Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,081 to 23,100 of 56,066
  1. Deutsches Hygiene Museum in der DDR collection

    The collection consists of educational materials relating to education and the teaching of racial science in Nazi Germany from 1933-1945.

  2. Joseph Gilmore Rowley collection

    The collection consists of armbands worn in Europe during the Holocaust.

  3. Violet Herkovits Mainzer collection

    Documents, photographs and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Rabbi Boril Herschkovics who immigrated to the United States in the late 1920s ahead of his immediate family. Documents include recommendations of employment for Boril as well as later efforts in 1941, of his daughter Alice, already in the United States, to bring over her sister and mother Edith and Rose, who eventually joined Alice and Violet (who arrived in 1939) and Boril in the United States. Also includes the oral testimony of Iby Mainzer and Martin Mainzer.

  4. Esther Lurie collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, drawings, correspondence, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Esther Lurie before the Holocaust in Latvia, Palestine, and Western Europe, during the Holocaust when she was imprisoned in the Kovno (Kaunus) Ghetto in Lithuania, Stuthoff concentration camp and Leibitsch forced labor camp in Germany, and after the Holocaust during and after her return journey to Israel.

  5. US propaganda poster collection

    The collection consists of two propaganda posters produced in the United States during World War II.

  6. Paul and Herbert Ripp family collection

    The collection consists of an eating utensil and documents relating to the experiences of Paul Ripp and his son Herbert during the Holocaust when Paul was held in Gurs internment camp in France and Herbert fled Germany for the United States and then served in the United States Army.

  7. United States homefront poster collection

    The collection consists of thirteen posters relating to the war effort in the United States before and during World War II.

  8. Julius Simon family collection

    The collection consist of artifacts, clippings, correspondence, documents photograph prints and album relating to the experiences of Julius and Gerda Bundheim Simon and their daughter Lore before the Holocaust in Karlsruhe, Germany, and in the United States after their 1939 emigration.

  9. Victor Borden collection

    The collection consists of a watercolor, documents and photographs relating to the experiences of Rywen Bornsztein and Mina Flattau, originally from Łódź, during the Holocaust in Poland, the USSR, and Uzbekistan, where they joined the Polish Army and then travelled to Palestine, and in 1951, to the United States.

  10. Alfred and Meta Mayer Levy family collection

    The collections consists of medals, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences Alfred Levy and Meta Mayer Levy and their children Marie-Louis and Theo Levy, and their extended family before the Holocaust in Germany. [Accretion: pair of silver candlesticks given to Alfred Levy by the Jewish Community of Saarbrucken after the war as a gift for his tenure as president; Shabbat lamp; Framed family portrait of Siesel family, Framed portrait of Alfred Levy; Framed drawing of Simon Levy; Film reel (to go to Film & Video); photo album of Marcel, a member of the resistance who was ex...

  11. Marcelle Faust collection

    The collection consists of a pencil, a juicer, and documents relating to the experiences of Emma Muller, originally from Austria, who was imprisoned in La Bastide de Bousignac and Gurs internment camps in southern France, released in 1941, and then emigrated to the United States.

  12. Wilhelm Bauman collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, and newspapers related to the experience of Wilhelm Baumann and his parents before and during the Holocaust in Austria, and Wilhelm's emigration to the United Kingdom in 1939, and deportation to Australia in 1940, and his subsequent release from interment camps and emgration to the United States. The colletion also includes artwork.

  13. AnyTime Antiques collection

    The collection consists of an issue of Liberty magazine (January 18, 1941), of Life magazine (June 26, 1944) and Popular Mechanics magazine (March 1942).

  14. Alice Goldberger collection

    The collection consists of letters, documents, photographs, drawings, and paintings relating to Alice Goldberger and the orphaned children survivors of concentration camps in her care in Lingfield, England, after the Holocaust.

  15. Roma Laks Kaplan collection

    The collection consists of two self portraits created by Roma Kaplan in 1966.

  16. The American magazine collection

    The collection consists of twelve issues of American magazine, published 1942-1943.

  17. Cabot Mill Antiques collection

    Consists of posters, sheet music, newspapers, and magazines, dated 1933-1945, published in the United States and containing articles or artwork related to World War II and to the Holocaust. Includes copies of "American," "American Observer," "American Rifleman," "Collier's," "Foreign Service," "Free World," "Judge," "Liberty," "Look," and "Woman's Day," magazines, as well as issues of "Social Justice," the "Townsend National Weekly," the "Bangor Daily News," the "Boston Daily Record," and "The Boston Traveler," and "Yank" newspapers. Also includes posters, "I Gave a Man," "A Word of Thanks,...

  18. Jewish paper based ephemera

    Robert Edward Edmondson anti-Semitic broadsides: Six broadsides, issued by the Edmondson Economic Service, under the following titles and dates: "'Invisible Government:' The Hidden Autocratic Minority Menace to American Democracy" (18 May 1934); "Prof. Felix Frankfurter" (4 July 1934); "Are You a Communist, Mr. Dickstein?" (15 December 1934); "Justice Brandeis Unfit?" (15 March 1935); "Jews Off Gold?" (10 August 1937); "The Jewish Hymn Onward Christian Soldiers--To Make the World Safe for Communistic Jewry!" (10 January 1939). Announcement of protest against the Jewish boycott of Germany, B...

  19. Wilhelmina Juhlin collection

    The collection consists of an overnight bag, correspondence, 8mm film, copy prints, and photographs relating to the experiences of the de Kadt and Swaap families before, during, and after the Holocaust in the Netherlands and the United States.

  20. Ariel S. Cardoso collection

    The Ariel S. Cardoso collection includes an Italian Labor Service armband, a Łódź ghetto scrip ten mark note, and identification papers, military papers, and photographs documenting Cardoso’s wartime hiding in Rome, postwar emigration to Palestine, and military service in the Jewish Brigade.