Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,161 to 3,180 of 3,475
  1. Dahlem, Franz und Dahlem, Käte

    Bestandsbeschreibung Der schriftliche Nachlass von Franz und Käthe Dahlem gelangte in mehreren Etappen in das Zentrale Parteiarchiv der SED. Im Zusammenhang mit der Aufzeichnung seiner Lebenserinnerungen begann Franz Dahlem bereits in den 50er Jahren mit der Sammlung von Dokumenten und Materialien. In der Zeit von 1962 bis 1980 übergab er in größeren Abständen Teile dieser Sammlung an das ZPA. Nach seinem Ableben wurden in den Jahren 1982 und 1983 weitere Unterlagen aus dem Internen Archiv des Politbüros und vom Büro des Politbüros beim ZK der SED übernommen, darunter die persönlichen Papie...

  2. Singer style treadle sewing machine table of the type used in Łódź Ghetto

    1. Eastern European sewing equipment collection

    Treadle sewing machines like this Singer model were used by Jewish forced laborers in Łódź Ghetto in German occupied Poland from May 1940 to summer 1944. This mass produced machine was very durable and affordable. Łódź was occupied by Germany a week after the September 1939 invasion of Poland. It was renamed Litzmannstadt and, in February 1940, the Jewish population, about 160,000 people, was confined to a small sealed off ghetto. All residents had to work and many were forced laborers in ghetto factories. Eventually, nearly 100 factories were in operation. The major ones produced textiles,...

  3. Small white tinted all bisque doll brought by a German Jewish girl to Theresienstadt

    1. Janet Beasley collection

    Porcelain kewpie style doll brought by 8 year old Jutta Grybski to Theresienstadt ghetto labor-camp, where she was held from October 1944 to May 1945. The doll belonged to Jutta’s mother when she was a girl. Jutta had a Jewish mother, Kaethe, and a Catholic father, Hans, who divorced in late 1938 in Berlin, Germany. Hans enlisted in the German Army. His Aryan status and military service would protect Jutta and Kaethe from deportation, although their lives were restricted by anti-Jewish legislation. Jutta could not attend school or use public parks. Kaethe was forced to work in a commercial ...

  4. Small handsewn stuffed brown and yellow dog brought by a German Jewish girl to Theresienstadt

    1. Janet Beasley collection

    Small stuffed dog brought by 8 year old Jutta Grybski to Theresienstadt ghetto labor-camp, where she was held from October 1944 to May 1945. It was given to Jutta by her maternal grandmother. Jutta had a Jewish mother, Kaethe, and a Catholic father, Hans, who divorced in late 1938 in Berlin, Germany. Hans enlisted in the German Army. His Aryan status and military service would protect Jutta and Kaethe from deportation, although their lives were restricted by anti-Jewish legislation. Jutta could not attend school or use public parks. Kaethe was forced to work in a commercial laundry. Jutta’s...

  5. Handmade, moveable, wooden chicken toy purchased for a German Jewish girl after her liberation from Theresienstadt

    1. Janet Beasley collection

    Moveable wooden toy given to 9 year old Jutta Grybski after her liberation from Theresienstadt ghetto in May 1945. Soon after Soviet forces liberated the camp on May 9, a friend, Siegbert Einstein, who had also been a prisoner, went to the nearby town of Litomerice and brought the toy back for Jutta. Jutta had a Jewish mother, Kaethe, and a Catholic father, Hans, who divorced in late 1938 in Berlin, Germany. Hans enlisted in the German Army. His Aryan status and military service would protect Jutta and Kaethe from deportation, although their lives were restricted by anti-Jewish legislation....

  6. Permit to be out past curfew issued to a Jewish Czech woman

    1. Elizabeth Trausel family collection

    Special pass issued to Elisabeth (Liese) Trausel by the Jewish Council of Prague granting her permission to be out on the streets before curfew expired on September 1, 1944. Liese was assigned to work as a mica splitter and in order to arrive on time she needed to leave before curfew ended. Prague was invaded in March 1939, by Germany and made part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The authorities passed new anti-Jewish regulations that severely restricted Liese’s daily life. In September, Germany invaded neighboring Poland. In September 1941, Liese was required to wear a yellow S...

  7. Sugar and coffee ration card stub issued to a Jewish Czech woman

    1. Elizabeth Trausel family collection

    Ration card stub for nutrient and sugar, valid from September 18 – October 15, 1944, issued to Elisabeth (Liese) Trausel by the Ministry of Land and Forestry of Bohemia and Moravia. During the war food was strictly rationed in German controlled regions and Jews were allowed much smaller portions than the general public. To identify the owners as Jewish, the cards were first stamped with a large J and later the entire card was covered with inscriptions of “Jude’. Liese was from Prague, which was invaded in March 1939, by Germany and made part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The a...

  8. Sugar and coffee substitute ration card stub issued to a Jewish Czech woman.

    1. Elizabeth Trausel family collection

    Ration card stub for coffee substitute valid from February 8 – March 71943, issued to Elisabeth (Liese) Trausel by the Ministry of Land and Forestry. During the war food was strictly rationed in German controlled regions and Jews were allowed much smaller portions than the general public. To identify the owners as Jewish the cards were first stamped with a large J and later the entire card was covered with inscriptions of “Jude’. Liese was from Prague, which was invaded in March 1939, by Germany and made part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The authorities passed new anti-Jewish...

  9. Printed map of Theresienstadt Ghetto obtained by a Jewish Czech woman

    1. Elizabeth Trausel family collection

    Single sided, printed, paper map of Theresienstadt ghetto labor camp acquired by Elisabeth (Liese) Trausel while imprisoned at the camp from late fall 1944 until liberation in May 1945. Liese was from Prague which was invaded in March 1939, by Germany and made part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The authorities passed new anti-Jewish regulations that severely restricted Liese’s daily life. In September, Germany invaded neighboring Poland. In September 1941, Liese was required to wear a yellow Star of David badge at all times to identify herself as Jewish. Later that month, Rein...

  10. Star of David badge with Jude worn by a Jewish Czech woman

    1. Elizabeth Trausel family collection

    Star of David badge worn by Elisabeth (Liese) Trausel in German occupied Prague following the September 1, 1941 order requiring Jews in Czechoslovakia to wear the Yellow Star of David badge at all times. The badge has pins sewn in to allow for easy removal from clothing so as to not be identified as a Jew. This allowed Liese to partake in actions that were prohibited for Jews such as crossing streets which were not open to Jews or taking trips by street car. Prague was invaded in March 1939, by Germany and made part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The authorities passed new anti...

  11. Virtual Collection Terezin

    • ehri terezin research guide
    • English

    The aim of the EHRI Terezín Research Guide is to create a comprehensive, innovative and easy to use guide through the dispersed and fragmented Terezín (Theresienstadt) archival material and to empower further research on the history of the ghetto. The Terezín Research Guide illustrates the primary raison d'être of EHRI - to connect collections spread in many archives and in more countries. EHRI research guides demonstrate what a collaborative archival project can achieve and how archivists can redefine their tasks beyond providing physical access and creating finding aids restricted to the ...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 21 and 22 -- Testimonies of H. Pachter, Y. Gurfein, N. Zabludowicz, L. Wells

    Sessions 21 and 22. Court is not in session. Court officials interact; Adolf Eichmann enters his booth; Attorney General Gideon Hausner and Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius converse; and Servatius exchanges information with Eichmann. The Judges enter the courtroom and there is a blip at 00:04.52. Witness Hirsch (Zvi) Pachter discusses Nazi treatment in Hrubieszow, a town near Chelm: "They took hold of a man... they hit [him] on the head with their rifle butts... They kept on asking each other: 'How many did you manage to kill by shooting...'" Blip at 00:08:19. Witness Ya'Akov Gurfein d...

  13. Lola Kaufman papers

    The papers consist of a passport issued to Etie Stempler, the late wife of Lola Kaufman's maternal uncle, Gedalia Aschkenase, who immigrated to the United States in 1930 as well as a newspaper clipping from the New York Post, dated June 26, 1962, referring to Heinrich Peckmann, an SS sergeant in Chortkiv (Czortków), Ukraine, who was acquitted by a German court in Saarbrücken, Germany. Peckmann murdered Lola Kaufman's mother, Dwojre Rein, in 1942.

  14. Lyon hand stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit hand stamp with Lyon made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, Lina, Rosette, David, Robert, two other sisters, and Robert’s wife Nelly, beca...

  15. Stamp with Juif, French for Jew, made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit hand stamp with Juif for Jew made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, Lina, Rosette, David, Robert, two other sisters, and Robert’s wife Nel...

  16. Lyon town hall stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit unmounted hand stamp made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. It is a town hall stamp for Lyon. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, Lina, Rosette, David, Robert, two other sist...

  17. Dental company stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit unmounted hand stamp made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. The stamp mark is for a dental instruments company in Beauvais, probably for forging work papers. Making rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six sib...

  18. VT hand stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit hand stamp made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, Lina, Rosette, David, Robert, two other sisters, and Robert’s wife Nelly, became involve...

  19. C.I.-6-43 hand stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit hand stamp made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, Lina, Rosette, David, Robert, two other sisters, and Robert’s wife Nelly, became involve...

  20. Charbon hand stamp made to forge papers for the resistance

    1. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    Counterfeit unmounted hand stamp with Charbon 1942-1943 made by Gilbert Leidervarger in southern France between 1942 and 1944 to authenticate forged documents made by the French resistance. The stamp likely was used to forge coal ration cards. Recreating official rubber stamps was difficult because of the special materials and carving skills required. Erasing rubber was not really suitable; some forgers used linoleum or sliced and combined sections from purloined or discontinued stamps. After Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, Gilbert, wife Suzanne Donoff, and Suzanne’s six siblings, L...