Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,561 to 2,580 of 10,181
  1. 2. Agiman Fortuny

    1. Vicissitudini dei singoli
    2. Vicissitudini dei singoli - Serie I

    Carteggio di Fortuny Konfino Agiman con la Comunità israelitica di Milano ed altri enti ed istituti ebraici, tra cui l'Unione delle Comunità israelitiche italiane (UCII), la Delegazione per l'assistenza agli emigranti ebrei di Milano, il Verband Schweizerischer Judischer Fluchtlingshilfen di Zurigo, il Gruppo sionistico milanese, l'Association Jewish Physician Refugees in Italy, Maghen David Adom di Milano, Tutti e Tutto per la Costruzione dello Stato di Israele, il Fondo nazionale ebraico, la Casa di riposo per vecchi israeliti di Milano, il Keren Hayesod, WIZO - Associazione donne ebree d...

  2. Papers of I.M. Greenberg

    Jewish Chronicle Birmingham Jewish Recorder Jewish Chronicle Correspondence and papers relating to the , 1935-46; papers dealing with refugees, resettlement, on Palestine, Israel Aliya, United Zionist Revisionists and general Zionist matters, 1939-49; material relating to Shelach, Arab refugees, 1948-9, to Irgun and to Herut. General correspondence and notes, together with correspondence and material dealing with Jewish defence, anti-Semitism and associated subjects; army correspondence chiefly with M. Gollop and L. Rabinowitz; correspondence with M. Trau, Lord Nathan, Neville J. Laski, Leo...

  3. Solomon family papers

    Correspondence, in German and Russian, of Harry Solomon (Chaim Salomonowitz), 1897-1950, with family members in Liepaja, and Riga and Vilnius, including a long series of letters from his wife, Jenka/Jenny, 1910-15; correspondence with and about other members of the family as refugees from Russia, including letters from Novi Sad (Serbia), 1921

  4. Correspondence, memoranda and other papers of the Leeds Academic Assistance Committee, 1933-1940

    Correspondence, memoranda and other papers of the Leeds Academic Assistance Committee, 1933-1940, founded to collect funds for the support of academic refugees from Nazi Germany.

  5. Samuel Schalkowsky papers

    1. Samuel Schalkowsky collection

    Contains three black-and-white photographs, one letter, and two legal documents pertaining to Samuel Schalkowsky's post-World War II experiences as a displaced person following his internment in the Magdeburg Brabag concentration camp. The letter requests that Allied military personnel grant Mr. Schalkowsky any needed assistance in his attempts to locate his sister.

  6. Aus der Emigration

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    “Aus der Emigration” (From the exile), account by Dr. Curt Rosenberg for the years of 1939 to 1948 about his emigration from Germany, life in Glasgow as a refugee, internment in Bury and the Isle of Man. He describes in vivid detail the peaceful life in Glasgow, the interesting characters among the refugees in the internment camps in Bury and Camp Hutchinson, and the variety of cultural activities organized by the inmates. Later on he returns to Glasgow, where he describes the strained relationship between the established Jews and the refugees. It includes a program of cultural activities f...

  7. [Correspondence between British and Czech Jewish relief organisations]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains letters of a correspondence between Dr. Frischer, living in Prague and Mr. Stephany, Joint Secretary of the Central Council for Jewish Refugees in London. Concerning contribution by the Central Council for the jewish communities in Czechoslovakia. But the poor exchange rate between the pound and the Czechoslovak crown makes arrangements for remittance quite hard.

  8. [Documents concerning the formalities connected with the emigration from Austria in 1938 and life as a refugee in Great Britain]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Documents concerning the formalities connected with the emigration from Austria in 1938 and immigration to Great Britain, including important details for life as a refugee in Great Britain, containing lists, adresses, advice and contacts for refugess from Austria after the "Anschluss" of Austria to the Third Reich in 1938. The documents also contains a list regarding children who are about to be sent to Great Britain on a so called "Kindertransport".

  9. [list of place name mentions with corresponding protocol numbers]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The document contains a list of all place names - over a hundred names -of Jewish communities in Poland mentioned in the testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German-occupied Poland, and the corresponding testimony numbers they can be found in. The list is arranged by statement / protocol number.

  10. Monthly Report for the month of December, 1952

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The monthly report shows a high acquisition of files for the ITS, namely 7.200 files from the Concentration camp Natzweiler. Furthermore, it mentions a list from the Israeli Consul covering the mass immigration of Jews from Germany to Israel from 1948-1950, reports about the administration and budget, data regarding the personnel, international relations and the relations of the ITS to German federal and land authorities.

  11. Tausende von jüdischen Flüchtlingen in Wilna

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a report about the city 'Vilna' in Lithuania ('Wilna' in German, nowadays it is known as 'Vilnius'). The report starts with a long discription of a Lithuanian Army parade, which took place on 27th of October 1939, where the Army marched into Vilnius. The Lithuanians immediately attempted to Lithuanize the city. But it was not easy to help all the suffering Jews. Eventhough the city had been spared from a lot of war damage, but the economical situation of the Lithuanian Jews was devastating. To make matters worse a lot of Jewish refugees from Nazi occupied territories flew ...

  12. Flüchtlinge

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    The file contains documents written by Gorges Brunschvig, who was a Swiss lawyer and president of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG). Internationally, he is best known for representing the plaintiff in the 1934–35 "Berne Trial". Born in Bern to a family of Jewish horse traders, Brunschvig studied law at the University of Bern and passed the bar exam in 1933. In 1934, he founded a law firm on the Marktgasse in Bern. The documents are entitled as 'Flüchtlingsprobleme' - refugee (problems). Brunschvig speaks about refugee camps he visited as a refugee commissioner (Flüchtlingskom...

  13. Jews in Sweden I

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the first part of lists of holocaust survivors from the Jewish community in Sweden. The information was collected through refugees in Sweden about inmates of Theresienstadt. It is a compilation of names (First and last name, date of birth, address in Theresienstadt and nationality) assembled from information gained from refugees arriving in Sweden in the summer of 1945. The compilation consists of three parts: parts 1 & 2 are alphabetical lists of prisoners in Theresienstadt in April 1945, part 3 is a list of names and year of birth from the czech orphanage (Tschechisches Ki...

  14. [Correspondence of DALJEWCIB Harbin with Jewish relief organizations in Germany regarding the modalities and guidelines for emigration to Madchukuo]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Correspondence of DALJEWCIB Harbin with Jewish relief organizations in Germany [Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland] regarding the modalities and guidelines for emigration to Manchoukuo. Especially how one is to obtain a permanent residence permit from Mandchurian bureaucracy by having a valid work contract and income in Manchoukuo

  15. [World Jewish Congress of Paris 1939]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains protocols, reports and memoranda issued either officially or internally during the Paris 1939 World Jewish Congress meetings by working groups and the organization itself. The file contains protocols and proposed resolutions regarding the situation of European Jewry and refugees from fascist and National Socialist rule as well as lists of individually attending delegates and national delegations. Moreover the file also contains resolutions and proposals regarding emergency relief of Jewish persons who suffered under Nazi and fascist rule.

  16. [Correspondence of DALJEWCIB Harbin with a Jewish relief society in Paris regarding missing refugee families and entry visa permit regulations]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Correspondence of DALJEWCIB Harbin with a Jewish relief society in Paris regarding missing refugee families said to have embarked en sea-route to Mandchukuo, but have not arrived within the last three weeks as well as entry visa permit regulations to settle in Mandchukuo.

  17. [Correspondence of The In Harbin Located "DALJEWCIB" Office with a Jewish relief organisation in Germany]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Correspondence Of The In Harbin Located "DALJEWCIB" Office with a Jewish relief organisation in Germany, regarding the emigration of a Jewish professor Karl Kindermann, to Mandchukuo en route to Japan and the United States.

  18. International Tracing Service, Quarterly Report April- May-June, 1949

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The quarterly report (April-May-June 1949) includes the usual statistics and letters of thank by grateful parents who were reconnected with their children. Furthermore it states a deadline for refugees to seek assistance of the International Refugee Organization, namely the 31.9.1949. Also, that the child search will fall into the mandate of the IRO now and it presumably won't be completed before 1951.

  19. The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida) [Newspaper]

    1. Aberbach family collection