Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,761 to 43,780 of 55,889
  1. David K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David K., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1937. He recounts moving to Spišská Nová Ves in 1941; attending cheder; his grandmother's arrest; living with his aunt in another town; conversion to Protestantism with his brother for protection; their placement in a convent orphanage; affection for a sister who cared for him when he was sick; awareness of other Jewish children; warm relations among the Christian and Jewish children; being hidden during German searches; the director's arrest; attending church; his uncle's visit (he was a partisan); evacuation in Ap...

  2. Vilma H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vilma H., who was born in Szollos, Czechoslovakia (presently Vynohradiv, Ukraine) in 1921. She recalls her family's comfortable life; Czechoslovakia's liberal atmosphere which resulted in their minimizing the danger of German antisemitism; Hungarian occupation; antisemitic restrictions; ghettoization; deportation with her family to Auschwitz; separation from her father, mother, sister, and niece (she never saw them again); assignment sorting clothing; providing friends with clothes; the pervasive odor of burning flesh; volunteering for transfer; forced labor in a Sude...

  3. Marianne G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marianne G., who was born in Hagen, Germany, in 1924. Mrs. G. recalls her parents' hat and yardage business; ostracism by non-Jewish schoolmates and teachers; her parents' decision in 1936 to sell their business and move to Dordrecht, Holland; her grandmother's arrival from Germany; the loss of other relatives who remained; the 1940 German invasion; moving to Gorinchem when Jews were forbidden to live in coastal areas; and a warning from Dutch police that she and her sister go into hiding. She tells of a Dutch family, active in the resistance, which provided her famil...

  4. Shirley K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shirley K., who was born in Oshmyany, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1930. She recalls Soviet occupation; German invasion; the murder of all Jewish men including her father; ghettoization; hiding cousins; aktions; and deportation to a labor camp with her mother, sister, and other relatives in 1942. Mrs. K. recounts slave labor in Poniewiez?; selection of her grandmother, sister, and cousins (she never saw them again); several transfers ending at Stutthof; learning of the gas chamber; constant brutalization; a guard who allowed her to join her mother after they were sep...

  5. Sabina S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sabina S., who was born in Zawa?ow, Poland (today Zavalov, Ukraine), in 1931. Mrs. S. recalls her family being attacked by Ukrainians; seeing German soldiers who "killed with white gloves on"; ghettoization in Podhajce; hiding during Aktions; and posing as a boy to escape with her parents while digging graves in 1942. She recounts the taking of her younger sister and grandparents (who had remained behind in the ghetto); hiding in the woods with others in bunkers; assistance received from a Ukrainian family; liberation by Soviet troops in 1944; return to Podhajce; esca...

  6. Leo G. Holocaust testimony

    A follow-up, directed videotape testimony of Leo G., whose first testimony was recorded in 1980. Mr. G. discusses attending survivor gatherings; pervasive memories; his futile attempt to find his brother's body after liberation; pain upon viewing photographs from his hometown at a kibbutz founded by Be?dzin survivors; regretting that he cannot remember the names of those he buried in camps in order to tell their relatives; his agony imagining his parents' and siblings' suffering; constantly seeing their faces; knowing other people can sympathize, but never understand; being left for dead af...

  7. Julius H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julius H., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1918 to a family of six children. He tells of the anti-Jewish atmosphere in Cze?stochowa; antisemitic incidents increasing after 1933; membership in the Zionist organization Gordonyah; German invasion; escaping mass killings; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; harsh conditions and slave labor; actions of the Judenrat; recovery from typhus; and liquidation of the hospital. Mr. H. details hiding his parents and sister in a bunker; liquidation of the ghetto; selection for slave labor in factories in the remaining "s...

  8. Edita S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edita S., who was born in Červený Kostelec, Czechoslovakia in 1920. She describes her assimilated and close, extended family; visits to her grandparents in Chcebuz; moving to Prague; marriage in 1940; following her husband to Theresienstadt in December 1941; a two-month transfer to Křivoklát, where conditions were better under Czech guards; return to Theresienstadt; obtaining cigarettes for her father; comforting her mother; her father's death in June 1944; her husband's deportation to Auschwitz that fall; volunteering to join him (she never saw her mother again);...

  9. Yoel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yoel S., who was born in Rus, Romania in 1928, one of four children. He recounts attending a public school, cheder, then a Jewish school in Cluj in 1938; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including his school closing; his mother's death; attending carpentry school; returning home; his father's remarriage; deportation with his family to the Dej ghetto, then Auschwitz; separation from his father and younger brother; assignment with his twin brother to the twins barracks; a prisoner smuggling him to the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); transfer two weeks later ...

  10. Maurice S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1915. He recalls joining a Zionist organization in spite of his family's Hasidic roots; antisemitic harassment; attending a private Hebrew school; emigration with his family to Antwerp, Belgium in 1929; joining his father's business; fleeing toward France during the German invasion; returning; moving to Brussels in late 1941 or early 1942 after receiving German orders to report for work; obtaining false papers; placing his parents in hiding with an Italian woman; removing them after Germans came and the woman protected the...

  11. Shelley Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shelley Z., who was born in Zboriv, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1935. He recalls Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish violence and round-ups; ghettoization; crowding, starvation, and disease; his father's contacts with a non-Jew while working outside the ghetto; being smuggled out with help from his father's contact; hiding with his parents and brother in the contact's attic; fleeing to the woods when their hiding place was discovered; returning since there were no other options; their contact and his brother digging a hole for them in his cellar; hiding ...

  12. Pepa G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pepa G., who was born in Buchach, Poland in 1924. She recalls Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; one brother being killed in 1941 (he volunteered for work to save the family); hiding in a basement during round-ups; going to another town to hide; her father being killed; returning to Buchach; her mother not returning when she went to find a better hiding place; separation from her brother; going to a Polish village where she knitted and crocheted for Polish families; their warnings of German raids; liberation in March 1944; returning to Buchach; stayin...

  13. Leon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon S., who was born in Germany in 1905. He describes moving to Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1910; involvement with a Zionist youth movement; living in Palestine from 1923-1926; returning to Cze?stochowa at his father's request; marriage and the birth of two sons; and his prosperous business. He recounts increasingly restrictive legislation against the Jews by the Germans; escaping round-ups in the ghetto; cooperating with the Germans to save Jews; activities in the underground; escaping deportation to Radom because he was considered valuable by the Germans; constant effo...

  14. Geoffrey D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Geoffrey D., a Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1924, the younger of two sons. He recounts attending Catholic school; German invasion; fleeing briefly; his mother's involvement in the Resistance; he and his brother cutting German telephone cables; joining a resistance unit; his parents arranging for him and his brother to escape to England in 1943; their arrest; incarceration in Fresnes; separation from his brother; transfer to Aix-la-Chapelle /Aachen; learning their "smuggler" was a double-agent; solitary confinement for eight months; seeing his brother...

  15. Martin G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin G., who was born in Nowe Miasto, Poland. He describes working in the family bakery; belonging to Hashomer Hatzair and Betar; German invasion; his grandfather's shooting because he did not obey orders (he was deaf); anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; social services provided by the Judenrat; his mother's death; transfer with his father and brothers to P?on?sk in 1942; separation from his father upon arrival at Auschwitz; separation from his younger brother during a selection; forced labor in a gravel pit, then as a plumber cleaning sewer pipes; his older broth...

  16. Hanne S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanne S., who was born in Hagen, Germany in 1922. She recalls her parents' successful millinery and yarn shop; attending lyceum; expulsion due to anti-Jewish laws; Nazi intimidation of their non-Jewish customers; escalating vandalism; their emigration to Dordrecht, Netherlands; her parents establishing a similar store; attending school; German invasion; compulsory transfer inland to Gorinchem; her parents' decision to go into hiding with the help of non-Jewish friends (the Hucks); being separated from her sister and parents to hide with a farm family; moving when susp...

  17. Emrich G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emrich G., who was born in Ivanka Pri Nitre, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1925, one of two children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending a local elementary school; high school in Nitra; anti-Jewish laws in March 1939, resulting in school expulsion; training as a dental assistant; confiscation of the family business; deportation by Hlinka guard to Sered in March 1942, then a week later to Majdanek; slave labor building a camp; arrival of his uncle, then his father in April; arranging to be together; observing an officer smothering his uncle ...

  18. Joseph D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph D., who was born in Bangha?zi?, Libya in 1921. He recalls his father's death at age five; cordial relations with non-Jewish Italians; Zionist activities; increasing anti-Jewish legislation with the rise of fascism; expulsion from a secular school; attending a Jewish school; compulsory work on Saturdays; the arrival of Austrian Jewish refugees; outbreak of war; anti-Jewish violence by Arabs in April 1941; working as a secretary for the local Zionist organization; receiving protection from his non-Jewish employer; refusing to take false papers and live among non-...

  19. Helena H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena H., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1918, one of six children. She recounts she and her sister living with a family in Turka to learn violin and attend school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; attending a Zionist conference in Uz︠h︡horod; obtaining a visa to the United States in Lʹviv in 1939; Soviet occupation; joining her family in Turka; marriage to a physician; German invasion; Ukrainian violence against Jews; finding her cousin's body; round-ups and mass killings; her son's birth; hiding with a non-Jewis...