Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,401 to 49,420 of 55,889
  1. Frants Hvass, Private Archive

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Frants Hvass, Privatarkiv
    • Danish, English
    • 1944
    • 1 parcel

    Photographs from Theresienstadt, june 1944, pcl. 2-3.

  2. The Danish Defence Archives (FOARK), The collection from the Occupation

    • FOARK
    • Rigsarkivet
    • Forsvarets Arkiver , Besættelsestidssamlingen
    • Danish, English
    • 1940-1955
    • 7 parcels

    Members of the Armed Forces: Dead, wanted, arrested and deported to concentration camps, 1940-1955, pcl. 93-98.

  3. Bertelsen, Aage, Private Archive

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Bertelsen, Aage, Privatarkiv
    • Danish, English
    • 1943-1964
    • 1 parcel

    Material concerning Jews transfer to Sweden in 1943 and issues after the war related to that, 1943-1964, pcl. 2.

  4. The Danish National Police

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Rigspolitiet
    • Danish, English
    • 1941-1945
    • 13 parcels

    Contains (possibly) information of the investigation of the illegal escape routes across the Sound (Øresund – between Denmark and Sweden)

  5. Commissioner of Police, The search service

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Rigspolitichefen, Eftersøgningstjenesten
    • Danish, English
    • 2 parcels
  6. The Prosecutor General

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Rigsadvokaten
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1952
    • 143 parcels

    Investigations on whether there should be raised charges against Danes who had worked for the Germans. Files of individuals.

  7. The Police Intelligence Service

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Politiets Efterretningstjeneste
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1950
    • 691 parcels
  8. Board of Health Reviews in Official employments (civil servants)

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Nævnet for Helbredsbedømmelser i Tjenestemandssager
    • Danish, English
    • 1947-1981
    • 11 parcels
  9. Copenhagen City Court

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Københavns Byret
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1960
    • 915 parcels

    Copenhagen City Court, 21. to 25. Department of the legal proceedings after the war Contains the majority of the lawsuits brought against the Danes in German service, as well as to senior German officials

  10. Copenhagen County Southern Birks (Court) Police

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Københavns Amts Søndre Birks Politi
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1951
    • 68 parcels

    Contains lawsuits brought against Danes in German service.

  11. Copenhagen County North Birks (Court) Police

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Københavns Amts Nordre Birks Politi
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1953
    • 37 parcels

    Contains lawsuits brought against Danes in German service.

  12. Frode A. Toft, Private Archive

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Frode A. Toft, Privat arkiv
    • Danish, English
    • 1930-1980
    • 7 parcels
  13. Frederiksberg Police

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Frederiksberg Politi
    • Danish, English
    • 1945-1950
    • 185 parcels

    Contains lawsuits brought against Danes in German service. Includes also files other than treason proceedings.

  14. The Danish Brigade in Sweden (DANFORCE), The command

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Den Danske Brigade i Sverige, Kommandoen
    • Danish, English
    • 1943
    • 119 parcels

    Concerns the Danish police force which was established in Sweden from 1943. It consisted mainly of escaped resistance fighters

  15. Danish Red Cross

    • Rigsarkivet
    • Dansk Røde Kors
    • Danish, English
    • 1939-1955
    • 42 parcels
  16. Ministry of Social Affairs

    • Kontoret for Offentlig Forsog
    • Office of Public Social Welfare
    • Rigsarkivet
    • 2. Kontor
    • Danish, English
    • 5 parcels

    Handled the relief aid to deported Danes in Germany (emergency food parcels, etc.). The information is found in special records in the Journals Files. The information are found in special records in the Journal Files: - File no. 820: Internees. - File no. 850: Communists. - File no. 880: Jews, political prisoners.

  17. Документы концентрационных лагерей и лагерей военнопленных в Германии

    • Documents of Concentration Camps and Prisoner of War Camps in Germany
    • Dokumenty kontsentratsionnykh lagerei i lagerei voennoplennykh v Germanii

    The collection's contents are described in two inventories. The inventories are arranged structurally and by document type. The collection contains documents of concentration camps and POW camps (arranged for the most part in alphabetical order by camp name. regulations, instructions, daily reports on the prisoner population, lists, summaries, journals, personnel files, card files, questionnaires, registers, and correspondence. The collection includes fragmentary compilations of documents of the Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Wewelsburg, Gross Rosen, Dachau, Lublin (Majdanek), Natzweiler, Neuen...

  18. Имперское министерство просвещения и пропаганды Германии (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für Volksaufklarung and Propaganda (Berlin); Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo prosveshcheniia i propagandy Germanii (Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in seven inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type and contain circulars, instructions, and directives of the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda; minutes of conferences held by Joseph Goebbels; reports, questionnaires, announcements, staff personnel files, personnel lists, correspondence, texts and overviews of radio broadcasts, articles (including articles by Goebbels), informational bulletins on the "Jewish question," pamphlets, and lists of German-language newspapers published in the occupied eastern territories. Ther...

  19. Имперское министерство по делам временно оккупированных восточных областей (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete (Berlin); Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo po delam okkupirovannykh vostochnykh oblastei (g.Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in four inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. Among the collection's documents are orders, edicts, directives, dispatches, reports, briefings, job descriptions, accounts, overviews, memoranda, summaries, bulletins, employee directories, certificates of commendation, questionnaires, official documentation of employees' business trips, and ministry correspondence with the Reich Security Main Office and with Reichskommissariats in the occupied eastern territories. Documents in the collection reflect the policy of the Nazi occupatio...