Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,761 to 4,780 of 10,181
  1. Testimony of Joseph Horovitz, born in Wieliczka, Poland, age 19, regarding his experiences in Wieliczka, Sinowa, Russia, Teheran and his aliya to Eretz Israel in 1943

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943
    • וויליצ'קה

    Testimony of Joseph Horovitz, born in Wieliczka, Poland, age 19, regarding his experiences in Wieliczka, Sinowa, Russia, Teheran and his aliya to Eretz Israel in 1943 Life in Wieliczka during the outbreak of the war, September 1939; escape with his family; escape and return to Wieliczka; escape to Sinowa; life in Sinowa; Soviet occupation; life as a refugee in the Soviet Union; escape with his brother to Teheran; aliya to Eretz Israel with his brother, February 1943. The testimony was recorded during the war.

  2. An anonymous testimony of a woman, born in Krakow, Poland, age 20, regarding her experiences in Stryj and Hungary

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    An anonymous testimony of a woman, born in Krakow, Poland, age 20, regarding her experiences in Stryj and Hungary Life in Stryj during the German occupation; attitude of the Germans towards the Jews; establishment of the Judenrat by Dr.Huttener; unsuccessful escape attempt to Hungary with his mother and younger sister; crosses the border; life as a refugee; receives information about the murder of Jews in Stanislawow. The testimony was recorded during the war.

  3. Documentation including notes about the telephone discussions between Saly Mayer and the JDC organization's European center in Lisbon, the JDC activities in the German-occupied countries in Europe including the JDC's support of the Youth Aliyah organizati

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation including notes about the telephone discussions between Saly Mayer and the JDC organization's European center in Lisbon, the JDC activities in the German-occupied countries in Europe including the JDC's support of the Youth Aliyah organization, and other matters, 1940-1942 - Notes about the telephone discussions between Saly Mayer and the JDC organization's European center in Lisbon regarding various subjects, including the aliya of Jews from Romania to Eretz Israel on ships, 1940-1942; - Documentation regarding the JDC activities in the German-occupied countries in Europe, in...

  4. Documentation regarding the experiences of Dr. Hanus Rebenwurzel Rezek, born in Straznice, Czechoslovakia, 1902, president of the Maccabi association and active in the social-democratic movement

    1. P.62 - Peter Erben Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Czechoslovakia, and specifically the Jews of Ostrava, during the Holocaust period

    Documentation regarding the experiences of Dr. Hanus Rebenwurzel Rezek, born in Straznice, Czechoslovakia, 1902, president of the Maccabi association and active in the social-democratic movement Included in the file: - Documents regarding the circumstances of the air[craft] accident in which Dr. Rezek was killed, 1948; Rezek made aliya to Eretz Israel after the war; he enlisted in the Czech unit as an army chaplain; he was active in the rehabilitation of the Jewish community in Czechoslovakia, as the secretary of the Jewish community in Prague.

  5. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archives: Correspondence with Dr. A. Singelovsky, one of the leaders of the Geneva Organization Rehabilitation Trade (ORT) organization, regarding the urgent need for ORT activities in Poland and the DP camps in Austria

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archives: Correspondence with Dr. A. Singelovsky, one of the leaders of the Geneva Organization Rehabilitation Trade (ORT) organization, regarding the urgent need for ORT activities in Poland and the DP camps in Austria Also in the file: - Copy of a letter from the She’erith Hapletah (Survivors of the Holocaust in Europe after World War II) administration in Vienna to ORT in Geneva regarding the need for vocational training for people in the DP camps, 31 October 1946; - Circular issued by ORT calling upon the refugees in Switzerland to participate in vocational trai...

  6. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Reports and surveys (Numbers 1-12) regarding the situation of the Jews in Italy and Greece

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Reports and surveys (Numbers 1-12) regarding the situation of the Jews in Italy and Greece Also in the file: - Reports regarding the situation of the refugees from Poland in Italy and regarding the survivors of the ship, "Pentcho", 22 April 1943; - Survey issued by the Greek Information Bureau in Cairo, 1944 (?), regarding the situation of the Greek Jews before and during World War II, the deportation of the Jews of Thessaloniki and the sympathetic treatment of the Jews by the Greek population; - Testimony of a refugee from Athens who arrived in Istanbul re...

  7. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Letters and various reports regarding Jewish youth activities

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Letters and various reports regarding Jewish youth activities Letters regarding the situation of Jewish youth in France, vocational camps and agricultural training camps (Aliya training camps) for youth in southern France set up with support from Relico. Also in the file: - Undated report submitted by the Jewish scouts in Moissac regarding their activities at vocational training of the youth, 1940-1941; - Letters from Joseph Fisher, the General Manager of the Jewish National Fund in Lyon, regarding the treatment of youth and children, 20 March 1942 and 05 J...

  8. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archives: A few reports and letters regarding the condition of the Jews in Belgium, difficulties in emigrating to the United States, the general situation, deportations and more

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archives: A few reports and letters regarding the condition of the Jews in Belgium, difficulties in emigrating to the United States, the general situation, deportations and more Also in the file: - Detailed activities report submitted by the Belgian Underground Committee for the Defense of the Jews (Comite De Defense Des Juifs), September 1942-December 1943; a monthly budget and financial reports submitted by the municipal committees in Charleroi and Brussels are attached; - Preliminary report regarding the situation of the intellectual refugees in Belgium and the r...

  9. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the World Jewish Congress (WJC) branch in London (Dr. Silverman, A. L. Easterman, N. Barou) regarding arranging of relief for the Jews of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia by the Governments-in-Exile in En

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the World Jewish Congress (WJC) branch in London (Dr. Silverman, A. L. Easterman, N. Barou) regarding arranging of relief for the Jews of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia by the Governments-in-Exile in England and relief to Jewish refugees in Shanghai Also in the file: - Letter from Berl Locker, along with the copy of a letter to Anshel Reis, regarding the Eretz Israel legation of Polish Jews in London and activities of Dr. Ignatz Schwartzbart, 09 January 1941; - Report Number 14 submitted by Dr. Ignatz Schwartzbart regarding survivors in P...

  10. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) and with the Protestant minister, Freudenberg, regarding relatives in Poland and relief to the detainees in Vittel

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS) and with the Protestant minister, Freudenberg, regarding relatives in Poland and relief to the detainees in Vittel Also in the file: - Secret report regarding transport Number 12 of Berlin Jews, the arrival of the transport at the Warsaw Ghetto, relations between the people from the transport and those in the ghetto and a transport of Jews from Hannover, 20 April 1942.

  11. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the United States Embassy in Switzerland and with Roswell McClelland regarding the fate of those holding South American passports in the camps in Germany and in Vittel

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the United States Embassy in Switzerland and with Roswell McClelland regarding the fate of those holding South American passports in the camps in Germany and in Vittel Also in the file: - American regulation regarding limitations on the granting of visas to the United States, 01 July 1941; - Request submitted by Dr. Silberschein for United States intervention on behalf of the refugees in Spain and Portugal, 20 June 1941; - Information from the "Washington Post", 26 January 1944, and from Juedische Nachrichten, the press agency of SIG [Un...

  12. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence and reports submitted by Gisi Fleischmann from Bratislava regarding the condition of the Jews in Slovakia and Poland ("Zivia" (?)) and regarding negotiations with the Germans (Dieter Wisliceny) regarding te

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence and reports submitted by Gisi Fleischmann from Bratislava regarding the condition of the Jews in Slovakia and Poland ("Zivia" (?)) and regarding negotiations with the Germans (Dieter Wisliceny) regarding termination of the deportations Also in the file: - Report regarding the efforts to rescue refugees and children from Poland and regarding the concentration camps, 01 September 1943; a newspaper clipping from "Grenzbote", 09 February 1943, containing a speech by Alexander Mach, the Slovakian Minister of the Interior, calling for the deportati...

  13. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Lists of 6,909 deportees from various countries located in ghettos in the Lublin area, and in Majdanek, Auschwitz and Theresienstadt

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Lists of 6,909 deportees from various countries located in ghettos in the Lublin area, and in Majdanek, Auschwitz and Theresienstadt Also in the file: - Lists of children from Croatia and Germany who were transferred to Lesno Brdo via Zagreb and from Poland to Romania and Hungary; - Lists of refugees, mostly from Yugoslavia, who arrived in Switzerland via Italy; - Lists of inmates from the Ferramonti Di Tarsia camp who were granted certificates to make aliya to Eretz Israel; - List of 368 Jews in Czechoslovakia including details appearing in their passports.

  14. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Incomplete correspondence with Dr. Hans Klee, Dr. Abraham Silberschein's close friend and deputy in the Relico organization

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Incomplete correspondence with Dr. Hans Klee, Dr. Abraham Silberschein's close friend and deputy in the Relico organization Incomplete correspondence with Dr. Hans Klei, Dr. Abraham Silberschein's close friend and deputy in the Relico organization, regarding rescue certificates, contact with clergymen in Switzerland and publication of testimonies of Holocaust survivors regarding German war crimes in the ghettos and camps. Also in the file: - Lists of Jews from Eindhoven prepared for entry permits into Eretz Israel, 27 November 1943; - Letter regarding Dr. R...

  15. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, October 1945

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, אוקטובר (ב) 1945

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, October 1945 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding Jewish refugees in the DP camps in Europe; - Information regarding displays of antisemitism in Poland and Hungary extracted from letters of survivors, July-August, 1945; - A survey of the Kaunas Ghetto.

  16. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, November 1945

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, נובמבר 1945

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, November 1945 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Excerpt from a report containing a description of the situation of the Jewish refugees in Czechoslovakia; - Information regarding a refugee camp near Modena; - A survey of the Riga Ghetto; - Testimony of David Igra from Lwow who made aliya to Eretz Israel, September 1945, regarding the Bergen-Belsen camp.

  17. Memoirs of Avraham Margaliot, born in Hamburg, Germany, 1920, regarding his experiences in Germany as a child, escape attempts, detentions and deportation to Zbaszyn

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957
    • דברי זכרון מימי הדיפורטציה הראשונה

    Memoirs of Avraham Margaliot, born in Hamburg, Germany, 1920, regarding his experiences in Germany as a child, escape attempts, detentions and deportation to Zbaszyn Displays of antisemitism in schools in Germany during the 1930s; situation of the Jews in Germany before the first deportation, September-October 1938; emigration attempts, adaptation to the reality; expansion of the Jewish cultural and social institutions; contact with the Zionist movement in Eretz Israel. Detention of Jews of Polish origin in Hamburg and their deportation to Zbaszyn on the Polish-German border, 28 October 193...

  18. Memoirs of Pinchas Aloni, regarding his escape from Belgium to France and his experiences in Paris and the south of France during the war

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Memoirs of Pinchas Aloni, regarding his escape from Belgium to France and his experiences in Paris and the south of France during the war Escape from Belgium to France at the start of the war; arrival to Paris via the Pas d'Artois village in the Nord region along with other refugees; escape to Toulouse and Nimes; life under Vichy rule: anti-Jewish legislation and detentions; receives help from the local population; escape to the Italian occupied zone; attitude of the Italian authorities toward the Jews; collapse of the Italian regime; escape to Nice, Nimes and Avignon.

  19. Memoirs of Benedikt Friedman, born in Lwow, Poland, 1910, regarding his experiences in Lwow and in labor camps in Austria during the war

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Memoirs of Benedikt Friedman, born in Lwow, Poland, 1910, regarding his experiences in Lwow and in labor camps in Austria during the war Jewish life in Poland before the war. German attack on Lwow; Soviet occupation of Lwow; giving of equal rights to the Jews, and the Soviet policies toward Jewish refugees; German occupation of Lwow, and persecution of Jews by the Ukrainians; anti-Jewish legislation and decrees by the German authorities against the Jewish residents; establishment of the Judenrat, confiscation of property, collection of monies, and other measures. The file includes: testimon...

  20. Documentation regarding the activities of the OSE and the JDC organizations in various countries in Europe, 1939-1945

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding the activities of the OSE and the JDC organizations in various countries in Europe, 1939-1945 - Documentation regarding the activities of the OSE organization in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Yugoslavia; - Correspondence between Saly Mayer and Boris Tschlenoff regarding the financing of a shipment of medicine and the care of children in those countries (the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Yugoslavia), by the JDC organization; - Issue of the "News Bulletin", June 1941, regarding the aims of the OSE organization in the United States; - Documentation regarding a...