Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,441 to 23,460 of 56,066
  1. Albert E. Carter collection

    The collection consists of political cartoons, a book, and newspaper articles relating to the experiences of Albert E. Carter as a journalist in the United States, Germany, and South America before and during World War II.

  2. Oral history interviews of the Story Preservation Initiative collection

    Oral history interviews produced by the Story Preservation Initiative.

  3. Mirjam Lewie Bolle collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge and a copy photograph relating to the experiences of Mirjam Lewie in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during the Holocaust.

  4. Ludwig Friedrich Sussman collection

    The collection consists of three Jewish prayer books and a medal relating to the experiences of Ludwig Friedrich Sussman, who left Germany for the United States in 1938.

  5. Erwin Tepper collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, photographs, and writings related to the experiences of Erwin Tepper and his parents, Juda Ber and Schifra Tepper, originally from Vienna, Austria, who immigrated to the United States in 1939.

  6. William Shapiro collection

    Memoir written by William J. (Bill) Shapiro (donor's husband); Speech given by William Shapiro about his experiences during WWII; VHS tape of presentation given by him at the U.S. State Department; Bill Shapiro was an American soldier who was captured as a POW and taken to Berga with 349 other Americans to perform slave labor.

  7. Braun and Rosenfeld families collection

    The collection consists of a linen and photographs relating to the experiences of the parents and family of Dina Rosenfeld in Munkacs, Dej Orhei, and Bystrica, Hungary, and Romania.

  8. Joshua and Fela Feldman collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Szyja (Joshua) and Fela Winter Feldman after the Holocaust, during which Szyja was imprisoned in Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, in Switzerland and Sweden.

  9. Gerald Kaiser family collection

    The collection consists of a knit bag and photographs relating to the experiences of Bernard, Cesia, and Jurek (Gerald) Kaiser and their family before and during the Holocaust in Kielce Ghetto, Chlewice, Lipnica labor camp, and Sosnowiec, Poland, and in Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp after the war and of the Wlodek family in Lvov and Wegleszyn, Poland. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  10. Oral history interviews of the Richard Newman collection

    Oral history interviews produced by Richard Newman for research on his book Alma Rosé : Vienna to Auschwitz

  11. Nazi-issued propaganda magazines

    Nazi issued propaganda magazines entitled: Die Arbeitsmaid, Berlin; Ewiges Deutschland, circa July 1937; Freude und Arbeit, Berlin 1938; Freude und Arbeit, Berlin, 1938; Freude und Arbeit, Berling 1939; Deutshland, Germany 1934.

  12. Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education collection

    Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education collection.

  13. Chana Pergerycht Wandersman collection

    The collection consists of a leather satchel, correspondence, and photographs relating to the experiences of Chana Pergerycht Wandersman in Parschnitz labor camp in Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust, and in Feldafing displaced persons (DP) camp in Germany after the Holocaust.

  14. Leon Scharff collection

    The collection consists of three pieces of scrip relating to the experiences of Lt. Leon Scharff, US Army Signal Corps, who was among the first wave of American troops to enter and liberate Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany in April 1945.

  15. Bernard Robinson collection

    Recorded interviews, notes, photographs, correspondence, copied documents, and other research material compiled, collected, or created by Bernard Robinson, the donor’s father, as well as Amalia Robins, the donor's mother, in the course of their extensive research on the topic of women who were imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II, and were forced on death marches toward the end of that war. The specific focus of much of the material are the two death marches that Amalia Robinson participated in between January and May 1945. Includes approximately 100 or more audiorecordings of interv...

  16. Oral history interviews of the Sender Shapiro and Abe Rabinowitz collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors produced by Robert Moses Shapiro and Isaiah Kuperstein.

  17. Henrik Roth family collection

    The collection consists of a hanukiyah, pocket watch and stand, two copyprints, and three prayerbooks relating to the experiences of Henrik, Celina, and George (b. 1941) Rath (later Roth), during the Holocaust which they survived by living under assumed identities in Poland and after the war when they lived in Paris, France, from 1947-1951.

  18. The Gajer and Kauders-Kuhe families collection

    Identity cards, documents, certificates and scrip from before, during, and after the Holocaust for Bozena Grunhut (nee Belska) and Abraham Gajer (later Gayer) [donor's parents] and their first spouses Robert Israel Kauders-Kuhe (later Jaros) and Nelli Hammer, and Robert's mother Adrienne Kauders-Kuhe. In addition to identification paperwork, the collection contains DP camp materials, immigration and naturalization documents for Canada and USA, compensation claims, as well as correspondence concerning Nelli Gayer's treatment for PTSD related to her time in the concentration camps. Collection...

  19. Marianne Cohn Roberts collection

    The collection consist of a bank note, clippings, photographs, and a speech relating to the experiences of Marianne Cohn Roberts, who left Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, for the United States in 1939.

  20. Cohen and van Bever families collection

    Two stamp albums, owned by the donors' maternal grandfather, Emanuel van Bever, and retrieved by the donors' mother after the family returned to their apartment in Amsterdam following the end of World War II, which they had survived by living in hiding. These albums were among the very few belongings still left in their apartment. Collection also includes two photographs of Emile Cohen as a boy, including one of him taken while in hiding during the war.