Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,461 to 24,480 of 56,066
  1. Rappel family collection

    The collection includes documents, photographs and correspondence concerning Ingrid Rappel (donor's mother) and her parents Hersz and Recha Rappel in Germany and Ferramonti, Italy during and after WWII. It also includes a luggage tag. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  2. Benesch and Herman families collection

    The collection consists of documents, scrip, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Franz Herman in Theresienstadt concentration camp in the former Czechoslovakia. Included is a postwar letter from Quito, Ecuador, four sets of Theresienstadt scrip (incomplete), certificates, and receipt issued by the Aeltestenrat der Juden [Jewish Council] in Prague, and a letter from 1943 with multiple authors. Booklet containing copies of Benesch family tree (donor's mother)

  3. Bernice, Morris, and Sarah Kirsch collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and a photograph relating to the experiences of Bronia and Morris Kirsch, and their daughter, Sarah, in a displaced persons camp after the Holocaust.

  4. Alona Frankel family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, drawings, correspondence, documents, photographs, and publication relating to the experiences of Gusta and Salomon Goldman and their daughter, Ilona, and their families in Oswiecim, Bochnia, and Krakow, Poland, before the war, during the Holocaust when the family lived in hiding in the Lvov ghetto, and after the war in Krakow and following their emigration to Israel.

  5. Vera Lechtman collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the experiences of Vera and Marcel Lechtman, Georges Maringer, and Marc Hoffman as rescued children in Switzerland during the Holocaust.

  6. Martin and Sophie Keizer Waterman family collection

    The collection consists of a flashlight, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Meijer and Sophia Frederika Keizer Waterman, their daughter, Roosje, and other family members in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Westerbork transit camp, and the Vittel internment camp in France before, during, and after the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  7. Shevach Biegeleisen and Emanuel Stein family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of the families of Shevach Biegeleisen and Emanuel Stein in Lwow and Krakow, Poland before and during the Holocaust and of Dr. Stein and his family during and after their emigration to the United States.

  8. Aliza Bar collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and photographs related to the experience of Aliza Bar, who was a hidden child in Poland, before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  9. Eugene Silver collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs associated with the history of the Nazi Party in Germany from approximately 1933-1945.

  10. Jacqueline Mendels Birn collection

    The collection consists of children's clothing, baby books, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ellen and Frits Mendels, and their children, Franklin, Jacqueline, and Manuela, before and during the Holocaust in France when the family lived in hiding. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  11. Henry and Rose Basch collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs related to the experiences of Henry and Rose Basch as Jewish refugees in Shanghai, China, before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  12. David Heck collection

    The collection consists of propaganda materials associated with the anti-Nazi movement in Canada during World War II.

  13. Ella Brecher Lieberman collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the experience of Ella Brecher Lieberman and her family in Poland and during their emigration to Palestine prior to the Holocaust.

  14. William Fraser collection

    Consists of one bound memoir, untitled, by Bill Fraser, a soldier in the British Army who was captured at Anzio in February 1944. In June 1944, he and a group of British POWs, were deported to Auschwitz, where they worked in the IG Farben complex. He describes life in Auschwitz and the group's attempts to sabotage the German war effort, memories of air raids, the comraderie among the soldiers, and his memories of the evacuation of the camp. After a months-long march, he was liberated near Regensburg by the American Army. Includes a copy of a poem entitled "Memories of a Prisoner of War Camp...

  15. Frank Meissner family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and a prayer book relating to the experiences of Franz Meissner and his family in Czechoslovakia before and during the Holocaust, and of Franz's experiences after escaping to Denmark, then Sweden, and Great Britain, where he joined the Royal Air Force, for the duration of World War II.

  16. Kalman and Pauline Barakan collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Kalman and Pauline Pajes Barakan in Poland during and after the World War II, including their repatriation and lives in Łódź until 1968, when they again became refugees and immigrated to the United States.

  17. Charlotte Neufeld collection

    The collection consists of an armband and a diary relating to the experiences of Charlotte (Sari) Ickovics (later Charlotte Neufeld) in the slave labor camp in Sommerda, Germany, during the Holocaust.

  18. Esther Vardi collection

    The collection consists of a watch, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Esther Vardi and her family in Hungary before, during, and after World War II, and of Esther's arrest and imprisonment in several concentration camps for her resistance activities during the Holocaust.

  19. Manfred Lobel collection

    The collection consists of a handmade board game and two textbooks relating to the experiences of Manfred Lobel and his family during their flight from Berlin, Germany, and their life in Shanghai, China, during and after the Holocaust.

  20. The Yahad-In Unum Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

    The collection consists of artifacts used or discovered by Yahad-in Unum during their work to investigate and to document the mass executions of more than 2 million Jews in Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1944 by Nazi Germany and those who collaborated with therm.