Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,261 to 3,280 of 3,449
  1. Rossmann, Erich

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1011
    • German
    • 1936-1953
    • Nachlässe 57 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 1,5 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 1920 Direktor des Hauptversorgungsamtes Stuttgart, Abgeordneter, seit 1924 Mitglied des Württembergischen Landtages und des Reichstages (SPD), 1945-1948 Generalsekretär des Länderrates der amerikanischen Zone, 1948/49 Intendant von Radio Stuttgart/Süddeutscher Rundfunk, 1948 Generalsekretär der Europa-Union Erich Rossmann: Ein Leben für Sozialismus und Demokratie, Stuttgart/ Tübingen 1947 Lebensdaten 12.1.1884 geboren in Pößneck/Thüringen 1905 Politischer Redakteur der „Schwäbischen Tagwacht" 1911 Leitender Redakteur der „Donauwacht", Ulm 1914-1918 Kriegsdien...

  2. Sammlung Berlin Document Center (BDC): Personenbezogene Unterlagen der Reichskulturkammer (RKK)

    Bestandsbeschreibung personebezogene Unterlagen der Reichskulturkammer Zitierweise BArch R 9361-V/...

  3. Paul, Elfriede und Küchenmeister, Walter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Küchenmeister, Walter (1897-1943) Bestandsbeschreibung Elfriede Paul 14. Jan. 1900 in Köln geboren 1919-1921 Mitglied in der Freideutschen und in der Monistischen Jugend, der KPD und der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe (IAH) 1918-1924 Ausbildung zur Lehrerin am Kloster St. Johannis in Hamburg, Lehrerin an der Mädchen-, Berufs- und Handelsschule in Hamburg-Harburg 1924-1925 Wanderschaft durch Nord- und Mitteldeutschland zur Vervollkommnung sozialpädagogischer Erfahrungen 1925-1928 Leiterin des Städtischen Kinderheimes am Großen Dahlem bei Hamburg, Besuch von Leh...

  4. Einrichtungen des Kriegsgefangenenwesens des Heeres

    Erschliessungszustand Die Akten sind vollständig in der Datenbank erfasst. Zitierweise BArch RH 49/...

  5. Prayer book

    1. George Pick family collection

    Imakonyv, a prayer book for women, with a clasp and a slipcase, used by Gyorgy Pick's maternal great aunt, Gizella, during the war when she lived in a Swedish protected house in Budapest, Hungary. Ten year old Gyorgy and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 1945. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in May 1939 because he was Jewish. He was conscripted into Hungarian labor battalions in 1940, 1943, and 1944. After German setbacks in the war against the Soviet Union in ...

  6. Book

    1. George Pick family collection

    Memorial book, Kegyelet, received by Malvina Kornhauser at the funeral for her husband Samu Kornhauser, who died July 19, 1935, in Budapest, Hungary. The book contains an obituary for Samu, as well as mourner's prayers for various family members. Malvina used the book to press flowers (1999.282.3.1) from his funeral, between pages 10 and 11, the widow's prayer. The book was preserved during the war by Malvina, her daughter Margit Pick and Margit's husband Istvan and son Gyorgy. Malvina, ten year old Gyorgy, and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 194...

  7. Gronowski-Kaplan family. Collection

    This collection comprises photographs documenting the life of the Gronowski family in Belgium from the 1920s to the 1940s and postwar until 2018. It includes images of Simon Gronowski and his sister Ita, capturing various stages of their lives, and also various photographs of their parents, Léon (Leib) Gronowski and Chana Kaplan, taken among other places in their garden at 639 Chaussée de Wavre, Brussels. Also included are photos of Simon and Ita in the Ardennes, and of Ita in class photos from primary school and École Cymring and with classmates like Albert Goldman, Jacques Angielczyk, and...

  8. RKF

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Inneres
    4. Reichskommissar f. d. Festigung d. dt. Volkstums

    RDV 46: Stabshauptamt, Korrespondenz mit Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (HTO), Reichsstatthalter im Warthegau, Zentralstelle der Deutschen Volksliste (DVL) beim Reichsstatthalter im Warthegau, Treuhandstelle Posen, Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt, Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer 1940-1944: Volkszugehörigkeit der Familie Eduard Czierniewicz und Verwertung ihrer Dachpappenfabrik zugunsten des kommissarischen Verwalters, 379 353-379 489, unter anderem: 1) Entscheidung des Obersten Prüfungshofes, 25. Mai 1944: Aufhebung der früheren Entscheidung der Zentralstelle beim Reichsstatthalter bzw. bei der Bezirks...

  9. Schriftgutverwaltung

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Persönlicher Stab

    I. Reichsführer-SS/Persönlicher Stab [RFSS/ Pers, Stab.]: Oberst Iwand: Korrespondenz und Vermerke RFSS, Obergruppenführer Wolff, Oberst Iwand u.a., 19. Januar 1937-24. Dezember 1944: Unterstützung Iwand und Landzuweisung an seine Witwe [Originalakte Nr. 245], 2 547 558-7 743; II. RFSS/ Pers. Stab: [SS-Oberführer Kurt Ludwig] [Originalakte Nr. 246] fehlt, 7 744-7 745; III. RFSS/ Pers. Stab: Evangelische Kirche und NS-Staat, März 1938-März 1943 [Originalakte Nr. 247], 7 747-7 811, darin: 1) Korrespondenz Pfarrer von Bodelschwingh, RFSS/ Pers. Stab u.a., 03. April 1941-31. März 1943: Warnung ...

  10. Jewish Council for Amsterdam

    The archive consists of correspondence, newsletters and financial documents from the chairmen of the Jewish Council and various departments and bureaus. The documents give insight into German policy and the fate of individual Jews.

  11. Embroidered dress worn by a Polish Jewish girl in hiding

    1. Lola and Walter Kaufman collection

    Embroidered dress made for Lola Rein by her mother Dvoire in the ghetto and worn while she was in hiding near Czortkow, Poland, from approximately May 1943 to March 1944. In September 1939, the Soviet Union occupied Czortkow. Germany invaded in June 1941. Lola’s father Yidl died in the ghetto in 1942. On March 21, 1943, her mother was shot and killed while going to work. In May, Lola’s maternal grandmother Ekka sent Lola to hide with a Ukrainian woman. In August, the woman’s son-in-law threatened to turn Lola in to the Gestapo, so she took Lola to her sister’s farm. Lola and three other Jew...

  12. Small leather suitcase used by a Hungarian Jewish family while living in hiding

    1. George Pick family collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn514721
    • English
    • a: Height: 5.250 inches (13.335 cm) | Width: 17.375 inches (44.133 cm) | Depth: 11.125 inches (28.258 cm) b: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 5.875 inches (14.923 cm) | Depth: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm)

    Small leather case used by Malvina Kornhauser from November 1944 until January 1945 while she was staying in a Swedish protected building and then in the Budapest ghetto in German occupied Hungary. The suitcase was purchased by her son-in-law Istvan Pick during the 1930s for use in his job as a traveling sales engineer for grape presses for the Rokk Istvan Machine factory. Before November, Malvina lived with her daughter Margit Pick, her husband Istvan, and son Gyorgy. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in...

  13. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    The Felix and Flory Van Beek papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, diaries, a personal narrative, photographs, and printed materials documenting a German-Dutch couple, their thwarted efforts to escape Europe on the SS Simon Bolivar, their survival in hiding with two separate Dutch families, their liberation, their immigration to the United States, and the deaths of their family members in the Holocaust. Many documents are accompanied by Flory Van Beek's annotations. Biographical materials primarily document Felix and Flory Van Beek and include certificates, correspondenc...

  14. Geometric patterned leather wallet made by a Dutch Jewish couple in hiding

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Geometric patterned brown leather wallet made by Flora and Felix Levi while they were in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flory Cohen met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They were rescued by the British military and taken to a hospital in England. After recuperating for six months, they had to leave because Felix, a German, was considered an enemy alien. In May 19...

  15. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Theresienstadt scrip, valued at 20 (zwanzig) kronen, acquired by Flory Cohen Levi, who survived in hiding in her native Netherlands during the war. This type of scrip was distributed in Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp from May 1943-April 1945 in German occupied Czechoslovakia. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They were rescued by the British military and taken to a hospital...

  16. Brown burlap pouch used to carry money by a hidden Dutch Jewish woman

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Small burlap pouch used by Flora Cohen to store Dutch currency while she was in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flora intended to send it to her mother Alijda, but Flora could not find her, so she always kept the pouch with her. Flora's mother Alidja had been deported to Auschwitz in September where she was killed. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They w...

  17. Netherlands, 1 gulden silver voucher, kept by a Dutch Jewish woman in hiding

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Dutch 1 (een) gulden silver voucher kept by Flory Cohen Levi in her pouch, see 1990.23.191, while she was in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flora intended to send it to her mother Alijda, but Flora could not find her, so she always kept the pouch with her. Flora's mother Alidja had been deported to Auschwitz in September where she was killed. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was...

  18. Pewter mustard pot owned by Otto Frank

    1. Ryan M. Cooper collection

    Pewter mustard pot owned by the Frank family. Otto Frank was one of three children born to Michael and Alice Frank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He had three siblings, Robert, Herbert, and Helene. Michael had founded a family banking business, which his wife and sons took over after his death in 1909. Helene moved to Basel, Switzerland, with her husband in 1931, and Herbert immigrated to France in 1932. After Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in January 1933, authorities quickly began suppressing the rights and personal freedoms of Jews, and boycotting their businesses. Shor...

  19. Corfu

    Lanzmann filmed the few surviving Jews of Corfou, Greece. Many are craftsmen who experienced deportation to Auschwitz and Birkenau. Some interviews take place in the synagogue and the cemetery. Additional reels of location filming show local merchants and shops. FILM ID 3406 -- Camera Rolls #4-11A -- Armando Aaron -- 01:00:08 to 01:24:10 Surviving Jews of Corfu walk down a street in Corfu, Greece with Lanzmann. The four survivors walk towards the camera. 01:03:05 Armando Aaron explains (in French) that on June 9, 1944, the Jews of Corfu (numbering 1,650) were ordered by the Germans to gathe...

  20. Omega wristwatch worn by a Hungarian Jewish man on the Kasztner train

    1. Bela Gondos family collection

    Omega steel wristwatch worn by Dr. Bela Gondos when he was deported from Budapest, Hungary to Bergen-Belsen on the Kasztner train with his wife Anna and 7 year old daughter Judit in June 1944. He purchased the watch in 1940 or 1941 and it was not confiscated by the Germans because it was made of steel, not gold. Jews were increasingly persecuted by the Nazi-influenced Hungarian regime. Bela worked on 2 or 3 forced labor battalions until released in 1942 because he was a physician. On March 19, 1944, Germany invaded Hungary and the authorities prepared to deport all the Jews from Hungary to ...