Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,681 to 23,700 of 56,066
  1. Koreshige Inuzuka collection

    The collection consists of a fan, a box, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Koreshige Inuzuka in Japan and Japanese-occupied Shanghai, China, before, during, and after World War II.

  2. Margot Lawson collection

    The collections includes stationery, two badges, a memoir, and a work identification card from the Amsterdamsche Bond van Oud-Illegale Werkers. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  3. Marianne May collection

    The collection consists of a petition to the American consulate in Prague, Czechoslovakia, for a visa and 7 pieces of scrip from the Theresienstadt ghetto in Czechoslovakia.

  4. Witek and Wiera Sierpinska collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Wiera Baksztanski (Sierpinska) before and during the Holocaust in Poland, and of Dr. Witek Sierpinski during the Holocaust in Poland.

  5. Archiv des Diakonischen Werkes der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands, Berlin collection

    The collection consists of lapel pins related to the history of the Inner Mission charity of the Protestant Church in Germany during the 1930s under the Nazi regime in Germany.

  6. Leah Derera collection

    The collection consists of a miniature book, a box, and a picture frame relating to the experiences of Leia Kreimer (Leah Derera) when she was imprisoned in Vapniarka concentration camp in Transnistria during the Holocaust.

  7. Johanna Hirsch Liebmann collection

    The collection consists of a change purse, drawings, correspondence, and documents relating to the experiences of Johanna Hirsch and her family before and during the Holocaust in Karlsruhe, Germany, their deportation to Gurs concentration camp in southern France, and Johanna's escape and travel through France to Switzerland.

  8. Emma Jonas family collection

    The collection consists of two armbands, mica flakes, six Theresienstadt scrip, a Star of David badge, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Emma Jonas and her family in Berlin, Germany, before and during the Holocaust and to Emma's experiences in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp during the Holocaust and in Deggendorf displaced persons camp after the war.

  9. Salomon Strauss-Marko collection

    The collection consists of artifacts: a dog tag, a nightstick, a pair of brass knuckles, and a bootjack, correspondence, documents, a manuscript, and photographs relating to Salomon Strauss-Marko, originally from Warek, Poland, during the Holocaust when he lived under a false identity as a Ukrainian while imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp in Germany and in concentration/labor camps in Austria.

  10. Barbara Rein collection

    The collection consists of four face powder containers marked with the color name Rachel sold in Bulgaria before and during the Holocaust, including the period when Bulgaria was an Axis ally.

  11. Suzanne Meisingher Cohen collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge and an identification card relating to the experiences of Suzanna Meisingher Cohen in France during the Holocaust.

  12. Shlomo Schiller family collection

    The collection consists of a tallit, a tallit katan, and photographs relating to the experiences of Shlomo Schiller and his family in Poland before and after the Holocaust, and in the Soviet Union during the Holocaust.

  13. Gisela E. Zamora collection

    The collection consists of tefillin and tefillin storage bag relating to the experiences of Josef and Marcus Zamojre, originally from Germany, while living in hiding in Italy during the Holocaust.

  14. Herbert C. Durkee collection

    The collection consists of a handkerchief, documents, photographs, and signatures relating to the experiences of Herbert C. Durkee after World War II when he served as a guard at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.

  15. Ladislaus Farkas collection

    The collection consists of a drawing and photographs relating to the experiences of the Farkas family in Romania and of Ladislaus Farkas in Germany prior to the Holocaust.

  16. Ossip Lubitch collection

    The collection consists of fifty-two pencil drawings created by Ossip Lubitch while he was interned in Drancy internment camp in France from July to August 1944.

  17. David Glick collection

    The collections consists of four reels of 16mm original color and black and white camera reversal film; each reel is approximately 400 feet in length. The films document David Glick's travels as a representative of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee helping German Jews emigrate to South America in 1939, trips to France in the 1920s, France and Bavaria between 1936 and 1938, and the United States in the 1930s and 1940s. The collection also includes a bound report compiled by Allen Hepner titled "Rescue and Resettlement: Thousands saved from Nazi Germany; bound report compiled b...

  18. Miriam Ziegler collection

    The collection consists of an aluminum box and photographs relating to the experiences of Rose and Miriam Ziegler and their family before the war in Ostrowiec, Poland, during the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, and after liberation, to Miriam's experiences in Bindermichl displaced persons camp and the Strobl children's home in Austria.

  19. Nazi Germany cultural and political propaganda collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and publications relating to the expansion of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and the waging of World War II.

  20. Israel Lichtenstein collection

    The collection consists of a handmade greeting card and photographs documenting the experiences of Menachem Mendel Lichtenstein, his wife Shifra, and son, Israel, in France during the Holocaust when Menachem was interned in Beaune-la-Rolande transit camp and Israel lived in the Masgelier's children's home.