Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,921 to 3,940 of 55,888
  1. Activity report for the Basler Hilfswerk für Emigrantenkinder

    Contains a "Praktikumsbericht" [Activity report]; typed document with handwritten corrections; nine pages, concerning 300 boys and girls from Germany who found refuge in Switzerland in what was titled the "300 Kinder-Aktion" in 1939. The report, written by Eli Mangold of the Basel Relief Organization for Emigrant Children (Basler Hilfswerk für Emigrantenkinder), describes the group, in particular fifty children of Orthodox families; their time in Langenbruck and later Basel; and their daily lives and activities.

  2. Hillel (Harry) and Liza Zelmanovich collection

    Contains papers, identity cards, photographs, passports, correspondence relating to the experiences of Harry and Liza Zelmanovich. Includes postwar identification documents and medical forms issued in Munich, including an Identity Card for Ex-Con[centrarion] Camp Inmates, and United States naturalization records.

  3. Oral history interview with Laura Manoni

  4. Municipality of Farms 412-4/3 Gemeinde Farmsen

    Selected records of the Gemeinde Farmsen (Commune Farms), Gemeindevertreter (Municipal Representative), and Gemeindebeirat (Municipal Advisory Council) relating to farms, execution of the law for restoration of the civil service, road construction and maintenance, unemployment relief, free gymnastics and sport clubs, school medical examination (1931-1933), and a role of the public library.

  5. Oral history interview with Josef Klima

  6. Magistrate Bergedorf 415-12/1 Magistrat Bergedorf

    Selected records of the Magistrat Bergedorf (Magistrate of the city Bergedorf) related to re-construction of broken memorials in the town, burial places of the Jews on the Gojenberge (Hamburg), 1883-1938, and honorary distinction of the cemeteries. Consists of architectural plans, photographs of burial monuments, clippings, correspondence, bank financial documentations, a register of names of bank customers.

  7. Erich Lilienthal death certificate

    Death certificate issued for Erich "Israel" Lilienthal, a Jewish man who died in Berlin on June 14, 1940 at St. Hedwig Hospital. He was survived by his wife Gerda Amanda "Sara" Lilienthal (nee Sürth); she was deported to Auschwitz on November 29, 1942 and did not survive.

  8. Stella Luftig collection

    Contains two photographs: one, dated 15 May 1927, a studio portrait of two boys; the other, undated, of a woman with three children in a park.

  9. UNRRA selected records AG-018-016 : Czechoslovakia Mission

    Consists of correspondence, reports, transport lists, and forms of individual case of repatriated persons. Records relate to repatriation of Chinese nationals, Czechoslovakian, German and Polish Jews, Poles, Greek nationals, and unaccompanied children. Contains correspondence, reports, transport lists, and individual cases of repatriated German Jews.

  10. Rita Oppenheimer Gelman papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Rita Oppenheimer Gelman, originally of Berlin, Germany, including her flight from Germany to Palestine in 1940. Included are postcards, photographs, and a small amount of documents. The postcards are primarily received by Rita’s maternal uncle Arno Lewenberg, who survived the Holocaust in Davos, Switzerland, from family members in Berlin. One postcard received from Jules Malinowski references Jules’s brother Adolf in Buchenwald. There are also two postcards sent by Klara and Moses Oppenheimer from Theresienstadt to Rosette Kahn in Ba...

  11. Oral history interview with Sara Fransson

  12. Soltz family photographs

    Contains two family portraits from Eishyshok [Eišiškės, Eisiskes; Lithuania], of Baila Leibnitz and Fanushka Soltz.

  13. I.T. Platzner collection

    Contains three photographic postcards of parents and friends in Luhačovice, Czechoslovakia, dated 1947; and one photo of Izhak and his mother at the beach before WWII.

  14. Oral history interview with Maurice Behar

  15. Famous soccer clubs prewar; snowy Szeged; sightseeing

    Soccer matches before the Holocaust at the stadium in Szeged, including Lajos Baróthy and Ferenc Langfelder. 01:30 Postwar, woman and toddler Kati Pető (born 1946) leave their home for a sleigh ride in the snowy city sidewalks. Touring ruins (color) in Athens, Operetta theater, postwar 1960s. Film ends 02:49

  16. David Goldberg collection

    Contains identification documents, restitution paperwork, and passports of various unrelated individuals, most likely all Jews, who fled Nazi occupation.

  17. Oral testimonies of Lewis Schloss and Trudy Schloss

  18. Oral history interview with Fred Haber

  19. Horthy enters Košice

    On November 11, 1938, Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy enters Košice (Kassa), Slovakia, which Hungary regained, along with other Slovak territories, as a result of the Munich Agreement. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy kis világtörténelem.” “1938 November 11” “A Kassai Bevonulás.” “Fotografálta: Pető György.” “A kassai kórhaz bejárata előtt…” Building “Nemocnica” with people milling about. “...két órai alvás után álmosan gyülekezik a társaság.” MS, Pető and friends from Szeged (four men and one officer) stand beside a car. “Ezer és ezer autó érkezik a történelmi napra.” Street scenes with ca...