postwar period when the first wave of dealing with these recent pasts could be observed. More concretely, the collection contains the existent scripts of Hungarian radio shows originally broadcasted on short and medium waves between the years 19...

  8. Magyar Rádió és Telefonhírmondó, ügyviteli iratok

    • The Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency, administrative documents

    The collection contains various documents of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News Agency. The documents concern its general meetings, the activities of its executive committee, its directorate, the central administrative unit as well as of the screening committee that operated between 1945 and 1948. The collection also contains documents on the personnel of the Hungarian Radio and Telephone News public company, such as the personnel cards from 1939 when the anti-Semitic laws were being enforced, on its economic matters and also documents that were created during the editing of the radio s...

  9. Magyar Országos Tudósító Rt. híranyaga (1924-1944)

    • The News of the Hungarian Reporter (1924-1944)

    The Hungarian Reporter (Magyar Országos Tudósító) was a subsidiary of the Hungarian News Agency. The lithograph it circulated was titled MOT and belonged among the most important semi-official news services in the country. It was based on information gathered at the Mayor’s Office, in the Sherrif’s Office of Pest County, at the State Police, in the major Courthouses, etc. Moreover, MOT included news items from leading political parties, vartious professional chambers, academic and literary institutions as well as the Protestant Churches (but not those of the Catholic Church in Hungary). The...

  10. Külügyminisztérium, Politikai Osztály általános és rezervált iratai

    • General and Confidential Records of the Foreign Ministry, Political Department

    The study of the Political Deparment of the Foreign Ministry with its general and confidential parts enables a grasp of the development of independent Hungarian diplomacy after the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, the guiding ideas and leading actions of foreign policy, and the evolution of the relationship between Hungary and other countries. The Political Department was responsible for the practical implementation of foreign policy plans. The collection contains selected records relating to Hungarian foreign relations and policies, many of which are relevant for the study of the history...

  11. Külügyminisztérium, Gazdaságpolitikai osztály

    • Records of the Department of Economic Policy, Foreign Ministry

    When it was established in 1919, the Department of Economic Policy of the Foreign Ministry dealt with issues of economic policy, meaning primarily the peace negotiations, issues related to the peace treaty as well as international economic contracts, as well as issues of international transport and of financial and social policy. In the years of the inter-war period, the exact administrative relations between the administering of these issues underwent numerous changes. The collection contains a large corpus of documents that belong to three basic categories. The first one contains the docu...

  12. Nyilas belügyminisztérium iratai, 1944-1945

    • Records of the Arrow Cross Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1944-1945

    The Arrow Cross Ministry of the Interior was headed by Gábor Vajna (1891-1946) who was a soldier, politician and member of Parliament after 1939. Vajna belonged among the Hungarians who were in close contact with the German occupiers after March 19, 1944, including those who were implementing the Holocaust. As Minister of the Interior in the government of Szálasi, Vajna was responsible for the attempted reorganization of the Hungarian state along dictatorial-totalitarian lines. He agreed to German requests to provide altogether around 75 000 Hungarian Jewish slave laborers for the German wa...

  13. Kárpátaljai Kormányzói Biztos Hivatalának iratai (1939-1944)

    • Records of the Office of the Regent Commissioner for Carpatho-Ruthenia (1939-1944)

    One of the territories Hungary (re)acquired from Czechoslovakia around the time of the latter's destruction was Carpatho-Ruthenia (known also as Subcarpathian Rus′ or Kárpátalja in Hungarian). The largest part of this territory was not integrated into the Hungarian county system but acquired its own Regent Commissariat. The territory has special significance for the history of the Holocaust in Hungary. In 1941, when Carpatho-Ruthenia became a staging area of the Hungarian army during its attack on the Soviet Union, the region soon became the site of the first mass deportations from Hungary....

  14. Bécsi főkonzulátus iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna

    The records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna originate from the years 1938 to 1945 when Austria was incorporated into the German Reich. They provide a sizable documentation of issues relevant for the historical study of the Holocaust.The relevant parts of collection mostly concern citizenship issues, property questions around the time of “Aryanization” after the so called Anschluss in 1938 as well as cases of arrests of Hungarian Jews. Many further files in the collection of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna record complaints that were received in those years. More general r...

  15. Nyilas vallás- és közoktatásügyi minisztérium, 1944-1945

    • Records of the Arrow Cross Ministry of Religion and Education, 1944-1945

    This collection at the Hungarian National Archive contains a fragment of the documents of the fleeing Arrow Cross Ministry of Religion and Education. This Ministry operated at the Franciscan Convent in the city of Szombathely in the last stages of the war. The collection includes its presidential papers as well as papers of its seventeen departments, several of which are of relevance. However, the most relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust in Hungary among the papers constitute a separate part beyond the papers of these seventeen departments: it is a collection of papers fr...

  16. A zsidók zár alá vett műtárgyainak számbavételére és megőrzésére kinevezett kormánybiztos iratai

    • Papers of the Government Commissioner to Review and Preserve the Locked Up Art Objects of Jews

    In early June of 1944, when the mass deportations of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau were already under way, the Hungarian government decided that the expropriated wealth of Hungarian Jews ought to be controlled and handled by special agencies. The two most important new offices created for this purpose were the Zsidók Anyagi és Vagyonjogi Ügyeinek Megoldására Kinevezett Kormánybiztos Hivatala (The Government Commissioner’s Office for Solving the Material and Financial Affairs of the Jews) and a similar, though more specialized agency called the Zsidók Zár Alá Vett Műtárgyainak Számbav...

  17. Nyilas igazságügy-minisztérium (Szombathely)

    • Records of the Arrow Cross Ministry of Justice (Szombathely)

    Due to the advancement of the Red Army in the battle for Hungary and its approaching of Budapest, the Arrow Cross Ministry of Justice was moved to Szombathely in Western Hungary in the second half of November 1944 and had its seat at the main Courthouse of the town. The Ministry was in operation in Szombathely until the end of March but could rely only on a reduced number of its staff there. The papers of the relocated Hungarian Ministry of Justice from 1944 were presumably destroyed. The remaining papers that are to be found in this collection at the Hungarian National Archive are from the...

  18. Berlini követség iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin, Nazi Germany

    The evolving relations between Nazi Germany and Hungary were one of the most central factors in the implementation of the Holocaust in Hungary. The records of the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin are of crucial importance since they convey information on the Holocaust and a sense of the differences and negotiation between the two states with the Hungarian Ambassador being an important agent in his own right. The documents are of special significance also since Regent Miklós Horthy appointed former Hungarian Ambassador Döme Sztójay as Prime Minister of Hungary in 1944 once Nazi Germany entered Hu...

  19. Brüsszeli főkonzulátus iratai, 1918-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels, 1918-1945

    The records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels contain documents from the years 1931 to 1946, some of which are of relevance for the history of the Holocaust. The large majority of the relevant files concern citizenship questions of Hungarian Jewish individuals. They include cases of people from territories that Hungary (re)acquired between 1938 and 1941. Some of the files document the screening procedures of Hungarian Jewish individuals who were planning to return to Hungary. There are some requests of passports and visa in the collection. Last but not least, there are document...

  20. Római követség iratai, 1920-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Rome, 1920-1944

    Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Rome, the capital of Fascist Italy, that are relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust relate to citizenship cases of Hungarian Jews and include birth certificates, documents of origin and baptism, requests of passport, visa, cases of emigration, work permits but also documentation of cases of internment and deportation.