Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,921 to 23,940 of 56,066
  1. Ernest and Ruth Chambre collection

    The collection consists of a suitcase, a book, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ernest Chambre before the Holocaust in Germany, Belgium, and Palestine, during the Holocaust in Miranda del Ebro internment camp in Spain, and of both Ernest and his wife, Ruth, in Palestine and then the United States following their emigration in 1946-1947. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  2. Percy Brand collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, audiocassettes, documents, and a scrapbook related to the experiences of Perec Brandt (Percy Brand) in Latvia and in several concentration camps and displaced persons camps after the Holocaust, as well as his postwar musical career.

  3. US magazines collection

    Group of magazines including Time Magazine, May 22, 1933 and The Nation, May 17, 1933

  4. Book drive stamp collection

    The collection consists of a group of book drive stamps printed in red, white and blue colors with the inscription: Give a Man a Book He Can Read (Marine, Army, Navy).

  5. Annemarie Loewe Durra collection

    The collection consists of two caricatures, thirteen newspapers, and a directory relating to the experiences of Annemarie Loewe Durra during the Holocaust when she was interned at Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia and after the war when she lived in Deggendorf displaced persons camp in Germany.

  6. Gabriel Reinhardt and Theresia Winterstein families collection

    The collection consists of a decorative box, lantern, milk can, tarp, two violins with bows, violin case, a small wooden wagon, wicker basket, and a small rug relating to the experiences of the Sinti families of Gabriel Reinhardt and Theresia Winterstein and thier daughters, Rita and Rolanda. in Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  7. Kurt von Schuschnigg Sr. collection

    The collection consists of an identification card issued to Dr. Kurt Auster [donor's father], a police residence record issued in Sachsenhausen concentration camp to donor, and a book titled Austrian Requiem written by the donor's father.

  8. Charlotte Schiff collection

    Collection of armbands, Star of David badge, documents, scrip, and a drawing relating to Charlotte Schiff's (Charlotte Goldschmidt) experiences during the Holocaust in Terezin (Theresienstadt) and her registration as a displaced person.

  9. French political poster collection

    The collection consists of posters produced in the 1940's in France with political content.

  10. Weissner family collection

    Two wool blankets or "cergi" typical of Maramures region, formerly Transylvania; milk strainer used by Weissner family; circa 1945

  11. Flora Hogman family collection

    The collection consists of a book, correspondence, documents, photographs, and translations of letters from Czechoslovakia, Italy, and France relating to the experiences of Flora Hogman and her family before, during, and after World War II.

  12. Hy Silverman collection

    The collection consists of a whistle and compass relating to the experiences of Hy Silverman as a soldier in the United States Army in Germany during World War II.

  13. Raymond Rocca collection

    The collection consists of three Italian anti-Allies, antisemitic posters issued circa 1941-1945 relating to the experiences of Raymond Rocca, while a soldier in the United States Army in Rome, Italy, during World War II.

  14. Marion Freyer Wolff collection

    The collection consists of a medal and ribbon, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Leo and Eva Lichtenstein Freyer, their daughters, Marion and Ursula, and their families in Germany before the Holocaust and their emigration to the United States in 1939.

  15. Gisela E. Zamora collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and documents relating to the experiences of Gisela Eckstein as an inmate of the Theresienstadt ghetto and Maerzdorf slave labor camp and of Joseph Zamoire (Zamora) as an inmate of Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  16. Mira Taube Stillman collection

    The collection consists of hand-written diaries, black and white photographs and two handkerchiefs relating to Mira Taube Stillman from Uzbekistan after the war and Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany.

  17. Peter Storm collection

    Collection consisting of a Nazi banner, two black and white photographs and a copy of Mein Kampf

  18. Regina and Uscher Hechtkopf family collection

    The collection consists of books and documents relating to the experiences of Uscher and Regina Hechtkopf and their daughter Judith after World War II (1939-1945) when they lived as displaced persons in Munich, Germany. Other materials concern members of their extended family. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  19. Berger family collection

    The collection consist of documents, correspondence, photographs, newspapers, an address book, and a mahzor relating to the experiences of the Berger family before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  20. Trudy Vinke Verloop collection

    The collection consists of a gold ring belonging to a Dutch policeman who was arrested by Nazis in a raid in Rotterdam. It was received by Trude Vinke Verloop (donor) in the summer of 1944, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Envelope that bears note regarding a Dutch police officer captured in a German raid, additional notes from donor's mother; 1944; in Dutch