Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 47,121 to 47,140 of 55,889
  1. Miriam H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Miriam H., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1912. She recalls her marriage in 1938; her daughter's birth; German invasion; ghettoization; a round-up in which her parents, daughter, and niece were taken (she never saw them again); incarceration with her husband and sister in P?aszo?w; deportation with her sister to Auschwitz; their transfer to Theresienstadt about a year later; liberation by Soviet troops; traveling to Prague; reunion with her husband in Krako?w; living in Germany for four years; the birth of a child; and emigration to the United States. Mrs. H. disc...

  2. Nicholas A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nicholas A., who was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia in 1935. He recalls the tightly-knit Jewish community; fleeing with his mother to Italian-occupied Split; arrival of two uncles and his father; an Italian arranging their passage to Trieste on a troop ship; hiding in various places in the Macerata region from 1941 to 1944, including Sarnona, Loro Piceno, Ascoli Piceno, and Porto San Giorgio; his Catholic baptism; receiving false identity papers; police warnings of round-ups; his sister's birth in 1944; liberation; living in Milan and Rome; emigration to the United States...

  3. Manuel F. Holocaust testimony

  4. Frances E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frances E., who was born in Prague in 1920. In this vivid and insightful testimony, Mrs. E. speaks of the clash between German and Czech cultures in prewar Prague, exemplified by her parents and herself; the German occupation of Prague in March 1939 and the subsequent restrictions imposed on Jews; her family's arrest, interrogation, and release in summer 1942; and her transport, with her parents and husband, to Theresienstadt in August 1942. She describes the painful separation from her parents; her psychological breakdown upon arrival; her work in Theresienstadt; sep...

  5. Avraham T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham T., who was born in Dolný Kubín, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1916, the third of six children. He recounts his family's move to Trstená; attending a Jewish school; his family's move to Pestújhely in 1923; his mother's long-term hospitalization; living with relatives; his father's death; one brother's emigration to Palestine in 1933; moving to Bratislava; participating in Mizrahi; working in Ostrava; joining a Mizrahi kibbutz; moving to Nováky; he and his brother boarding a ship for Palestine; being returned to Slovakia; working in Pie...

  6. Leon B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon B., who was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1925. He recounts volunteering for the Army in 1943; encountering racism as an African-American soldier; posting to Europe in a segregated unit with the 3rd Army; participating in the Battle of the Bulge; entering Buchenwald; his shock at the conditions, including the pervasive stench, piles of corpses everywhere, and emaciated survivors resembling the "walking dead"; and witnessing prisoners beating a guard. Mr. B. discusses his career as an educator; involvement in the civil rights movement; and not sharing his ...

  7. Arie D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arie D., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania), one of two sons. He recounts attending Poalei Zion and Tarbut schools; joining Hashomer Hatzair at age twelve; attending their summer camp in Nemenčinė; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; participating in a Zionist march with Abba Kovner in 1938; attending engineering school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; an Austrian soldier providing protected jobs for him; his father's kidnapping in summer 1941; ghettoization; his mother and brother (Henoch D.) leaving the ghetto; the Austrian soldier ...

  8. Marianne B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marianne B., who was born in Breslau, Germany. She recalls family participation in the city's high culture; her father's strong German identity; the importance of music in the family; their affluent lifestyle; emigration to Paris to join her future husband; and her sister's marriage in England in 1938. Ms. B. describes learning of her father's incarceration in Buchenwald; his release as a broken man; her parents emigrating to England; her father's hospitalization in a mental institution; his release; subsequent suicide attempts; and his internment on the Isle of Wight...

  9. Marie L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria L., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1931. She recounts her family's move to Brussels in 1932; their assimilated lifestyle; not realizing she was Jewish; German invasion; a futile attempt to escape to France; not registering as Jews; living with her parents in the home of her father's boss; continuing to attend school; their arrest in July 1944; insisting they were Greek, not Jewish; her father being beaten; deportation to Malines, then to Birkenau eight days later; prisoners instructing her to say she was older; separation from the men (she never saw he...

  10. Marian N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marian N., who was born in s?-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands in 1938. She has no memory of her German Jewish parents who placed her with a non-Jewish business associate in Geldrop before they hid in 1941. Mrs. N. recalls being moved to the Martins family in Horst, where she posed as a cousin from the city; playing with her "brothers," the Martins' two children; participating in church services and holiday celebrations; attending a convent school; bombings; German soldiers quartered in their home; and receiving candy from Canadian troops who liberated the area. She recount...

  11. Solomon R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon R., who was born in Komarov, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1920. He recalls moving to ?o?dz? when he was seven; working from age twelve onward; German invasion; attempting to reach Warsaw; capture by Germans; train transport to Germany, then back to Poland two weeks later; forced labor in Krako?w; being released; returning to ?o?dz?; ghettoization; frequent shootings; difficulty obtaining food; volunteering for forced labor in Germany so his family would receive compensation; working in Frankfurt an-der-Oder from December 1940 onward; transfer to a factory nea...

  12. Ferdinand G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ferdinand G., who was born in Tern?a, Slovakia in 1912. He recalls his family's multi-generational roots in his town; attending schools in Pres?ov, Kos?ice, Vrbove?, Prague, and then medical school in Bratislava; Slovak independence and alliance with Germany; anti-Jewish regulations, including his expulsion from medical school; a failed attempt to escape to Switzerland; returning to the family farm in Tern?a; deportations of relatives in spring 1942; helping a cousin hide; transfer to Vrbove? in summer 1944; escaping a round-up which included his parents; hiding in vi...

  13. Ezra L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ezra L., who was born in 1927, in Czechoslovakia. He recounts cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; his father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; his return in 1944; his father arranging for a non-Jew to take Mr. L. and his brother; ghettoization of his parents and three younger siblings in Khust; hiding in the forest with his brother; assistance from partisans; building underground bunkers; three Jewish girls joining them; a Catholic family providing food; brief separation from his brother; liberation by Soviet troops; returning to his f...

  14. Rose W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose W., who was born in Sandomierz, Poland, in 1921. Mrs. W. recalls the sizeable Jewish population and considerable antisemitism of her home town; the outbreak of the war; traveling throughout Poland as a non-Jew, doing trade in order to support her family; her deportation, along with two siblings, to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; working first in Werk B in a HASAG munitions factory, where she was aided by a Polish girl, and later in Werk A, where she witnessed the deterioration and disappearance of her brother; and her transfer to Cze?stochowa and slave labor there. She spe...

  15. Philippe P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Philippe P., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1937. He recalls his upper middle-class upbringing; fleeing to France after the German invasion; his father's brief service in the Polish Army; moving to Marseille; living in one room with his parents, aunt, and uncle; his mother working as a dressmaker to support them; moving to Lyon; never being told he was Jewish for safety reasons; food shortages; air bombardments; his mother recovering their false papers from the police; staying briefly with an aunt in the country; living with a Catholic family in a village near Ly...

  16. Ola S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ola S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1914. She recalls her assimilated family; economic difficulties as antisemitism increased; German invasion; her brother's escape to Soviet territory and her sister's to Vilna, Japan, then Canada; marriage; ghettoization and subsequent poverty, starvation, deportations (including her parents), relocations, forced labor, and smuggling; and her husband's job as a policeman which enabled her to be smuggled as a boy into a forced labor camp in March 1943. She describes a former maid's efforts to hide her; obtaining false papers; wo...

  17. Cecilia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cecelia K., who was born in Yasinya, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, the youngest of six children. She describes her family's orthodoxy; attending public school; her father's death in 1936; membership in Hashomer Hatzair; a brother and sister emigrating to Palestine in 1939; Hungarian occupation; losing their citizenship; her mother's and sister's arrests; a family friend obtaining their release; her brother hiding her with her mother in Hor?ice for about eight months; moving to Nyi?regyha?za when her brother's arrest was imminent; working in a dental lab ...

  18. Helga F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helga F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926. She recounts increasing anti-Jewish actions; expulsion from public school in 1936; attending Jewish school; visiting relatives in Sweden who warned them to emigrate; her sense that Kristallnacht marked the end of her childhood; fleeing to Paris with her parents; her father's incarceration as an enemy alien prior to German invasion; his return after the invasion; his death from a heart attack in 1942; anti-Jewish regulations; being rounded-up with her mother in the Ve?lodrome d'hiver; her mother's release due to an inf...

  19. Marion C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marion C., who was born in Warsaw, Poland. He recounts his father's death; graduating from an industrial school in 1939; antisemitic incidents; German invasion; enlisting in the Polish army; returning to Warsaw from the Soviet-occupied zone to care for his mother, who died before his arrival; working for a Jewish welfare organization; marriage; ghettoization; working for the Judenrat; the Jewish police force's active role in deportations; his father-in-law's killing; escaping from the Umschlagplatz with assistance from a Polish policeman; hiding with his wife, aunt, a...