Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,661 to 23,680 of 56,066
  1. Adler family collection

    The collection consists of sets of tefillin and Jewish prayer books, relating to the experiences of Otto Adler and his parents, Serena Fell Adler and Mihail Adler, in Romania and Poland during and after the Holocaust.

  2. Arzt family collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence, photograph albums, family histories and genealogies, notebooks, a wallet, textile-covered box, small bottle, and souvenirs relating to the experiences of the Arzt family who fled Berlin, Germany for the Dominican Republic.

  3. Taubner-Kovacs family collection

    The collection consists of a Swiss schutzpass issued to Zoltan Taubner and Jozsa Kovacs Erika Gold's parents, 1 certificate for a work camp, Shell Koolaj R.T., issued to Zoltan Taubner, 1 certificate for a work camp issued to Jozsa Kovacs and Erika Gold, and 1 laminated dollar bill carried by Zoltan Taubner in the heel of his shoe while working for Shell Koolaj R.T.

  4. Anna Leist collection

    The collection consists of a handmade portfolio and five books relating to the experiences of Anna Zajac and her sister Lydia in the Ahawah Children's Home in Berlin, Germany, from 1936-1938 and her subsequent journey to Great Britain as a Kindertransport refugee in December 1938.

  5. Robert Holland collection

    The collection consists of two drawings and photographs relating to the experiences of Robert E. Holland during his service in the United States Army, 20th Armored Division, at the Dachau prisoner of war camp after the end of World War II.

  6. William Begell collection

    The collection consists of a wallet, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Wilhelm, Ferdinand, and Liza Beigel in prewar Vilna, in the Vilna ghetto during the Holocaust, and Wilhelm in the Dillingen an der Donau displaced persons camp in Germany after the Holocaust.

  7. Nazi Germany memorabilia collection

    The collection consists of a Berlin medical association circular, an SA kepi, two books, and a box of 46 glass slides relating to the history of the Nazi regime in Germany, 1933-1945.

  8. French propaganda poster collection

    The collection consists of 5 French posters and a pair of shoes.

  9. Harry Goldsmith collection

    The collection consists primarily of stamps, envelopes, postcards, correspondence, postal cancellations, scrip, identification cards, photographs, work permits, ration cards, and receipts relating to the Holocaust in various countries, ghettos, and concentration camps. The scrapbooks are organized by concentration camp, location, ghetto, and period

  10. Sam Klasner collection

    The collection consists of a pair of shoes, calipers, a certificate, documents and photographs relating to the experiences of Sam Klasner during the Holocaust when he was a forced laborer in the factory owned by Oskar Schindler in German occupied Czechoslovakia and after the Holocaust when he lived in a displaced persons camp in Germany. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  11. Elisabeth and Maurits Munichman family collection

    The collection consists of dice, a strongbox, a suitcase, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Maurits Munichman and his parents, Herman and Hanna Santilhano Munichman, and Elisabeth Blind (later Munichman) and her mother, Schoontje Visser, and their families in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

  12. French antisemitic pamphlet and poster collection

    The collection consists of an antisemitic poster and three antisemitic pamphlets published in France from April 1939-1941.

  13. Dixie Foster collection

    The collection consists of currency, documents, publications, and a scrapbook relating to the experiences of Dixie Foster when she worked as a court reporter during the US Military Tribunal known as the Dachau war crimes trials, in Germany after World War II.

  14. Joel Forman collection

    The collection consists of a badge, a coin, and a photograph relating to the history of Nazi Germany and the German occupation of the Channel Islands before and during World War II, as well as a 1983 Israeli medallion commemorating World War II.

  15. Nazi Party miscellanea collection

    The collection consists of a book, documents, a poster, and one pair of SA-Wehrmannschaft uniform trousers relating to the history of the Nazi Party in Germany.

  16. Gabriella Weinberger Neufeld family collection

    The collection consists of a pillow sham and photographs relating to the experiences of Gabriella Weinberger and her family in Hungary before and during the Holocaust when they were deported and imprisoned in several concentrations camps and of Gabriella's postwar life in Sweden.

  17. Ann West collection

    The collection consists of badges, an armband, a cloth, scrip, a pamphlet, and personal papers related to Ann West's work for a German military laundry near Berlin, her deportation to Auschwitz and liberation, and her mother’s survival in Theresienstadt and status as a victim of fascism.

  18. Eric Gutsmuth collection

    Consists of documents, leaflets, newspapers, Łódź, Theresienstadt and Westerbork ghetto and camp scrip, a diary, and philatelic material either documenting the Gutsmuth family prior to the War, their emigration, their being in hiding in the Netherlands or being imprisoned in Theresienstadt; or purchased by Eric Gutsmuth's father. Included are anti-Semitic propaganda and Dutch resistance leaflets.

  19. Henry and Sophie Bernhard collection

    The collection consists of a camera, two travel trunks, documents, and a photograph relating to the experiences of Hans and Sophie Bernhard before and during the Holocaust when they emigrated from Berlin, Germany, to Havana, Cuba, and later in the United States after the Holocaust.

  20. Sydonia and Zbigniew Kelhoffer family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts: armbands, badges, and a wooden box, correspondence, documents, glass and film negatives, and photographs relating to the experiences of Sydonia and Zbigniew Kelhoffer and their families before the Holocaust in Boryslaw, Poland (now Boryslav, Ukraine), and during the Holocaust in the Boryslaw ghetto and Beskiden labor camp, including years when they lived in hiding.