Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 421 to 440 of 56,066
  1. Birenbaum-Flescher family. Collection

    This collection consists of a studio portrait of Salka Flescher and a casual portrait of siblings Jenny alias Schenja, Esther alias Erna and Joseph Birenbaum

  2. Betti Blaugrund. Collection

    This collection contains : a children's desk and chair used by Aline and Jacques Klajn before their deportation in October 1942 ; clogs carved for Betti Blaugrund by Louis Ceulemans while she was in hiding at the Ceulemans-Gryson farm in Aarschot ; a pre-war suitcase used by Betti Blaugrund’s family to store photos ; photos of the extended Blaugrund-Berlinski family, including photos of the Klajn-Berlinski family, the Berlinski-Frenkiel family and the Guzy-Berlinski family ; pre-war photos of family vacations at the Belgian coast ; wartime photos of Betti Blaugrund with Louis and Odile Ceul...

  3. Diary of dr. Alfons Van Orshoven. Collection

    This collection consists of three elements. First is a diary by Alfons Van Orshoven which he noted at Bergen-Belsen itself during his volunteering work, the first entry dating from 24 May 1945 and the last from 4 August 1945. Within the diary, there are some numbered pages which, however, remain unwritten. Among the things and people mentioned inside is friend and fellow year-old Prof. Jozef Vandepitte (called "Pitten") who was one of the other doctors that came to Bergen-Belsen together with Alfons. Second, there is a notebook in which are written the disease symptoms and treatment of pati...

  4. Silberman-Holzer family. Collection

    This collection contains: an audio-visual testimony by Myriam Silberman in which she recounts her life during the war, including the experiences of her father Efraim Silberman who was sent to a work camp in Northern France run by Organisation Todt and who escaped transport XVI taking him to Auschwitz-Birkenau, the help Myriam, her sister Anna alias Annie Silberman and their mother Euga alias Augusta Holzer received from their former housekeeper Marie in Antwerp and from Righteous amongst the Nations Charles Ollinger and Odon Dubois who hid the family in Mons under the false name “Steurs”, l...

  5. Stern-Lachs family. Collection

    This collection contains: 14 photos of Mayer Stern, his wife Flora Lachs and their children Norbert and Beatrice alias Beate Stern ; a certificate of naturalisation issued to Beate Stern by the United States government in 1953 ; newspaper clipping regarding a music prize won by piano prodigy Norbert Stern at the Brussels conservatory before the war.

  6. Jablonowicz-Herszaft family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos of Frieda Herszaft, including one on which she poses with her twin sons Robert and Salomon Jablonowicz.

  7. Paul Marcel Italie. Collection

    This collection contains four photos of the Italie-Hausdorff family, including two portraits of oldest son Paul Marcel Italie and a photo of Paul Marcel Italie with friends.

  8. Marie-Jeanne Borghmans. Collection

    This collection contains the memoirs of Marie-Jeanne Borghmans in which she addresses the following topics: her own family tree ; the connections her father Jozef Borghmans had with the resistance in Leuven and with the Jewish Rothschild-Florsheim family living in Kessel-Lo ; daily life at the Borghmans family home with the Russian-Jewish couple Lazare Galperin (born on 24 August 1892 in Proskurov, Russia, today Khmelnytskyy in Ukraine) and Freide alias Frieda Engelmann (born on 13 February 1897 in Lwow, Poland, today Lviv, Ukraine) hidden in their attic (including information on medical tr...

  9. Diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia to Matus Kugel. Collection

    A diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia, represented by Baron O. de Bogaerde, Minister Plenipotentiary, to Matus and Chaja Kugel-Rubin, granting them diplomatic immunity and allowing them to travel to Spain and Portugal. The passport also contains wartime visa for Italy and Monaco.

  10. Schmidt-Kolinski family. Collection

    Letters and postcards sent by nuns of the Institut Enfant Jésus in Ciney to Rosa Kolinski, the mother of hidden children Armand Schmidt and Rachel Schmidt. Pictures of Armand Schmidt as a hidden child at the Institut Enfant Jésus, photos of the nuns and the monastery, and of Armand Schmidt with family members on vacation after the war.

  11. Shifra Senderowicz. Collection

    This collection contains one video-interview with Shifra Senderowicz recorded at Kazerne Dossin, one wedding book dating from 1940 of Jenö (Jano) Grünberger and Cecilia Stern, one Belgian passport of Shifra Senderowicz and fifteen photographs of her family members including Jenö (Jano) Grünberger, Cecilia Stern, Chaskel Stern, Miriam Brohner, Marie Grünberger and others.

  12. David Pelc. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of David Pelc, two yellow stars bought but never worn by David Pelc, two pre-war and three post-war photos of Sonia Hailstone (alias Aimée Cuypers and Sonia Anoutchin), four forms sent by David Pelc and his cousin Jacob Peltz to Sonia's address, and the envelope in which Sonia kept the documents.

  13. Marion Finkels-Kreith. Collection

    This collection consists of: the little suitcase Marion carried her books in when going to Jewish school in Hamburg ; three pages from Marion's photo album from Cuba ; five war-time photos of Marion Finkels in Havana, Cuba ; two excerpts from Marion's diary ; an interview with Judy Kreith regarding the story of her mother Marion Finkels-Kreith ; a post-war photo of Marion and the suitcase she took with her to Cuba ; a post-war photo of Judy Kreith with Michel Fischler, son of Marion's friend from Cuba Bram Fischler ; "The Quiz Box", a story written by Marion Finkels post-war regarding her l...

  14. Hakker-Wach family. Collection

    This collection contains four biscuit boxes with prints referring to "Antwerpse handjes", the cookie invented by Joseph Hakker, grandfather of the donor ; seven baking tins used in the Hakker bakery, including a mould to cut "Antwerpse handjes" ; three tablecloths from Phylis Wach's trousseau ; three pieces of table silver owned by Phylis's father Wolf Wach ; documents including adds published by the Hakker bakery, several postcards sent from the Dossin barracks and the Drancy transit camp, and a booklet with notes on the illness of his mother Rachel Simons by Simon Hakker ; photos illustra...

  15. Suzanne Moons and Andrée Geulen. Collection

    KD_00030_0001 : Personal diary of Andrée Geulen in which she wrote down the name, age and hiding place of 1,079 jewish children whom she and (presumably) colleagues Brigitte Moons or Ida Sterno accompanied to their hiding place by order of the Jewish Defence Committee. The booklet is only accessible at the Kazerne Dossin research centre. KD_00030_0002 : Expense claims filed by the children's ward of the Jewish Defence Committee and delivered to Suzanne Moons (Madame Brigitte). These documents are only accessible at the Kazerne Dossin research centre. KD_00030_0003 : Photos of staff members ...

  16. Reisdorf-Eskenazi family. Collection

    This collection contains: a demobilization and travel permit issued to lieutenant-medic Joseph Reisdorf after the Belgian surrender, 1940 ; photocopies of two photos of the friends of Habib alias Robert Eskenazi demanding his release from the Saint-Cyprien internment camp by holding a sign, 1940 ; a wartime ID issued to doctor Joseph Reisdorf by the Red Cross of Belgium, 1944 ; a post-war ID issued to Joseph Reisdorf by ‘Organisation sanitaire belge resistante – Belgische gezondheidsweerstandsorganisatie’ (OSBR) [Resilient Belgian health organization], 1944 ; a post-war ID issued to Joseph ...

  17. Transportlisten. Collection

    The Transportlisten series consists of two parts : KD_00013_01 : The first part contains the carbon doubles of the original lists of all transports (Jews, Roma and Sinti) from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Vittel and Bergen-Belsen. Each sheet contains the names of 10 to 20 deportees on a specific transport, their place and date of birth, their profession and their nationality. In some cases the date of arrival at the Dossin barracks is mentioned in the top left corner of the page. The handwritten notes were added by the Director...

  18. Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. Collection

    This collection contains a card to Tony Samuel's great uncle, Harry Karet (1906-1999), sent by Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. The card conveys Jewish New Year's greetings. "I am blessing you and your family with G'mar Chatimah Tovah (literal translation: 'a good final sealing') - said at Yom Kippur, referring to the Book of Life) May God give you a year of life, blessing and success, wealth and honor," the message (in Hebrew) says. In 1938, 14 September marked the Jewish New Year. However, Yom Kippur occurred on 5 October. This card's message may be a little late in some ways, but there may be good...

  19. Rochman-Malberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of Syma Tema Malberg and her children Chaim Rochman, Szaja alias Charles Rochman, Ruchla Rochman and Bernard Rochman ; pre-war photos of Chaim Rochman, his wife Brajna Mejerzon, their son Joseph Abraham Rochman and other relatives ; pre-war photos of Szaja alias Charles Rochman with comrades such as Emile Lovenvirth and Aba Arhimovici ; two pre-war albums with photos of Szaja alias Charles Rochman and his wife Laja (also Loli or Liliane) Celmanska, including holiday pictures and photos taken during outings with fiends ; pre-war photos of Laja Celmans...

  20. Spinat-Toledano family. Collection

    This collection contains 34 photos, including : the Spinat children relaxing on the balcony of the family home in Antwerp, the Spinat children playing in the snow and with a dog, the Spinat children posing in the garden of their home in Antwerp, Doris (Dodi) Spinat dressed for a wedding, scenes depicting life at the La-Bas children's home in Aische-en-Refail led by the Association of Jews in Belgium, and a daughter of the Goffinet family which hid Doris Spinat in Péruwelz during the last weeks of the war.