Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,621 to 23,640 of 56,066
  1. Herbert Karliner family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence and prayer books relating to the experiences of Herbert Karliner and his family who fled Germany on the ill-fated voyage of the MS St. Louis, were separated after their return to France, when Herbert and his brother Walter were placed in a children's home and his parents, Martha and Josef, and two sister, Ilse and Ruth, were deported and killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

  2. Marian Rokacz collection

    The collection consists of nine pieces of Łódź ghetto scrip relating to the experiences of Marian Rokacz as a detainee in the ghetto in Łódź (Litzmannstadt), Poland, during the Holocaust.

  3. Arnold Gladstein collection

    The collection consists of a concert ticket and a program relating to the experiences of Arnold Gladstein while serving in the United States Air Force in Germany after World War II.

  4. Alexander and Raya Magid Markon family collection

    The collection consists of a dog tag, correspondence, documents, identification cards, and photographs relating to Alexander and Raya Magid Markon and their son Alain during and after the Holocaust when the family left German occupied France for the United States. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  5. Rafal Imbro collection

    The collection consists of three boxes, a wallet, documents, identification cards, and receipt books relating to the experiences of Jewish people living in Łódź and Kielce, Poland, before and during the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  6. Roger Francois collection

    The collection consists of medals, books, a diary, and a scrapbook relating to the experience of Roger Francois in the Belgian resistance and in Buchenwald and Flossenburg concentration camps during the Holocaust.

  7. Annette Metis Gallagher family collection

    The collection consists of a headband, a magazine, photographs, and a scrapbook relating to the experiences of Lotte Metis and her children, Annette and Wolfgang, and their May 1939 voyage aboard the MS St. Louis.

  8. Lea Herlinger Kaluzna family collection

    The collection consists of a Leica camera, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Elsa, Ivo, and Lea Herlinger before the Holocaust in Yugoslavia, during and after the Holocaust in Italy, including the years they lived in hiding, and after their 1950 emigration to the United States.

  9. Bernhard Groeschel collection

    The collection consists of two batim from a set of tefillin and a tefillin storage pouch relating to the experiences of Bernhard Groeschel in Forchheim, Germany, before and after the Holocaust.

  10. Erna and Herman Meyer collection

    The collection consists of a wallet and documents relating to the experiences of Erna Landau before the war when she emigrated from Rhede, Germany, to Great Britain in 1938 and of photographs relating to the experiences of Herman Meyer and his extended family in the Netherlands and then in Kenya where they lived as refugees during World War II.

  11. Uri Orlev collection

    The collection consists of a drawing and photographs relating to the experiences of Jurek Orlowski, (Uri Orlev) and his brother, Kazimierz, before and during the Holocaust in Warsaw, Poland, and after the Holocaust in Palestine.

  12. Ursula Lenneberg Pawel and Siegmund Brünell family collection

    The collection consists of Theresienstadt scrip and a postcard relating to the experiences of Ursula Lenneberg and her family in Theresienstadt concentration camp during the Holocaust and of photographs relating to the family of her stepfather, Siegmund Bruenell, in prewar Germany and in Theresienstadt concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  13. Tibor Stern collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Tibor Stern following the Holocaust.

  14. George Ogurek Zimmerman family collection

    The collection consists of a wrist watch, a rubber stamp, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Jerzy Ogurek and his family during the Holocaust, including their imprisonment in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, and after the war as displaced persons in Germany.

  15. Alice and John Fink collection

    The collection consists of clothing, medical equipment, pins, a wedding dress, and other artifacts, documents, films, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Alice Redlich and Hans Finke in Berlin, Germany, before and during the Holocaust and as relief workers in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, where they married, after World War II.

  16. John Shields collection

    The collection consists of postage stamps of varying values issued by the Deutsches Reich. Some of the stamps depict Hitler's profile.

  17. Arie Singer collection

    The collection consists of contemporary paintings by Arie Singer relating to his experiences as a child in Vilna, Poland (Vilnius, Lithuania), the ghetto in Glembokie (Hlybokaye), Belarus, and with a partisan group in the forests near Vilnius during the Holocaust.

  18. Lucie Eisenstab Porges family collection

    The collection consists of a drawing relating to the experiences of Lucie and Peter Paul Porges after the war and of certificates, a documents, and a photograph relating to the experiences of Lucie Eisenstab, her parents, Eisig and Jetty, and sister Elfie before the Holocaust in Vienna, Austria, and during and after the Holocaust in Geneva, Switzerland.

  19. German political and military propaganda collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the political and propaganda activities of the Nazi Party in Germany before and during World War II.

  20. Igor Belousovitch collection

    The collection consists of five pieces of Łódź ghetto scrip relating to the experiences of Igor Belousovitch during World War ll when he was a soldier in the 273rd Regiment, 69th Infantry Division, United States Army, near Leipzig, Germany.