Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 48,041 to 48,060 of 55,889
  1. Selma Kahn Papers

    The collection consists mainly of unpublished manuscripts of autobiographical novels, short stories and poetry by Selma Kahn in various versions. Unfortunately, many of her manuscripts are undated, so that it is not always possible to clarify when a text was written. Her novels are largely autobiographical and focus on subjects including the First World War, the rise of national socialism in rural Germany, the Holocaust, refugee experience and the experience of return to Germany. The collection also contains a small number of documents and photos relating to Selma Kahn's personal and family...

  2. Raymond Berr Collection

    Papers relating to Miss Winnifred Child, governess, and the family of Raymond Berr, French-Jewish. In shared box. Photographs (N.d./1946); Handwritten letters addressed to Miss Child (N.d./1946); Official correspondence (1940).

  3. John Eversley Family Papers

    Family papers of David Eversley (1921 - 1995) Memorabilia, photographs, newspaperclippings and maps of Frankfurt (c 1932 - 1957); Printed leaflets relating to Frankfurt (1922 - 1950); Various personal correspondence addressed to Otto and Adele Eberstadt (1949 - 1969); Various printed material relating to Jewish heritage (1966 - 1991); Newspaperclippings relating to Fernanda Eberstadt (1991 - 1992); Various documents and correspondence relating to Twelve Force (1991 - 1997); Printed material relating to David Irving (1989 - 1990); Various personal and official corrsepondence by David Eversle...

  4. Gerda Sainer Collection

    The Sainer Papers are an accumulation of family papers from Gerda Sainer's mother and her uncle Eric Federmann in the US. The collection includes documents on family history which were created and collected by Gerda's father Paul and uncle Erich (later Eric) for the Federmann side and her mother (Eve, later Liebert) for the Kroner side. The oldest documents in the collection date from the early 1800s and confirm the official adoption of the surnames Federmann and Kroner. The collection also includes wartime correspondence, from Paul Federmann in Berlin and his brother Eric in the US and it ...

  5. Hermann and Tina Mandel Papers

    The collection provides an insight into the experiences of the Jewish Mandel family in Vienna after 1938. Apart from official documentation, such as school reports, recommendations from previous employers, birth- and marriage certificates, the collection also contains personal letters from 1938 through to 1959.The letters demonstrate how the Mandel family struggled to escape from persecution, particularly after Hermann Mandel had been arrested in early February 1939. Tina Mandel and her son emigrated to Britain, where she received letters from Hermann Mandel, via a relative in Switzerland, ...

  6. Ilse Eton papers

    A large part of the collection relates to restitution claims made by Helene Ursell, Leo Einhorn and Ilse Eton herself. Helene Ursell was represented in Germany by a former family friend and lawyer, the previous mayor of Attendorn. Her claim was for the loss of property, including furnishings, paintings, silverware etc. and the legacy of her parents. She also brought a case for her pension claims as the widow of Siegfried Ursell Leo Einhorn started his claim in 1955 and he went through the United Restitution Office (URO) who represented his claim, mainly compensation for his imprisonment and...

  7. Waclaw Piotrowski Letter

    1 handwritten, original letter from Auschwitz (1942) to the sender's mother Maria in Poznan.

  8. Julius Rothschild Papers

    Official correspondence from Julius and Carry Ruth Rothschild (1957); Financial correspondence of Julius Rothschild (1955 - 1956): Passport applications (N.d.); Will of Carry Ruth Rothschild (1956); Various official papers relating to Carry Ruth Rothschild and Julius Rothschild (1939 - 1954); Death certificates (1955 - 1966).

  9. Ruth Locke Collection

    Papers relating to the family of Ruth Locke (nee Neumeyer). Printed material relating to Martin Ephraim (1992/N.d.); Typed testimony of Dr Hirschberg's experiences of Auschwitz (1944-1945); Typed letters from Vera Neumeyer (1942); Handwritten letter from Vera Neumeyer to her children in England (N.d.); Typed letter from Julius Kohn to Ruth and Raimund (1939). Photocopies of originals.

  10. Max Sondheimer Collection

    Papers and photographs belonging to Max Sondheimer, German-Jewish soldier. "War Diary" notebook (1915 - 1916); German Passport (1937); Photo album from the front (c. 1915); Handwritten letter (1917); Memorabilia magazine of WWI; Written document "Batterie 8/6 1915 - 1918" (1930).

  11. Carlebach Collection

    This collection mainly consists of papers related to Julius Carlebach (1922 - 2001) moved life, concerning his work in the Jewish Orphanage Norwood, his academic career and his religious placements and engagement. Few papers providing personal impressions reflecting his early life experiences in Nazi Germany, arriving in Great Britain as a refugee through the first Kindertransport in 1938 and commemorations on his father Josef Carlebach, former Chief Rabbi in Hamburg. His father and most other family members were killed in concentration camp. Guidance The collection consists of corresponden...

  12. Andrew Gummers Collection

    Documents relating to Julius Gummers education (1922 - 1934); Documents relating to Julius and Grete Gummers emigration to Spain and UK (1935 - 1937); Documents and correspondence relating to naturalisation in the UK (1947); Various official documents (1877 - 1936); German newspaperclippings (1929 - 1945) announcing their loss of German nationality; Documents relating to Andrew Gummers education (1945 - 1958); Various correspondence (1929 - 1946); "Papers concerning the Treatment of German Nationals in Germany 1938-1939", printed book (1939); Correspondence (2002).

  13. Hugo Steinhardt Collection

    Printed material relating to The Cedar Boys (N.d); Printed material relating to Hugo Steinhardt (1998); 1 photograph.

  14. Alfred and Klari Koster Family Papers

    Correspondence received by Alfred and Klari Koster after their engagement and subsequent wedding, including: Handwritten notes; Telegrams from Palestine; Telegrams from Germany; Calling cards. All signed with names.

  15. Susan Wallace Family Papers

    Documents relating to Goldschmidt and Ungar families, including family trees dating back to 1397 (c 1820 - 1909); Documents relating to Portheim family, with printed material relating to Leopold von Portheim's carrer (N.d); Documents relating to the Wallach family; Article on Wertheimber family (1788 - ); Document relating toWallace family history, with legal documents on Elizabeth and Leopold Portheim; Memoirs by Vica Henrion (1949); Printed documents on the Herz family (1863); Material on the Noether family (N.d.); Documents relating to von Portheim Familys properties in Prague.

  16. Ursell Family Papers

    Personal papers of Dr. Siegfried Ursell, German-Jewish refugee in the UK. 5WWI medals in a box (1914 - 1918); Jewish Registration cards for Siegfried and Helene Ursell (1939); Inaugural dissertation by Siegfried Ursell, printed document (1908); Postcards from Hutchinson Internment Camp (1940); Certificate of Medical Register in the UK (1944); Application for British Nationality (1947); Various correspondence (1933/1939/1961); Lists of furniture and books (1939); Correspondence relating to inventory and move to the UK (1939); Various official documents and correspondence (1933 - 1939); Unive...

  17. Hans Feld Papers

    Papers and documents relating to Dr. Hans Feld, German-Jewish film critic and journalist. The collection includes personal documents and letters relating to Hans Feld and his wife and son as well as manuscripts commenting on the radio and emerging film industry in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. The collection also contains all of his appointment diaries stretching from 1922-1978.

  18. Freud Family Papers

    The collection contains 147 pieces of correspondence between members of the Freud family, the largest part of which is between Sigmund Freud and Sam Freud. The letters are generally sent from family members in Vienna, Austria [Sigmund and Anna Freud], to family members living in Manchester [Samuel Freud and Pauline Hartwig]. The correspondence mainly covers the period between the First and Second World Wars, and contains detailed information about Sigmund Freud's living conditions in Vienna at that time. The letters are personal in content, containing news of family events and the health of...

  19. W.P. Crozier Papers

    Accounts, both typescript and holograph, of interviews conducted by Crozier, with 62 statesmen and politicians, between 1931-1944. The interviews are concerned with European politics and the Nazi threat, the Jewish National Home and the Far East (India and China). There are 175 major interviews with 23 leading politicians, including Stanley Baldwin, Eduard Benes, Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, Leslie Hore Belisha, Ivan Maisky, Herbert Morrison, Jan Masaryk, Sir John Simon, Sir Robert Vansittart. There are also 57...

  20. Esther Simpson correspondence and papers

    The main collection (items 1-1437) comprises Esther Simpson's personal papers, certificates, photographs, press-cuttings, miscellaneous documents, and correspondence to and from Esther Simpson, as received from her. Another large collection (15 boxes) of similar material from among her possessions, received after her death, remains unsorted and unlisted. Small collections received subsequently from other sources have been numbered - 1438-82, 1483-1501, 1502-33 - and are itemized in the handlist. The items date between 1918 and 1997.