Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,441 to 3,460 of 10,181
  1. Protocols of meetings of the Central Jewish Committee (CJC), Bergen-Belsen, 24 June 1945-27 July 1947

    1. O.70 - Josef Rosensaft Bergen-Belsen POW Camp Archive

    Protocols of meetings of the Central Jewish Committee (CJC), Bergen-Belsen, 24 June 1945-27 July 1947 The file includes: - reports regarding the condition of the Jews in the DP camps in the British Occupied Zone; - reports and position paper regarding the British policies and attitude toward aliya to Eretz Israel; - discussions and position paper regarding emigration to Sweden; - reports regarding the financial problems; - cooperation with the AJDC, the Jewish Agency and UNRRA; - report on the visit by the Anglo-American Committee; - elections in Bergen-Belsen DP camp.

  2. Correspondence between the Central Jewish Committee (CJC) and the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC)

    1. O.70 - Josef Rosensaft Bergen-Belsen POW Camp Archive

    Correspondence between the Central Jewish Committee (CJC) and the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) The file includes: - correspondence between the AJDC and its representatives in Europe; - lists with statistical data regarding the “She’erith Hapletah” in Germany; - data regarding the help given by the AJDC to the Jewish refugees in the DP camps in Germany.

  3. Newspaper clippings and publications, 1983, regarding the marking of 40 years since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and 40 years since the halt of the "General Plan in the East" (Generalplan Ost), including a public discussion held in West Germany regarding th

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Newspaper clippings and publications, 1983, regarding the marking of 40 years since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and 40 years since the halt of the "General Plan in the East" (Generalplan Ost), including a public discussion held in West Germany regarding the deportation of millions of Germans from the areas held by the Poles at the end of the war

  4. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains correspondence relating to Palestine and the Middle East, particularly the settlement of Jewish refugees from Europe and the creation of a Jewish state. The file includes reports on the agricultural and financial resources of Palestine, the arms smuggling trade, and detailed accounts of interviews between Moshe Shertok [Sharett] and Harold MacMichael, High Commissioner for Palestine. There are also significant materials from Chaim Weizmann, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, William Ormsby-Gore, 4th Baron Harlech, and Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier. Pieces 145/31-34 and 145/36 a...

  5. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    Manchester Guardian The file contains correspondence concerning negotiations to increase the number of Jewish refugees allowed into Palestine, the defence of Jewish settlements, and negotiations between the Jewish delegation and the British government at the Palestine Conferences. The rest of the file is largely concerned with the diplomatic tensions leading to the Second World War. This includes extensive hand-written notes by Crozier on events such as the White Paper of 1939, a potential Anglo-Polish alliance, pogroms in Poland and Hungary, and extensive negotiations between Britain and R...

  6. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains correspondence and reports concerning Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Syria, Yugoslavia, Malaya, Spain, Switzerland, Lebanon, Abyssinia/Ethiopia, Persia, German military operations, German activities in the Middle East, changing relations with the Vichy government and Charles de Gaulle, Jews in France and the Netherlands, and demographic data about the Jewish population in France, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunis. The file also contains correspondence from interned Jewish refugees in Mauritius and appeals to admit children and relatives turned away or detained in Palestine. The file con...

  7. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    Struma The file contains materials concerning France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Palestine, Italy, Germany, Libya, Madagascar, Egypt, Spain, and Japan. There are materials relating to recruitment of Jewish soldiers in Palestine, the impact of the disaster, morale of British soldiers, the negotiation of Russia's borders after the war, the exchange of wounded soldiers between Britain and Italy, Jewish refugees in Palestine, and the persecution of Jews in Slovakia. The file contains correspondence of Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne, Secretary of State for the Colonies, and reports about t...

  8. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains foreign correspondence primarily concerning the Middle East, including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, the recruitment of Jewish doctors for the British army, the treatment of enlisted Jewish soldiers and Jewish members of the Palestine Police Force, the movement of Jewish refugees to Cyprus, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, and shifting public opinion of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The file also contains a report on the Jewish populations of France, the Netherlands, and Poland, including demographic estimates. The file also contains an interview with Henr...

  9. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    Manchester Guardian The file contains correspondence and Crozier's notes on foreign and domestic events. Materials include reports on continued Jewish immigration to Palestine, including the arming of Jewish refugees and Jewish divisions in the British armed forces, and correspondence from Charles Lambert concerning the Balkans, Iraq, Iran, the Vichy government, Spain, Libya, and food supplies in France. There are also reports about the Blitz, including air raid reports and analysis of the effects on the economy and workforce, as well as reports on the cabinet and provisions for the wartime...

  10. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains correspondence and reports concerning domestic and foreign affairs, including reports on the state of the British navy and army, accounts of meetings between Anthony Eden and Joseph Stalin and a meeting between Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier and Edvard Beneš about the Czechoslovakian Jews. There are also materials concerning Yugloslavia, Spain, Iraq, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Japan, Denmark, and relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Additionally, there is a significant amount of materials concerning the deportation of Jewish refugees from Palestine and mobilising Jewish...

  11. Correspondence of Dr. Israel Kasztner and Zionist leaders in Hungary with public figures, regarding the rescue of Jews in Hungary during the Holocaust, 1943-1952, and the fate of the Jews who left Hungary on the Kasztner train, summer 1944

    1. P.54 - Archive of Dr. Israel Kasztner, one of the leaders of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest, and Collection of Dov Dinur, Kasztner's Biographer

    Correspondence of Dr. Israel Kasztner and Zionist leaders in Hungary with public figures, regarding the rescue of Jews in Hungary during the Holocaust, 1943-1952, and the fate of the Jews who left Hungary on the Kasztner train, summer 1944

  12. Testimony of Zofia Zarnowiecka, the Christian, regarding the hiding of Jews in Vilna, 1939-1944

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Zofia Zarnowiecka, the Christian, regarding the hiding of Jews in Vilna, 1939-1944 Hiding of young Jews who escaped from the Vilna Ghetto; hopes of the youth to make aliya to Eretz Israel; forced labor of the Jews digging for the Lithuanian partisans; contact with the youth after the war.

  13. Correspondence with Jewish Agency personnel in Jerusalem: Eliyahu Dobkin, Yitzhak Greenboim, and Dr. Georg Landauer, regarding obtaining certificates for legal aliya to Eretz Israel especially for inmates in the Vittel camp.

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with Jewish Agency personnel in Jerusalem regarding obtaining certificates for legal aliya to Eretz Israel especially for inmates in the Vittel camp Correspondence with Jewish Agency personnel in Jerusalem: Eliyahu Dobkin, Yitzhak Greenboim, and Dr. Georg Landauer, regarding obtaining certificates for legal aliya to Eretz Israel especially for inmates in the Vittel camp. Also in the file: Circular regarding Land Transfer Regulations issued 30 April 1940.

  14. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Agudat Israel in Zurich Executive Committee file with correspondence with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) regarding shipment of protective passports

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Agudat Israel in Zurich Executive Committee file with correspondence with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) regarding shipment of protective passports Also in the file: - Correspondence regarding a dispute over money and arbitration, 26 January 1944 and 31 May 1946; - Correspondence regarding help to refugee rabbis in Shanghai, 12 February 1943 and 28 July 1943.

  15. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Proclamation of camp survivors in Switzerland entitled "An Alle Freien Voelker" ("To All Free Nations") calling for recognition of the rights of the Jewish people to an independent state in Eretz Israel

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Proclamation of camp survivors in Switzerland entitled "An Alle Freien Voelker" ("To All Free Nations") calling for recognition of the rights of the Jewish people to an independent state in Eretz Israel In the file: 1. Various versions of the proclamation; 2. Version of the proclamation along with signatures of former camp inmates; 3. Reactions to the proclamation; 4. Clippings from Swiss newspapers in which the proclamation was published.

  16. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the Organization of Polish Students in Switzerland regarding relief

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the Organization of Polish Students in Switzerland regarding relief Also in the file: - Lists and questionnaires of Polish students; - Memo from the Organization of Polish Students to Bundesrat Eduard von Steiger regarding the attitude of the Swiss government towards the Polish organization, and the response from the Federal Department of Justice and Police regarding the legal status of refugee students and Jewish students, April -May 1941; - Memo regarding the relations between Poles and Jews in detention camps for Polish soldiers in Sw...

  17. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Letters from Leon Ilutovicz, Szymon Seidenman and Dr. C. Schwarz regarding aliya to Eretz Israel and immigration

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Letters from Leon Ilutovicz, Szymon Seidenman and Dr. C. Schwarz regarding aliya to Eretz Israel and immigration Letters from Leon Ilutovicz, Szymon Seidenman and Dr. C. Schwarz, Zionist leaders from Poland and refugees in Vilna, regarding aliya to Eretz Israel and immigration In the file: - Letters from the Zionist Organization and the Hechalutz Hamizrachi movement in Lithuania mostly regarding certificates for legal aliya to Eretz Israel, 22 October 1939 and 09 April 1940.

  18. Testimony of an unknown witness regarding his experiences in the Bogusze camp, Korycin, Jasinowka and Bialystok

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of an unknown witness regarding his experiences in the Bogusze camp, Korycin, Jasinowka and Bialystok Escape from the Bogusze camp to Korycin, transfer to Jasinowka; deportation of Jews to Treblinka; jumping from the deportation train by several Jews; jumping from the deportation train by the witness, including methods of jumping, 30 January 1943; transfer to Bialystok.

  19. Memoirs of Monia Gutman, born in Lipkani, Bessarabia, 1921, regarding his experiences during wanderings in the Soviet Union, as a Red Army soldier and his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1946

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Memoirs of Monia Gutman, born in Lipkani, Bessarabia, 1921, regarding his experiences during wanderings in the Soviet Union, as a Red Army soldier and his aliya to Eretz Israel, 1946 Life in the Soviet Union. Aliya to Eretz Israel on the "Rafiah" ship, 1946; landing of the ship on a sandbar; deportation to Cyprus.

  20. Memoirs of Yaakov Rich, regarding his experiences in Rozentow, Poland before and during the war, in Kolomei, Poland during the Soviet occupation, his draft into the Red Army, 1942 and his life in Ural, the Soviet Union, until 1946

    1. O.39 - Collection of memoirs written by survivors as part of a competition held by Yad Vashem, 1957

    Memoirs of Yaakov Rich, regarding his experiences in Rozentow, Poland before and during the war, in Kolomei, Poland during the Soviet occupation, his draft into the Red Army, 1942 and his life in Ural, the Soviet Union, until 1946