Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,681 to 2,700 of 56,066
  1. Levy family aboard SS France en route to Europe

    Levy family descends steps of the family home at 690 North Crescent in Cincinnati, Ohio. 01:00:34 Aboard "SS France" ship from May 21-28, 1927. The family spent seven days on the ship sailing from the New York harbor on May 21, 1927. Children walk toward and wave at the camera. CU, young Emilie Jane smiles for the camera. 01:01:20 Clara Levy rests in a chair on the shipdeck. More views of the shipdeck with passengers and the ocean. 01:02:15 Dora Hartman, Clara Levy, and Emilie Jane Levy descend stairs of monument and stand before a stone statue (unknown location).

  2. Edith Ernst on vacation

    Edith Ernst (later Vishniac) on a pier on a lake. Edith drinking beer by lake (the family on the pier behind her is not the Vishniac family). Edith in a canoe. Edith with a goat. Edith with a peacock. Edith laughing, leaning over balcony.

  3. United Jewish Appeal fundraising film about the plight of Jewish refugees in Israel

    Title card reads, "UJA Report from Israel." Immigrants wave from a ship's deck while the narrator explains that these are Holocaust survivors arriving in Israel from Europe. Survivors disembark in Haifa as a crowd waits on the dock behind a fence. People sort through luggage and other belongings. A man stacks blankets and a woman searches for her baby carriage among several others. Items are loaded onto a truck which then takes immigrants to a camp. Dramatic CU of International Herald Tribune headlines: "Heavy Burden Of Immigrants Strains Israel," "Situation Called Explosive,"(article writt...

  4. Belsen: Medics moving typhus patients

    Medics loading trucks with people suffering from typhus. Red Cross truck. Women walking in a forest.

  5. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion file concerning Roma property

    Includes information about the confiscation of property of Roma deported to concentration camps from Berlin. The bulk of the records are dated 1943 with others dating as late as 1961.

  6. Airplane takes off; destroyed German plane

    Hamilton and other GI in uniforms with service caps. A silver B26 taxis on a dirt runway and takes off. Jeep alongside DC3. Destroyed German plane, MS and CU. CU of German markings on plane. Aerial shots from interior of DC3.

  7. Visiting Paris

    Pass to Paris. The Louvre, Venus de Milo, street scenes, Sacre Coeur, view of the city from above, more street scenes, bouquinistes, the Pantheon.

  8. Liberation of French town; civilians; church

    Stevens digging foxhole with another man. Men eating dinner on camp tables with tin cups. VS of unidentified men in the camp. Gag shot: Sign reads: "Bridge ahead under fire." Stevens seated in jeep turns toward camera and motions forward. Jeep and trucks drive off. Shot of vehicle coming toward camera in late afternoon light with bombed buildings on either side of country road and troops on foot. French civilians walking. Jeep follows. Reverse angle with Red Cross truck and severely bombed village. Shot on dusty road. Shot of jeep at waterfront area, most likely Cherbourg, France. Pan of ch...

  9. Oral history interview with Harry Burger

  10. Sephardi rabbis; Jewish schools, synagogues, customs

    Documentary film about the leading Balkan Sephardi rabbis of the time with rare footage of Jewish schools, residential quarters, synagogues, and cemeteries and a sampling of Sephardi religious customs. Selections of the 1929 film was obtained for a Collections Division-wide online exhibition called "Highlighting the Experience of Sephardi Jews" featured on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's website.

  11. Oral history interview with Hessy Taft

  12. Oral history interview with Arthur Tenenbaum

  13. Pilsen on V-E Day; Grace Moore, Ingrid Bergman, Jack Benny entertain; Soldiers at work in office

    Entering Pilsen, Czechoslovakia on May 8th, 1945 -- V-E Day. Street scenes of civilians in traditional Czech clothing. The opera house. View of the soldiers’ barracks. Sign for the “15th Finance.” Scenes of life in Pilsen and the countryside: people sunbathing, boating, swimming. An enormous crowd gathers to listen to Grace Moore sing. Soldiers play tennis with local civilians. Scenes from a parade. Pilsen castle. Soldiers smoke cigarettes and drink beer, including Murray. Ingrid Bergman and Jack Benny. Soldiers work in an office. Soldiers board a military airplane. Scenes of mountains and ...

  14. Liberation in France; French collaborator

    (INV1452) Various shots of large crowds waving to camera. 00:30 Some French soldiers try to clear the crowd to make a path on the road. 00:36 A man holds up a piece of paper. 00:43 Wider shot of crowd. 00:52 American Army car drives through the crowds. 00:54 CU on two female onlookers and then the rest of the crowd. 01:06 Very wide shot, view of the crowd filling the road. 01:08 Civilians approach soldiers sitting and standing around a car and shake their hands. 01:14 MS of the two soldiers sitting in the car. One is smoking a cigarette, the other one is facing away from the camera. 01:17 A...

  15. Undzer hurbm in bild

    Consists of an original copy of "Our destruction in pictures," collected and edited by Rafael Olevski, Dawid Rosental, and Paul Trepman and copyrighted in December 1946. The book contains photographs depicting scenes of Jewish persecution, ghettos, starvation, forced labor, concentration camps, liberation, and partisan resistance.

  16. Burial; Wehrmacht march in the Netherlands; propaganda march

    Planes fly over the sea. Long pier. Seaside district of Scheveningen, Holland. 01:01:10 Intertitle “Die Fischerflotte kegrt heim.” Rough waves, beach, boats in the ocean, the fishing fleet. Sailboats push against the current. Sun over calm waters. Fishing fleet in the choppy sea. Woman on a balcony. 01:02:38 Intertitle: “Rückkehr vom Feindflug.” Crowded beach. Five planes. Grave covered in flowers with an inscribed cross and a plane propellor. Another grave. Rough waves rolling in the ocean. 01:03:30 Soldiers lined up at attention. They follow drill commands at an official burial ceremony. ...

  17. Destroyed town in Belgium

    Jeep driving through muddy street of severely bombed out town. Civilian digging through rubble with crowbar. Women in winter coats in FG walking down street. Signs reads: "Bastgone." GIs give gift to little girl. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca gives present to little girl (There is a reference that Stevens made in a letter home about giving a Christmas present to a Belgian girl in March, long after Christmas had passed.) Truck pulls into muddy road, in a town that has been devastated by bombs. No buildings are left standing. Sign reads: "keep rollin' Malmady N23, Vielsalm." Pan of flattene...

  18. USHMM Memorial Tribute to Jeshajahu (Shaike) Weinberg

    AV production shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Memorial Tribute to Jeshajahu (Shaike) Weinberg on June 2, 2000.

  19. Members of the Israel Bond Planning Commission visit Israel to see projects funded by Israel bonds.

    Main title reads "A Visit to Israel by the Israel Bond Planning Commission." Members of the commission pose in front of a passenger jet. Henry Montor appears on the far left as you look at the screen. A banner reading "Shalom International Bond Leaders" adorns the entryway to the airport. Title card: "Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city and center of many industries." An Israel Bond Planning Commission bus passes by beach, factory, and residential property. The streets are thronging with cars, pedestrians and bicyclists. Members of the commission exit the bus and tour the Amcor appliance (?) fa...

  20. 2 video programs about the Holocaust: Nuremberg and other war crimes trials

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Second floor (2.08b) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #2 Second floor (2.08c) - Other Trials