Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,361 to 2,380 of 10,181
  1. Archives of the service for war victims Archives du service des victims de la guerre : Series A

    Contains records relating to the fate of Jewish and non-Jewish Belgians throughout Europe during the period of 1939 to 1950. Includes name lists from a wide variety of sources such as concentration and prisoner of war camps, relief and charity organizations, hospitals, prisons, and similar institutions. See also Part Mi, Part P, and Part R (Rg-65.001M; Rg-65.003M; Rg-65.004M).

  2. Archives of the service for war victims Archives du service des victims de la guerre : Series P

    Contains records relating to the fate of Jewish and non-Jewish Belgians throughout Europe during the period of 1939 to1950. Includes name lists from a wide variety of sources such as concentration and prisoner of war camps, relief and charity organizations, hospitals, prisons, and similar institutions. See also Parts Mi, A, and R (Rg- Rg-65.001M; Rg-65.002M; Rg-65.004M).

  3. Prime Minister's Office: Operational Correspondence and Papers Related to Palestine (PREM 8). Selected records.

    The collection consists of correspondence of the Prime Minister's Office primarily related to Palestine immigration issues in the years immediately after World War II during the Labour administration of Clement Attlee (1945-1951). The microfilmed records were copied from record group PREM 8 at the National Archives, United Kingdom.

  4. War Cabinet and Cabinet: the situation in Palestine

    Contains selected files from British Public Records Office fond CAB 27 and CAB 95. The collection consists of records and correspondence of the War Cabinet regarding Arab-Jewish unrest in Palestine rising out of the influx of new Jewish immigrants, and correspondence related to Jewish agency requests for increases in immigration limits. Also contains policy-oriented documents related to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

  5. Zalcgendler-Caspary family papers

    1. Zalcgendler-Caspary family collection

    Consists of documents, including passports, a ketubah, and photographs related to Abram Zalcgendler's (donor's father) and Ruth Caspary's (donor's mother) emigration from Europe.toShanghai, China. Also includes lettesr to“Awram Zalcgendler” from Mesifta Talmudic Seminary, and from the Rabbinical Seminary in Slonim.

  6. Archives of the service for war victims Archives du service des victims de la guerre : Series R

    Contains records relating to the fate of Jewish and non-Jewish Belgians throughout Europe during the period of 1933 to 1948. Includes name lists from a wide variety of sources such as concentration and prisoner of war camps, relief and charity organizations, hospitals, prisons, and similar institutions. See also Parts A, Mi, and P ( RG-65.001M; Rg- RG-65.002M and Rg-65.003M).

  7. Presentation by Nicole Denier Long

  8. Selected records of the Swedish Red Cross

    Contains selected records from the Swedish Red Cross concerning the "White Buses." In 1945 "White Buses" were sent by Sweden to Germany to bring liberated camp prisoners from Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Ravensbrück, and other camps as refugees to Sweden. Collection contains a transport list of 875 prisoners, diaries of transport personnel, reports and correspondence regarding White Buses' operations, lists of French, Danish, and Norwegian liberated prisoners, and the private collection of Major Sven Frykman (Chief of Swedish Red Cross Operation). Some records relate to the food supplies to Hung...

  9. Papers of Karl Schlyter, Swedish Minister of Justice

    Contains papers of a former Swedish Minister of Justice and well-known jurist, Karl Schlyter (1879-1959), including documents from the "XI: e Congres Pénal et Pénitentiaire International" in Berlin, Germany, from August 18 to 24, 1935; invitations to visit concentration camps in Germany; and some reports from those visits. Also contains the letter of resignation from James G. McDonald, High Commissioner for Refugees (Jewish and Other) coming from Germany, addressed to the Secretary General of the League of Nations, on December 27, 1935, and several newspaper clippings related to the McDon...

  10. Selected records of the Archives of the Jewish community of Strasbourg

    The collection includes protocols of meetings, general correspondence, reports, administrative files, correspondence of the general secretaries, correspondence with rabbis, members, lists of members, documents related to the readmission of new members, religious life and education, wartime refugees, the cemetery, the temple, the slaughter house, construction of memorials and synagogues, compensation for Alsace-Lorraine, financial reports, insurance, budgets, aid for small Jewish communities, partnerships with synagogues in the United States, activities, holidays, a letter to Philippe Pétai...

  11. Francis Akos papers

    Consist of materials relating to the Holocaust experience of Ferenc Akos Weinberg (later Francis Akos) as well as his experiences as a displaced person after World War II. The papers include a diary recounting his experiences at the Neuengamme concentration camp and the sinking of the Cap Arcona ship, which was a vessel used to evacuate refugees from West Prussia. Includes four photographs depicting a ceremony to memorialize the passengers who died when the Cap Arcona sank after a mistaken British attack. Also includes post-war passes and permissions identifying Akos as a former prisoner.

  12. Anita Heller papers

    The Anita Heller papers consists of an admission pass to services at the Jewish Congregation in Shanghai, China; a Foreigner's Resident Certificate issued to Walter Kempinsky in Shanghai; two Reisepass (passports) for Walter and Erna Kempinsky; a schedule for the High Holy Days services at the Jewish Congregation in Shanghai; two Alien Head Tax receipts for American President Lines; two receipts for passport fees; and a letter from the Jewish Council for Social Services (Jüdische Arbeiterfürgorge Wanderfürsorge) regarding Walter Kempinsky to the Staatspolizei in Breslau, Germany (now Wro...

  13. Regina Goldberg Lomm Halpern papers

    The papers consist of documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to the experiences of Regina Goldberg Lomm Halpern donor's wife and her first husband, Berek Lomm, during and after the Holocaust and her claims for restitution after World War II. Also included in the papers is a book of poems about the Holocaust, "I Cannot Forget," by Henriette Kermisch, a friend of Regina Goldberg Lomm Halpern.

  14. Nicholas Berman papers

    The papers consist of a certificate with a statement of Dr. Mikios Bermann's release from Theresienstadt and two registration certificates issued to Dr. Mikulas Berman and Gisela Bermanova, his wife, by the Czechoslovakian Repatriation Office.

  15. Doernberg family papers

    The papers consist of two passports and two identification cards relating to the Doernberg family's flight from Eschwege, Germany, to Portugal. The collection includes German passports ("Reisepass"), German identification cards ("Kennkarte"), and Portuguese identification papers (Bilhete de Identidade) for Hedwig and Carl Doernberg, David Doernberg's paternal grandparents, who fled from Germany to Portugal in 1939, arriving in the United States in 1941.

  16. Lilo Goldstone papers

    The Lilo Goldstone papers consist of five photographs of the Heldenmuth family. The photographs were taken at their home in Plettenberg, Germany; aboard the MS St. Louis; and after their arrival in England. There is also a piece of scrip issued to Alfred Heldenmuth at an English refugee center, and an obituary concerning the death of Solomon Heldenmuth in Germany.

  17. Dziedzic family papers

    The Rosh Hashanah postcard from the Bergen-Belsen DP camp bears a photograph of Teddy and Sarah Jay [donor's parents] and their daughter [donor] and other photographs of life in the camp. A banner near the bottom is printed with the greeting, "L'Shana Tova / T'catevu v'Tchtamu" (Happy New Year / May you be inscribed in the Book of Life). Also included are documents and photographs illustrating post war displaced persons experiences of Tejwie Dziedzic, his wife Sara Dziedzic and their daughter Michla (donor) in Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp.

  18. Capture of Rotterdam

    Columns of smoke. Pan over river, showing destroyed Rotterdam. Explosion. CU, sniper, trees, smoke. Destruction, burning of Rotterdam. LS, Dutch troops walking toward camera waving white flags. Burning buildings, tanks, armored vehicles. CU, night shot: burning buildings in Rotterdam, troops. Civilians in FG, rubble. Aerial shots of Rotterdam. CU, government officials entering buildng. INT, Dutch surrendering Rotterdam to the Germans, officials seated at table. German plane as it turns over, three German planes taking off from airfield, more German planes in formation. Aerial shot, refugees...