Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,201 to 4,220 of 56,066
  1. Willstätter family collection

    Contains documents, correspondence, passports, ID cards, newspaper clippings documenting the experiences of the extended Willstätter family and their internment in Camp de Gurs.

  2. Instytut Niemieckiej Pracy na Wschodzie (IDO) Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (IDO)

    Records of the Central Board of Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (IDO): correspondence, lists of employees of the Institute, financial books and others; records of IDO branches in L’viv and Warsaw; records of various IDO sections: Prehistory, History, Art History, Law and Administration, Touring and Descriptive Geography, Anthropology, Ethnography and Race, Farms and Statistics, Forestry, Chemistry; and records on economic relations in selected villages in the GG area. Contains also statistical studies, typescripts of scientific papers, editorial materials of the journals "Die Burg", "Deuts...

  3. Vicki Miles collection

    Contains photographs taken in the Buchenwald concentration camp soon after liberation; Overseas Service Certificates issued by American National Red Cross to William Swannie; newspaper page with an article entitled “The Nazis Sent Me to a Concentration Camp,” with the testimony of an Austrian refugee, published in The Sunday Oregonian, May 21, 1939.

  4. Swimming in Budapest; zoo visit

    The Schiffers put coats on and children play on a grassy hillside. (01:30) Anni and János swim with Ernö at Szecheny bath/pools in Budapest in July 1934. (02:42) At a restaurant on Lake Balaton. The family takes a boat trip, views of water, horizon, sailboat. (05:11) At Szecheny bath, swimming, including János, Anni, Bözske, Alice, Gyuri, and nurse-maid Tete. (06:20) Trip to the zoo that includes elephants, camels, zebras, and other animals. János and others ride ponies and horses at the zoo. (09:20) They greet more animals, including peacocks, tigers, and bears. (10:02) Newborn Éva (János’...

  5. The General Jewish Workers' Federation "Bund" in Lithuania, Poland and Russia Ogólnożydowski Związek Robotniczy „Bund” na Litwie, w Polsce i w Rosji (Sygn.334)

    This collection contains records of the activities of the the Central Committee of the Jewish Workers Federation "Bund" in Poland and abroad between 1945-1949. Includes circulars, reports, resolutions and conference papers. minutes of the meetings and plenum of the „Bund”. Also includes a list of Bund members, questionnaires of participants of the jubilee anniversary in 1947, general lists of members paying various types of contributions; documents of local departments from 42 cities, protocols, reports and correspondence of individual branches, there are also membership declarations filled...

  6. RZ 102 Office of the German Secretary of State 1936-1944 RZ 102 Büro Staatssekretär 1936-1944

    Records concerning reparations, occupied territories, security issues, military matters, League of Nations, economic and trade negotiations, diplomatic visits, political correspondence, main political affairs, etiquette, personnel matters.

  7. Suss family collection

    Contains a certificate of residence issued to Pinkas Suss giving him rights to remain in his hometown, including stamp used as a passport, issued January 22, 1929; an identification card issued to George Suss (donors' father) from an Austrian scout organization, 1927; and a wedding portrait of the donors' parents, dated 15 December 1945.

  8. Announcement

    Announcement from authorities in “North-East France” announcing the existence of “bandits” and asking for the cooperation of the French population not to align or work with the “bandits” which the French and the German Wehrmacht will squelch. The announcement Itself is entirely in French, however signed at bottom in German “Der Befehlshaber im Bezirk Nord-Ost Frankreich” or the commander in the district of north-eastern France.

  9. Selected records of the Intelligence Archive of the Buenos Aires Police Department (DIPBA)

    The records consist of surveillance of the Jewish community in Argentina by the Intelligence Directorate of the Buenos Aires Province Police, 1956-1998. This collection contains records relating to the surveillance of the Jewish community in Argentina by the Intelligence Directorate of the Buenos Aires Province Police, 1956-1998, and relating to former Nazis in Argentina, nationalists and right wing activities, and Antisemitism.

  10. Selected records of the Civic Chambers, attached to the Judicial courts of the Department of the Seine Les registres des arrêts des Chambres civiques de la cour de justice du département de la Seine (Z5)

    The archives of the civic chambers of the court of justice, departmental section of the Seine, are constituted by the files of the cases judged from 1944 to 1951, classified by registration number of the Prosecutor's office, as well as by the registers of judgments and the files on behalf of the accused allowing their files to be found. The accused are often members of collaborationist parties or members of the French State services and the documents of their trials help to establish their responsibilities in the implementation of the policy of the Vichy government. We can thus find in this...

  11. Raya-Ginette Karsenty papers

    Contains the original manuscript for the biographical novel "Pour l'amour de vous," by Raya-Ginette Karsenty, published by Editions LAURIFLAM, 1990; a copy of the book "Escale a Shangri-la ou Les Horizons Retrouves, ecrits de jeunesse," published by Publigraph Editeur in 1994; two copies of a Karsenty and Bressac television script, directed by Badel, an adaptation of Saint-Exupery short novel "Vol de nuit"; and translation and adaptation of two short stories by Irwin Shaw, "Les Jeunes femmes en robes d'ete" and "Rencontre de veuves."

  12. Album

    Copy of Männer und Ereignisse unserer Zeit belonging to William Burns, acquired during his time as a court reporter at the Nuremberg Trials. Particular defendants are identified with original ‘x’ mark notations.

  13. Oral history interview with Tobias Rawet

  14. JDC summer camp in Germany for child survivors from DP camps and children’s homes

    EXT A group splashes in the lake. Children and teenagers walk past in a rough line. More children, tents, and trees in BG. Several girls emerge from the entrance to a tent. Flag pole against the sky with two flags, one appears to be the flag of Israel. Several boys heading a ball to each other. INT girls walk to and sit down at tables set with bowls and mugs. Girls eat stew. CU boys pretend to sleep in bunks, then start a pillow fight. Girls smile at a man beside them, with his back to a window. EXTs bushes and buildings on the shore of a lake in the mountains near the summer camp.