Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,781 to 23,800 of 56,066
  1. Bob Geiger collection

    The collection conisists of a Nazi flag and a Nazi eagle flagpole ornament.

  2. Goldfarb family collection

    The collection consists of two metal and enamel pins and one wood and rubber stamp relating to the experiences of Elimelech, Roza, and William Goldfarb in the Ziegenhain and Kassel DP camps.

  3. Elisabet Goldstein collection

    The collection consists of a concentration camp uniform that includes a jacket with embroidered patch and pants and a teaspoon relating to the experiences of Isidor and Elisabet Farkas Goldstein in Romania, Poland, and Germany during and after the Holocaust.

  4. Edgar Gaerber collection

    The collection consists of one paper note and five coins from the Łódź ghetto, an antisemitic calendar, seventeen false identification documents, and a publication relating to the experiences of Edgar Gaerber and his parents, Dr. Bernard and Fanka Gaerber, during the Holocaust in Lvov, Poland (L'viv Ukraine) and in hiding in nearby towns and after the Holocaust in Łódź, Poland.

  5. Anne and Robert Levitt collection

    The collection consists of cigarette cards, twenty-eight coins, currency, envelopes, maps, a medal, a pocket knife, postage stamps, posters, stickers, brochures, clippings, documents, journals, a bound volume of newsletters, postcards, scrapbooks and loose scrapbook pages, publications, 14 framed Szyk prints, 1 unframed Szyk print, 6 Szyk prints mounted on plaques.

  6. Isadore Hollander collection

    Consists of a newspaper, the "Deggendorf Center Review," issued by the Department of Culture of the Jewish Committee in DP Center 7, dated December 1945, Deggendorf, Germany, in Yiddish and English; a magazine clipping from an unknown source showing photographs of atrocities at various concentration camps and sites. not dated; and an article entitled, "Atrocities- Capture of the German Concentration Camps Piles Up Evidence of Barbarism That Reaches The Low Point of Human Degradation."

  7. David and Zelda Silberman collection

    The collection consists of 56 posters and 6 pieces of related ephemera issued by various United States agencies, including the Office of War Information, the Office of Defense, and the Department of Agriculture during World War II.

  8. Jewish Community of Targu Mures collection

    The collection consists of two yads used by the Orthodox Jewish community of Targu Mures, Romania for over 100 years.

  9. Dorit Isaacsohn family collection

    The collection consists of fashion drawings, handmade garments, and photographs relating to the experiences of Gertrude, Julius and Dorit Isaacsohn before the Holocaust in Grätz (Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Poland) and Berlin, Germany, and after the Holocaust in Berlin and the United States.

  10. Internment camps of France in art collection

    The collection consists of twenty drawings by Fiszel Zylberberg-Zber of an internment camp in Beaune-la-Rolande, France, two aquarelles by Jacques Gotko (Yankelli Gotkovski) of an internment camp in Compiègne, France, and a watercolor by an unknown artist of the transit camp in Drancy, France.

  11. Jewish Community of Baia Mare collection

    Mixed collection of a ledger book and religious articles including an oil lamp, candlesticks, spice box and auction price box Hannuka, oil lamp, from Baia Mare synagogue, stayed in synagogue during Holocaust. Auction price box used in Baia Mare synagogue, stayed in synagogue during Holocaust, used when fundraising for people called to the Torah and during the High Holy Days. Spice box, in two pieces, made of copper-alloy. Two candlesticks (one pair) from Baia Mare synagogue, stayed in synagogue during the Holocaust. Ledger that lists Jewish properties from 1888 to 1943; Baia Mare, Romania.

  12. Charles H. Turner collection

    The collection consists of coins relating to the experiences of Walther von Scheidt, who was one of Hitler's bodyguards during World War II.

  13. Brian Katz collection

    The collection consists of 85 Nazi propaganda posters produced by the Reichspropagandaleitung der N.S.D.A.P. (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei).

  14. Moritz Schoenberger family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs related to the experiences of Moritz, Helene, and Bianka Schoenberger, including their escape from Austria after the Anschluss and their roundtrip voyage aboard the MS St. Louis in 1939, Moritz's internment in France, and the family's emigration to the United States.

  15. Lea Grundig collection

    The collection consists of fourteen etchings issued in the 1970s of drawings created by Lea Grundig from 1934-1936 for three different series: Der Jude ist schuld [The Jew is guilty]; Unterm hakenkreuz [Under the swastika]; and Krieg droht [War threatens] to document and protest the Nazi regime and the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.

  16. Herbert Sandberg collection

    The collection consists of seventy aquatints for the series Der Weg created by Herbert Sandberg on commission from 1958-1965 for the Buchenwald Museum in East Germany (now Germany) on the site of the concentration camp where he had been imprisoned during the Holocaust and incorporating work he had drawn while an inmate.

  17. Anthony Bissonette collection

    The collection consists of 7 scrip notes of various Kronen denominations from Theresienstadt (Terezin), Czechoslovakia.

  18. Milton L. Shurr collection

    The collection consists of an ashtray, binoculars, model airplane, Buchenwald scrip, a hunting knife and sheath, a Walther pistol and sheath, and a watercolor, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Milton Shurr, who as a member of the United States 1st Army Displaced Persons Team, arrived to care for prisoners at Buchenwald concentration camp soon after its liberation in April 1945.

  19. Sybil Milton collection

    The collection consists of posters and books related to the Soviet Union, the Nazi party, and the Holocaust.

  20. Stephen Siegel collection

    The collection consists of seventy-eighty lithographs relating to the history of the Holocaust.