Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,641 to 4,660 of 56,066
  1. Sydney Asher collection

    Photographs in envelopes of the Pedescala Massacre which took place between April 30th and May 2nd 1945 in Val d’Astico, Italy north of Vicenza in three municipalities, Pedescala, Forni, and Setteca`. The images were acquired by Donor’s husband, Sydney, who was in the 5th Army and who was a lawyer so given the task of investigating the atrocities. Includes an envelope labeled “Vittime di Pedescola” or Victims of Pedescola.

  2. Golodetz family papers

    The collection contains letters sent to Alexander Golodetz from his parents Wita and Mendel Golodetz and other relatives in Poland. Alexander received the letters in New York after his immigration there in 1938. The bulk of the letters are pre-war, sent between June 1938 and August 1939. Included with the collection are donor-provided English translations of the letters. There are three wartime translated letters without the originals, including one from Alexander’s uncle Fishel Landau and the last letter received from his father in the Soviet Union dated 11 February 1941. Also included in ...

  3. Fundación IWO Archive-Idisher Visnshaflekher Institute in Argentina Archivo de la Fundación IWO-Instituto Científico Judío en Argentina

    This collection contains organizational records, photographs, newspaper clippings, etc. Files are arranged at the folder level. The documents relate to the arrival of survivor artists, correspondence with artists, writers and other personalities in the aftermath of World War II, cultural activities and publishing projects of survivors.

  4. Selected records of the General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej w Gdańsku (Sygn. 259)

    Selected records of the office of the Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Gdańsku (General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk). Consist of reports, agreements, negotiations of the High Commissioner of the League of Nations in Gdańsk on the situation in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig), attacks on Poles and Polish property; records on paramilitary and other German organization, recruitment to NSDAP, Anti-Jewish actions of the National Socialists, attacks on Polish scouts and Polish families in Gdansk; political reports of the General Commissioner RP in Gdańsk on the...

  5. Ole Barfoed collection (Group 860: IV.T.48.O)

    The collection of Ole Barfoed consist of correspondence and reports, mainly from Jews relating to their escape to Sweden during the occupation of World War II, copies of miscellaneous documents from archives, and private notes. During the 1950s Ole Barfoed worked with some 70 Danish Jews who had escaped to Sweden during World War II and persuaded them to write down their accounts of their experiences from that time. The majority of these firsthand accounts were written by Jews who were well connected in society, and who also, for the most part, were above average in terms of personal financ...

  6. District Authority of Vsetín Okresní úřad Vsetín

    Administrative records of Vsetín, a town in the Zlín region. Features records pertaining to cultural and school affairs, including anti-Jewish measures and the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets.

  7. Drawing

    Postcard with self-portrait in front of brick wall and text by donor's father, Janos Gombosi

  8. Help Keep U.S. Out of War pin back buttons on display board

    Help Keep U.S. Out of War pin back buttons on cardboard display board. The board and buttons are dated 1939.

  9. Marcel Zauberman collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Marcel Zauberman, originally of Lens, France, who fled German-occupied France and survived the war from 1943-1945 in Hôme de la Forêt, a Swiss boys home in Geneva. Included is Marcel’s Swiss-issued refugee identification document (Flüchtlingsausweis) and photographs documenting his time at Hôme de la Forêt. The photographs are numbered by the donor and he has provided the following descriptions (descriptions run left to right): 1. Kneeling: Jean Levy-Loeb, Michel Levy-Loeb, Rudolph; Standing: Annie (staff), Leopold, Victor (staff), Simon...

  10. Luger P08 pistol, holster, and magazine captured by a Yugoslavian partisan

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn709051
    • English
    • 1920-1922
    • a: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 8.500 inches (21.59 cm) b: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 9.250 inches (23.495 cm) c: Height: 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) | Width: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Depth: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm)

    Luger P08 pistol, holster, and magazine captured by Shmuel Mizrahi from a German sergeant during a battle in the fall of 1944, near Zvornik and the Drina River in Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Luger P08 was first designed in 1898 by Georg Luger and manufactured by Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabriken (DWM). Production of P08 Lugers would last until 1942, with a total of approximately two million units produced. Shmuel Mizrahi lived in the North Macedonian region of Yugoslavia, and was active in the communist party and Hashomer Hatzair, a Zionist youth movement. On April 6, ...

  11. Emigration Fund for Bohemia and Moravia, Office in Brno Auswanderungfonds für Böhmen und Mähren (B 392)

    Consists of records pertaining to expropriated and liquidated Jewish businesses and real estate, includes individual cases, 1939-1942. The collection also features documentation about the deportation and transports to concentration camps of Czech Jews.

  12. Gerta Solan collection

    Collection of approximately 27 family photographs documenting Gerta Solan with her parents, grandparents, family and friends before and after WWII in and around Prague.

  13. Selected records of the Sondergericht bei dem Landgericht Zichanau Sąd Specjalny przy Sądzie Krajowym w Ciechanowie (Sygn. 644/III) : Wybrane materialy

    Criminal cases against Poles and Jews for theft, smuggling, fencing, illegal trade of meat, bread, and helping Jews. The accused people were sentenced to very severe punishments: death penalty, concentration camp, a prison camp, and a fine. Most of the prisoners did not survive.

  14. Selected records of the Office of the District Starosta in Łódź Starostwo Grodzkie Łódzkie (Sygn. 334) : Wybrane materiały

    Cases and registers of foreigners, and the index of Polish citizenship certificates.

  15. Orbach family papers

    The collection primarily consists of Holocaust-era photographs of the Orbach family, originally of Częstochowa, Poland. Includes depictions of Elias and Dobra Orbach, their sons Heniek (in the center) and Cadok. The photograph of Cadok (on the left) was taken in France shortly after he was liberated from the Buchenwald concentration camp. Also included is Zeev Orbach’s Association des Anciens Prisonniers Hitleriens Israel card which lists him as a prisoner of the Tschenstochau (Częstochowa) and Buchenwald camps.

  16. Sightseeing in Berlin and German-occupied Paris

    Side street. German officer stands next to a car: “M30 Pf4 4 To.” He kneels beside the car and talks to a mechanic working underneath it. He climbs up to the driver’s seat. River. People ride bikes. The Schlossbrücke bridge in Mitte, Berlin, with the Berliner Dom in the BG. The Pont d'Iéna bridge across the River Seine in Paris, and the Eiffel tower. Large building with a dome. Other Paris buildings. The Luxor Obelisk at the Place de la Concorde, with the L'église de la Madeleine in the BG shot from the Pont de la Concorde. The Arc de Triomphe on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Corner of Rue...

  17. Louis Lex, Jr. collection

    Contains a black-and-white photographic print of a pile of corpses in the newly-liberated Dachau concentration camp, kept in an envelope from Rays Photo Service, La Crosse, Wisconsin; no inscription on verso. The image was part of a series taken by the Yugoslav Prisoner Committee and widely distributed to American soldiers; dated May 4, 1945. Acquired by Private Louis Lex, Jr. (donor’s father) who served in the US Army during WWII as a member of the 66th Black Panther Division, 264th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.

  18. Collection of materials for the history of the Jewish population in Łódź Zbiór materiałów do dziejów ludności żydowskiej w Łodzi (Sygn.205)

    This collection contains records relating to the history of the Jewish population in Łódź between 1939-1945. Includes bulletins, lists of various economic investments, a city administration telephone directory and correspondence, a collection of documents related to the creation of the ghetto, information leaflets (NSDP), court files in civil cases, correspondence of the Police (Gestapo. Geheime Staatspolitzei Litzmannstadt), lists of displaced people to Germany, Himmler directives, military messages from Hitler's headquarters, statistical summaries on the Łódź real estate, name lists of te...

  19. Rosenzweig family collection

    Telephone directory, dated November 1939, of immigrants in Shanghai, China. Alphabetical directory containing the names of each Shanghai resident, their original city [such as Vienna, Austria], their profession and their Shanghai address. Also included are the names of the Shanghai Jewish committee. Used by Nuta and Dina Rosenzweig [donor’s paternal grandparents] who fled with their son from Frankfurt, Germany in winter 1938-39 for Shanghai after Nuta was arrested and imprisoned at Dachau concentration camp.