Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,561 to 43,580 of 55,889
  1. Paula K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paula K. who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1924, the oldest of six children. She recalls her father building a bunker prior to the war; German invasion; ghettoization; family members hiding from aktions in their bunker; deportation of many relatives; selling clothes for food; and forced labor in a munitions plant. Mrs. K. recounts episodes when she was almost killed; carrying bombs for partisans; liquidation of the small ghetto when her mother and three siblings were killed; working with her father, brother and sister in HASAG-Pelzery; hiding with her sister dur...

  2. Tugomir B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tugomir B., who was born out-of-wedlock in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1932 to a Jewish father and Serbian-Orthodox mother, a physician. He recounts having no contact with his father; German invasion; his mother joining the Chetniks to protect him from Nazi anti-Jewish persecution; moving to Požega; traveling around with Chetnik groups (some knew he was Jewish); his mother instructing Chetnik medics in Gorobilje; placement with a family in Druzetici; hiding in the mountains during German raids; liberation; learning his mother was saved from reprisals against Chetniks by ...

  3. Hilda S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hilda S., who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1930. She recalls her brother's emotional illness; attending a Jewish school (the Philanthropin) due to the Nuremberg laws; Kristallnacht; her father's arrest; his release since he had a United States visa; and leaving with her brother on a children's transport to Brussels. She describes living in an orphanage; her brother's transfer to Ghell, a town which cared for handicapped people; German invasion; her guilt thinking she endangered the orphanage (there were six Jewish children there); leaving school in 1942 when it b...

  4. Herbert K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herbert K., who was born in Peiskretscham, Germany in 1926. He discusses his prewar childhood; beatings and ostracism by classmates; damage to his family's business on Kristallnacht; their unsuccessful emigration attempt from Hamburg aboard the luxury liner St. Louis; the return to France, where he was separated from his parents; and life in a children's home in Montmorency, outside Paris. He relates his move to unoccupied France and employment in a bakery; internment in a camp in Creuse by French militia; and his escape and subsequent illegal life with false papers. ...

  5. Tomas K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tomas K., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1929, the younger of two children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; harassment by Hitler Youth starting in 1939; a German neighbor warning him when it was dangerous to go out; expulsion from school; not wearing the yellow star after being harassed for having it; eviction from their apartment in 1940; their landlord allowing them to stay briefly, then reporting them to Hlinka guard; confiscation of the family business; his sister being smuggled to Hungary when deportations started; ...

  6. Hugo P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hugo P., who was born in Slivni?k, Czechoslovakia in 1922, one of eight children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; their successful businesses; an older brother's accidental death; Slovak independence; anti-Jewish laws; confiscation of the family businesses; his father's futile efforts to go to the United States (he was an American citizen); imprisonment with one brother for a month by the Hlinka guard; deportation with his family in 1940; separation from them upon arrival at Lublin; learning masonry; a German supervisor bringing him extra food; transfers to Buna/Mo...

  7. Marcel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel K., who was born in Stara? Lubovn?a, Czechoslovakia in 1924, one of six children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions after Slovak independence in March 1939; confiscations of family property by Hlinka guardsmen; deportation to Z?ilina, then Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1942; slave labor with his brother; assistance from a Polish kapo; witnessing his brother's murder by guards in May; public executions; assistance from fellow-prisoners when he was sick; assistanc...

  8. Pavla K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pavla K., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1913. She recounts her family's move to Prague in 1914; living in Bubeneč ; attending Czech school; German invasion of Poland; her father's and brother's arrest as Poles; visiting them in Ostrava; their deportation to Poland; marriage in December 1939; the birth of children in 1940 and 1942; deportation of her mother and sister to Theresienstadt; obtaining false papers in December 1942; her husband traveling to Budapest with the children; joining them; their move to Lučenec; her husband's draft into a forced labor battali...

  9. Anita S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anita S., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1930. She recalls her family's affluence; German occupation; confiscation of their house; her mother bribing an official to avoid the family's deportation; her uncle's suicide in 1940; deportation with her family to Theresienstadt in 1942; living with her mother and brother; participating in organized activities, including an opera; their transfer to Auschwitz in 1943; assignment to Birkenau's family camp; her father's transfer to Germany in 1944; separation from her mother and brother (she never saw them again); trans...

  10. Josef K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef K., who was born in Lask, Poland in 1927. He recalls his father's military service; antisemitic harassment; visiting relatives in ?o?dz?; attending school for three years; spending summers in Kolumna; his father's refusal to emigrate to join relatives in Palestine; German invasion; his father's deportation to a labor camp (they never saw him again); forced labor; public hangings; ghettoization; deportation of the Jews in August 1942, including his mother and sister; being selected with his other sister for transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto; slave labor; helping each...

  11. Arthur H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur H., a non-Jew, who was born in Angleur, Belgium in 1913. He recalls his happy childhood; socialist activities; working as a journalist; marriage; his daughter's birth; German invasion; fleeing to Poitiers, then Toulouse; returning home in August; participating in the socialist Resistance; traveling to Paris as part of the Resistance; surrendering to save his family from arrest after a colleague was caught with his name; incarceration in St. Gilles; transfer to another prison where nuns assisted him; deportation to Mauthausen as a "Nacht und Nebel" prisoner; wit...

  12. Shmuel Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shmuel Z., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1928, one of two children. He recounts attending a Mizrahi school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor in a tobacco factory; moving with his family to a village; slave labor constructing an airport; forced relocation to Krzeszowice, then moving to the Kraków ghetto; a non-Jewish friend assisting them; continuing to work at the airport; smuggling potatoes into the ghetto; his father's German boss hiding them during round-ups; separation from his family when he was sent to Płaszó...

  13. Klara A. and Donald W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara A., who was born in Amsterdam in 1915, and her son Donald W., who was born circa 1939. Mrs. A. describes her family and community life before the war; anti-Jewish legislation; the deportation of her husband to Westerbork in 1942; her decision to entrust Donald, then three years old, and her eight-week-old younger son to the underground for hiding; her work for the Jewish organization in Amsterdam; and her deportation to Westerbork in 1943, where she was reunited with her husband and where both remained for one year. She discusses conditions in Westerbork; its li...

  14. Helen D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen D., who was born in a town near Khust, Czechoslovakia in 1920. She recounts attending public school; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; transfer to Mel?nytsya-Podil?s?ka; forced labor cleaning streets; working as a dressmaker; deportation of her mother and five sisters to Auschwitz (none returned); remaining with her father, brother, and another sister; transfer to Bors?a; capture of her brother and father (she never saw them again); escaping with her sister from the ghetto in September 1943; hiding in a forest, then briefly with a Po...

  15. Joseph F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph F., who was born in Poland in 1919. He recalls Jews being beaten on the street before the war; the deportation of his parents and five siblings from the ?o?dz? ghetto (he never saw them again); deportation of the community leaders; learning from a truck driver that the leaders were killed by the SS in a nearby forest; liquidation of the ?o?dz? ghetto in 1944; deportation to Auschwitz; slave labor in a coal mine in Silesia; the death march to Mauthausen via Czechoslovakia; assistance from the Czech population; transporting stone blocks in Mauthausen; building fa...

  16. Madeleine S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Madeleine S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1927. She recalls German occupation; removing her star to buy bread; ghettoization; moving into her uncle's and aunt's apartment; her father's deportation (she never saw him again); attending high school; forced labor in a sewing factory; her mother's death; studying in the factory school; being "adopted" by H?ayim Rumkowski and living with twelve others - "his children"; receiving better food and treatment; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944; remaining with three friends from the Rumkowski group; a German ...

  17. Leonard D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonard D. who was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1925. He recalls his parents both had relatives in Europe; ceasing to hear from them in the late 1930s; being drafted into the Army immediately after high school graduation; training in the 21st Armored Infantry Battalion; reassignment to the 11th Armored Division; sailing to England; landing in France in October 1944; fierce fighting through Europe; liberating Mauthausen on May 5, 1945; his and his fellow soldiers' state of shock at the condition of the prisoners; the piles of corpses all over, the pervasive stench; ob...

  18. Leon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon S., who enlisted in the United States Army in 1943. He recalls assignment to the 42nd division of the 7th Army; combat during the Battle of the Bulge; learning in April 1945 about the liberation of Dachau; a brief visit with a small group of soldiers; piles of emaciated bodies; visiting sick prisoners in former SS barracks; observing quiet, rather than jubilation, since the former prisoners were so weak and sick; his colleagues sharing his sense of horror; later volunteering for a counter-intelligence unit which apprehended war criminals; and working with Jewish ...

  19. Sydney B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sydney B., who was born in Connecticut in 1914. He recalls Army induction in October 1943; transfer to England in March 1944; arrival on Omaha Beach on D-Day plus thirty; assignment to the 80th Infantry Division Counter Intelligence Corps; and seeking out Nazi sympathizers and former Nazis in France, then in Ludwigshafen, Weimar, Nuremberg and Kempten. Mr. B. describes a brief visit to Ebensee (on his way to Altausee) shortly after its liberation; shock and disbelief at the prisoners' condition; the crematorium and a room full of bodies; and skepticism when local resi...

  20. Chil E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chil E., who was born in Poland in 1924, one of two children. He recounts his family traveling to Palestine in 1925, but staying in Belgium when his mother was hospitalized for two years; living in La Calamine, then Brussels; active participation in the Jewish Scouts; German invasion; joining the Resistance; round-up in 1942 to Breendonk, then Malines; deportation to Sakrau; transfer to Anhalt, Myslowice (Fu?rstengrube), Graslitz, Reichenbach, Faulbru?ck, Annaberg, Birkenau, Niederorschel, then Langenstein; various slave labor assignments including in a mine, a quarry...