Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,261 to 23,280 of 56,066
  1. Frederick Gratwick, Jr. collection

    The collection consists of a concentration camp coat and two pairs of pants, relating to the experiences of Frederick Gratwick, Jr., an American military administrator, at Dachau concentration camp after the Holocaust.

  2. Simcha Munzer collection

    The collection consists of a typewriter used by Simcha Munzer (donor's father) before and during the war, and then afterwards by Gisele and Alfred Munzer (donor's mother and donor). 2 photographs of Eva and Lianne Munzer (donor's sisters) which were likely entrusted with neighbors. Napkin ring given to Alfred Munzer on the occasion of Sinterklaas Day from his paternal uncle Emil (?)

  3. Jacques Schweitzer collection

    Photographs, documents, class notebook related to Jacques Schweitzer (originally Jacques Swiczarczyk). Also includes his beret and pants from his service in the Forces Navates Francaises Libres and wartime French currency.

  4. Shlomo Garber family collection

    The collection consists of a Hebrew typewriter, a ketubah, and photographs relating to the experiences of Shlomo Garber and Stella Feidel before and after the Holocaust when they married in Pocking displaced persons camp in Germany.

  5. Ernest Fiedler collection

    The collection consists of dog tags, patches, documents, a photograph album, photographs, and a publication relating to the experiences of Ernest Fielder, before the war in Breslau, Germany, which his family left for the United States in 1938, and during his service in the United States Army Counterintelligence Corps during and after World War II.

  6. Morgenstern and Merkur families collection

    The collection consists of a prayer book, correspondence, documents, photographs, and sheet music relating to the experiences of the Morgenstern and Merkur families in Austria, England, France, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Switzerland before the war, in those nations, Czechoslovakia, and many concentration camps during the Holocaust, and in Austria and Australia after World War II.

  7. Barbara Gramaska collection

    The collection consists of a forced labor badge and a portrait photograph relating to the experiences of Barbara Gramaska during World War II.

  8. Charlotte Zagorska Pogel collection

    The collection consists of prisoner badges, a Star of David patch, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Charlotte (Lotte) Zagorska during the Holocaust in German occupied Poland when she was imprisoned in Wolta-Gabersdorf forced labor camp, and after the war.

  9. Isidor Muschel collection

    The collection consists of a fur sewing machine, furrier’s tools, and a set of scale weights relating to the experiences of Isidor Muschel and his wife, Ida, and daughter, Dorit, in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Anschluss, and in the United States before World War II.

  10. German bunker envelope collection

    The collection consists of envelopes found in a German bunker by an American soldier while serving in Europe.

  11. Oral testimonies of the Voces del Holocausto en México collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors who settled in México

  12. Nile H. Heermans collection

    Nazi propaganda filmstrips and roll of film that Nile H. Heermans (donor's father) brought home from his military service as a member of the 71st Division of the US Third Army during WWII.

  13. Ellen Kaidanow collection

    Documents, photographs, and letter, related to Ellen Kaidanow (born Shifra Leviatin) and her family, and their experiences in the Dubno ghetto, in Poland, during the German occupation in World War II. In addition to documents, the collection includes a spoon.

  14. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    The collection consists of military scrip, documents, autobiographical text, and printed materials relating to the experiences of Jerold F. Majerus, during his service with the U.S. Army, in the 6827th Military Detachment, as part of the stenographic support staff of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-1946.

  15. Arthur Jacobs collection

    The collection consists of photographs, a watercolor painting, and a shadowbox display relating to the experiences of Arthur Jacobs in the United States and Germany during and after World

  16. Bamivchan advertisement poster collection

    The collection consist of four advertisement posters for Bamivchan bulletin, HaNo'ar HaLomed beEretz Israel Movement - Hamachanot HaOlim, issues 24-27.

  17. Rosenwald and Stahl families collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, postcards, photographs, and a book related to the experiences of Otto and Elfriede Rosenwald, and their daughter, Helene, who emigrated from Nazi Germany in 1936, as well as papers relating to members of their extended family.

  18. Joan Ringelheim collection

    The Joan Ringelheim collection consists of materials related to Dr. Ringelheim's scholarly work on the subject of women and the Holocaust and includes oral history interviews; writings, recorded lectures, subject files, printed materials, and correspondence documenting her research; and planning materials, correspondence, and photographs from Ringelheim's conference “Women Surviving: The Holocaust" which was held at Stern College in 1983.

  19. Brest Gravestones

    Four gravestones from Brest

  20. Hetty d'Ancona de Leeuwe collection

    Three pins painted by Felix d'Ancona. Photographs of the D'Ancona family before the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Baby announcement of Hetty, two letters written postwar, "rapportboekje" or report card booklet.