Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,261 to 4,280 of 10,135
  1. Scene still for the film “The Illegals” (1948)

    1. Cinema Judaica collection

    American scene still for the film, “The Illegals,” which was released in the United States in July 1948. The docudrama depicts the attempted illegal immigration of Jewish refugees from Poland, through Czechoslovakia, Austria, Germany, and Italy to Palestine. Before reaching its destination, the ship is captured by the British and redirected to Cyprus. “The Illegals” was filmed on-location over a six-month period, about two months before the end of the British Mandate for Palestine and the establishment of the state of Israel in May 1948. Britain had been given control of Palestine following...

  2. Sketchbook

    1. Max Amichai Heppner family collection

    Created by Max Heppner (donor), circa 1942-1943.

  3. Sewing basket made while in hiding in the Netherlands

    1. Max Amichai Heppner family collection

    Basket and accessories made by Amichai (Max) Heppner from weeds and reeds found on a farm while in hiding in North Brabant, the Netherlands, circa 1943.

  4. Handbell

    1. Max Amichai Heppner family collection

    Created by Max Heppner (donor) for Irene Heppner (donor's mother), March 1945.

  5. Henry Schmelzer papers

    1. Henry Schmelzer collection

    The papers are related to Henry Schmelzer's journey from Austria to England via Kindertransport in 1938 and his stay in England during World War II.

  6. Elsa and Selmar Biener papers

    The Elsa and Selmar Biener papers consists of immigration documents, correspondence, photographs, and financial materials related to the emigration of Elsa and Selmar Biener aboard the MS St. Louis, their disembarkation in England, and their internment on the Isle of Man. The correspondence includes letters and telegrams to / from Selmar and Elsa Biener, their family, and various Jewish aid societies, dated 1929-1968, and undated. The papers also includes receipts for sending registered postal packages, 1940, and a collection of messages written and received by members of the Friedler famil...

  7. Rover Boy Scout set of green epaulets with fleur-de-lis worn by a Jewish refugee

    1. Les L. Salter collection

    Green Rover Scout shoulder boards worn by Ludwig Salzer when he was in the 13th (United) Boy Scouts Rover troop in Shanghai, China, during World War II. Ludwig was a Jewish refugee from Vienna, Austria. In 1938, after Austria was annexed by Nazi Germany, anti-Jewish laws were enacted to persecute Jews. Ludwig's father, Hugo, was arrested during the November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom and sent to Dachau concentration camp. He was released in 1939 and he and his wife, Theresa, decided to send 18 year old Ludwig to Shanghai. His 13 year old sister, Ilse, was placed on a kindertransport to Engla...

  8. Dokumenty politicheskogo, ekonomicheskogo i voennogo kharaktera uchrezhdenii i organizatsii Frantsii, Bel'gii, i dr stran (kollektsiia)

    • Political, Economic, and Military Documents of Government Offices and other Organizations in France, Belgium, and other Countries (consolidated collection)

    The collection constitutes an accumulation of documents of various institutions and organizations, often of undetermined collection provenance, compiled at the Central State Special Archive. These are documents of a political, economic, and military nature of various institutions and organizations in France, Belgium, and other countries. The collection includes materials on history, philosophy, politics, and economics, as well as information on the armed forces, police, intelligence activities, political Parties and organizations in various countries. The collection's contents are described...

  9. Papiers personnels - Correspondance

    Les dossiers de papiers personnels ont été remis au Mémorial de la Shoah suite à la volonté des familles des victimes, ou des victimes elles-mêmes, de préserver leur mémoire. Ces dossiers individuels comprennent principalement de la correspondance de différents types : lettres, cartes postales, cartes interzones, mots griffonés... Ces documents ont pour la plupart été rédigés pendant la guerre depuis les camps d'internement, de déportation et les lieux où étaient réfugiés et/ou cachés leurs expéditeurs

  10. Administration de la Sûreté Publique. Service de la Police des Étrangers. Série A. Dossiers individuels ouverts entre 1931 et 1943 (n°s 1 – 419.999).

    La Police des Étrangers ouvrait un dossier individuel pour chaque étranger entrant sur le territoire. Ces dossiers se composaient généralement comme suit : une déclaration d’inscription à la commune, mention de la situation familiale, professionnelle et période durant laquelle l’étranger souhaite rester en Belgique ; déménagements et changement de résidence ; actes de l’État civil, dont des actes de mariages, de naissances et de décès ; une ou plusieurs photographies de l’étranger ; … Enfin, la page de garde du dossier renvoie vers les noms, prénoms et numéros de dossiers de proches et memb...