Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,901 to 23,920 of 56,066
  1. Lori Cunard collection

    Consists of documents, photographs, clippngs, and postcards, illustrating the experiences of Ingund Lore Lewinsky (donor) and her parents, Paula and Walter Lewinsky surrounding the Holocaust. Included are "Kennkarten," or Jewish identity cards, issued to all three family members, that were buried beneath the family's hiding place; Walter's identity card for forced labor at Zeiss Ikon; prewar photographs of the family aboard the ship Orinoco, correspondence from family members in Theresienstadt and Sachsenhausen, and post-war documents. Also included are three Star of David patches, worn by ...

  2. Eugenia Josefsberg Burg collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David armband and a document related to the experience of Eugenia Josefsberg Burg in the Boryslaw ghetto/labor camp in Poland during the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  3. Fred and Lola Sauerbrunn collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the experiences of Fred and Lola Sauerbrunn in a displaced persons camp in Germany after the Holocaust.

  4. Joseph A. Witter collection

    The collection consists of two Allach porcelain figurines relating to the experiences of Dr. Joseph A. Witter, a United States Army surgeon who provided medical services at the liberated Dachau concentration camp in April and May 1945.

  5. Nazi propaganda publications collection

    The collection consists of books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, and flyers associated with the history of the Third Reich in Germany from 1933-1945.

  6. Jeanne Daman Scaglione collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, correspondence, documents, photographs, slides, sound recordings, and sheets of unused Star of David badges relating to the experiences of Jeanne Daman and her efforts to rescue Jewish residents of Belgium and to resist the German occupation of that country during World War II, as well as her postwar work in the United States with the United Jewish Appeal.

  7. Nazi Germany propaganda collection

    The collection consists of artifacts: Stormtrooper jodphurs, an Imperial Reich flag, a Nazi propaganda board game, a Jew Suss poster, and two pamphlets related to the history of Nazi Germany and to the postwar Allied military occupation.

  8. Margot Schwarzschild Wicki collection

    The collection consists of artwork, documents, a notebook, photographs, and postcards relating to the experiences of Margo Schwarzschild and her family during their imprisonment in Gurs and Rivesaltes internment camps and her stay in the OSE Pringy children's home in France during the Holocaust, as well their life in the postwar period.

  9. Rosalyn Orenstein collection

    The collection consists of documents, an identification tag, and photographs relating to the experiences of Wiktor Lerhaft as a German prisoner of war during WWII, and with his family in a displaced persons camp and during their emigration to the United States during the postwar period. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  10. Judith Weinstein collection

    The collection consists of a flag, a school box, a publication, a notebook, and a business catalog relating to the experiences of Judith Weinstein and her family in Poland before the Holocaust and in Wels displaced persons camp after the Holocaust.

  11. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, a book, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Jacob Wiener and his family, the Zwienickis, in Germany before World War II and in Canada and the United States before, during, and after the war. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  12. Ernestine Schiller collection

    The collection consists of one scrip and postwar documents relating to the experiences of Ernestine Schiller in the Theresienstadt concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  13. American military badge collection

    The collection consists of five American military badges.

  14. Anni Zajac Leist collection

    The collection consists of a green skirt suit relating to the experiences of Anna Zajac (later Leist) and her family in prewar Berlin, Germany, and a 1939 letter sent from Poland by her father Wolf to Anna, who had escaped to England on a Kindertransport.

  15. Nina S. Merrick collection

    The collection consists of a briefcase, Luftwaffe helmet, medal, and diary relating to the experiences of Nechama Szuster (Nina Schuster) after the Holocaust in a displaced persons camp in Eschwege, Germany, and following her emigration to the United States.

  16. Louis J. Walinsky collection

    The collection consists of a set of bookends,a glass bowl, brooch, case, cigarette lighter, gameboard, portfolio cover, shoulder badge, and stickpin relating to the experiences of Louis J. Walinsky while he was Director of the World ORT vocational schools in displaced persons camps in Germany in 1947.

  17. George Pick family collection

    The collection consists of a pair of boots, a suitcase, and photographs relating to the experiences of Istvan and Margit Kornhauser Pick, their son Gyorgy, and their extended family in Hungary before, during, and immediately after the Holocaust, which they survived by living in hiding in Budapest.

  18. Oral history interviews of the Peter Wortsman collection

    The collections consists of audio cassette tapes of oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors conducted from 1974 to 1975 in Austria, Poland, Israel, and France

  19. Gilbert Leidervarger and Donoff family collection

    The collection consists of eleven hand stamps, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Gilbert Leidervarger, his wife Suzanne, and his in-laws, Lina, David, Robert, Nelly, and Rosette Donoff, when they were active in forgery activities for the French resistance during the German occupation of France in World War II.

  20. Ewa Frenkel collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Herman Frenkel wearing a Polish Army uniform, two pieces of scrip from the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, and a coin from the ghetto in Stryj (Stryi), Ukraine.