Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,961 to 49,980 of 55,889
  1. Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

    Correspondence, bulletins, memoranda, reports, studies, lists, financial records, and photographs, relating to Polish foreign relations during World War II, the Polish government in exile in London, Allied diplomacy during World War II, conditions in Poland during the war, deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union, Polish refugees, the Jewish holocaust in Poland, and Polish military operations. Includes some records of Polish foreign relations during the interwar period.

  2. Poster Collection

    Posters from many countries, relating to a broad range of topics in twentieth-century history. A large proportion of the posters are propagandistic in nature. American, British, French, German and Russian posters are particularly numerous. Among the major events covered are World Wars I and II, the Russian Revolution, and national socialism in Germany. Includes anti-Semitic posters and posters relating to Jewish communities from a number of countries.

  3. Polski Instytut Zrodlowy w Lund collection

    Testimonials of Polish inmates of German concentration camps during World War II, relating to conditions in the camps. Testimonials transcribed by the Polski Instytut Zrodlowy w Lund.

  4. Hryhorij Nestor Rudenko-Rudolph Papers

    Writings, pamphlets, serial issues, and miscellanea, relating to the history and philosophy of anarchism. Includes a book-length study by H. N. Rudenko-Rudolph, expounding anarchism, and tracing the nineteenth and twentieth century history of the movement, especially in the United States, Russia and Spain.

  5. Sino-Judaic Institute Records

    Correspondence, minutes, reports, publications, writings, personal identification documents, financial reports, bylaws, printed matter, and photographs, relating to Russian, Polish and other European Jews, and Jewish communal organizations, in China, especially in Shanghai. Includes memoirs and other papers of individuals, and other collected material.

  6. A Statement to the Peace Conference

    Opposes the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Presented to the Paris Peace Conference by a group of Jewish Americans, March 4, 1919. Statement handed to President Wilson on behalf of the signers by Congressman Julius Kahn on March 4, l9l9 for transmission to the Peace Conference in Paris. The statement was prepared by Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz, Mr. Max Senior, and Professor Morris Jastrow.

  7. Charlotte Stein-Pick: Die verlorene Heimat

    Relates to conditions in Germany under national socialism, persecution of Jews, the journey of Charlotte Stein-Pick in 1939 from Germany to Western Europe and ultimately the United States, and her return visit to Germany in 1951.

  8. Gregor and Otto Strasser: A footnote to the history of Nazi Germany

    Relates to the early lives of the brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser, their early prominence in the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, the development of differences between them and Adolf Hitler, the assassination of Gregor Strasser in 1934, and the anti-Nazi activities and later life of Otto Strasser.

  9. Michael Stone: And then there was one...

    Relates to social conditions in Latvia, Russia and Germany from the 1910s to the 1930s.

  10. Jürgen Stroop: Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!

    Relates to the German suppression of the Warsaw uprising and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto.

  11. Juliusz Stroynowski Papers

    Correspondence, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, clippings, reports, bulletins, and newsletters, relating to pre-World War II socialism, communism, nationalism and antisemitism in Poland; the German occupation of Poland during World War II and the Polish resistance movement; miscellaneous aspects of post-World War II Polish history; Vatican diplomatic relations during World War II; and personal affairs. Includes Polish government reports, 1930-1939, on activities of socialist, trade-union and Jewish organizations; and clippings and other printed matter, 1961-1968, relating to chu...

  12. Kurt Waldheim Interview

    Relates to allegations of participation in war crimes by Waldheim as a German officer in Yugoslavia and Greece during World War II. Interview conducted by Mary Ann Sieghart for a London television station.

  13. Christine White Collection

    Reports, relating to anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi and other far right-wing organizations in the United States, their involvement in terrorist incidents, support extended by private right-wing groups in the United States to the contra guerilla movement in Nicaragua, and alleged involvement of the contras in criminal activities. Includes reports by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, the International Center for Development Policy, and the state of Senator John Kerry.

  14. Gerd D. Wallenstein Papers

    Memoirs, obituaries, maps, drawings, and calligraphy, relating primarily to the Jewish community in China during World War II.

  15. Tomasz Wisniewski Photographs

    Depicts synagogues and scenes of Jewish life, primarily in and around Bialystok, Poland, prior to and during World War II.

  16. Walter Winchell Micellaneous Papers

    Letters, memoranda, notes, pamphlets, newsletters, and other printed matter, relating to the right-wing political figure Gerald L. K. Smith, Smith's leadership of the isolationist America First Party during World War II and of the Christian Nationalist Crusade subsequently, and accusations of libel exchanged between Winchell and Smith.

  17. Dorothy Thompson Misecellaneous Papers

    Correspondence, memoranda, and press releases, relating to fundraising in the United States for the defense of Herschel Grynszpan, Jewish refugee and assassin of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in France in 1938.

  18. Tymon Terlecki: Alle Juden raus!

    Relates to the German destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. Translation of article published in Wiadomosci Polskie (London). This article deals with the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto beginning July 17, l942. Both translations bear the stamp of the U.S. Consulate General, Zurich, March 27, l944.