Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,381 to 24,400 of 56,066
  1. Anthony Acevedo collection

    The collection consists of an armband, a palm leaf cross, a prayer missal, a diary, a document, and photographs relating to the experiences of Anthony Acevedo while serving as a medic in the United States Army, Company B, 275th regiment, 70th Infantry Division, and as a prisoner of war (POW) in Berga an der Elster slave labor camp in Germany during World War II.

  2. Eve and Richard Przemyski collection

    The collection consists of an armband, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Ewa Lada (Eve Przemyski) in Poland and prisoner of war camps in Germany during the Holocaust, and in Italy and England after the Holocaust, of Richard Przemyski in Poland and a prisoner of war camp in Germany during the Holocaust and England and the US after the Holocaust, and of Maria Lada and friends in Poland before and after the Holocaust.

  3. Gabriella Mueller Fogel collection

    The collection consists of a handkerchief, a tablecoth, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Irena and Ignác Mueller and their children, Erich, Gabriella, and Tibor, in Czechoslovakia before and after the Holocaust during which Irena, Gabriella, and Tibor were imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto/labor camp, Ignác in Buchenwald concentration camp, and Erich was a slave laborer.

  4. Oral history interviews of the Give Me Your Children: Voices from the Łódź Ghetto collection

    Interviews conducted for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's "Give Me Your Children: Voices from the Łódź Ghetto" exhibition.

  5. Irena Urdang de Tour family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and a photograph relating to the experiences of Irena Ehrlich vel Sluszny (now Urdang de Tour) and her family in Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto in Poland before and during the Holocaust, to Irena's experiences in a slave labor factory in Berlin, and in Bindermichl displaced persons camp in Linz, Austria, after the Holocaust.

  6. Oral history interviews of the Belarus Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Belarus Documentation Project.

  7. Oral history interviews of the Corfu, Greece Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Corfu, Greece Project.

  8. Oral history interviews of the Czech Roma Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Czech Roma Documentation Project.

  9. Oral history interviews of the Estonia Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Estonia Documentation Project.

  10. Gerry van Heel collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and documents relating to the experiences of Gerry and Molly van Heel, Dutch resistance members who hid two young sisters, Elise and Judith Kann, in Eindhoven, Netherlands, during the Holocaust.

  11. Friedrich Kauf collection

    The collection consists of three Nazi propaganda posters or leaflets relating to laws of the Hitler Jugend and to appropriate behavior of youth while in public.

  12. James A. Romberger collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and a photograph relating to the experiences of James A. Romberger, a soldier in the United States Third Army in France and Germany in World War II, during which he participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp.

  13. Ruth Mondschein Zimbler collection

    The collection consists of three handkerchiefs, a cloth case, three children's books, Jewish prayer books, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ruth Mondschein and her family in Vienna, Austria, and as a Kindertransport refugee in the Netherlands with her younger brother before the Holocaust, as well as the family's separate journeys to the United States in 1939.

  14. Oral history interviews of the Dorit B. Whiteman collection

    Oral history interviews and research material gathered by Dorit B. Whiteman for her books, The Uprooted: A Hitler Legacy and Escape via Siberia: A Jewish Child's Odyssey of Survival.

  15. Oral history interviews of the Former Yugoslavia Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews with Jewish survivors of the Holocaust now living in Belgrade and the neighboring autonomous region of Vojvodinain in the Former Yugoslavia. Interviews include testimonies from former partisans and individuals who participated in Yugoslav resistance.

  16. Judith Kranzler collection

    The collection consists of a pair of sandals relating to the experiences of Lazar Horodetzky, a member of Mir Yeshiva, in the Hongkew ghetto in Shanghai, China, and copy prints and photographs documenting Jewish life in Vienna, Austria, Kobe, Japan, and Shanghai, China, during the Holocaust.

  17. Vera Meisels collection

    The collection consists of a sculpture, The Lost Child, created by Vera Meisels in the postwar period and photographs relating to the experiences of Vera and her family in Presov, Czechoslovakia, and in Theresienstadt concentration camp before, during, and after the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  18. Peretz Chorshati collection

    The collection consists of drawings created by Peretz Chorshati in the 1990s about his experiences as a soldier, forced laborer, and refugee in Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, and Poland during the Holocaust, and his voyage to and detention in Palestine after the Holocaust.

  19. Edward Henry collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and photographs relating to the experiences of Edward Henry, a chaplain in the United States Army during World War II in England and France, where his unit participated in the liberation of Paris.

  20. Steven Fenves collection

    The collection consists of a booklet, medallion, and photograph commemorating the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps on April 11, 2010, received by Steven Fenves, who was a child inmate at Buchenwald when it was liberated in April 1945.