Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 10,193
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in France and Amsterdam

    667 J (01:00:12): At the "Comite Francais d'Assistance aux Refugees," branch of the American Joint Distribution Committee in Paris. The Committee provides legal and juridicial advice, to help the refugees stay in France and prepare their definitive settlement in some country. LS, relief (money) provided to Austrian refugee. CU, refugee signing receipt. LS, crowd refugees waiting in line. LS, refugees waiting in the lobby of the "Comite d'Assistance," and showing papers to officials of the Committee. MS, table where refugees show their identification papers to employee. Same, another angle. ...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees returning to Vannes, France

    Various shots of destruction in the town of Vannes, France. American soldiers drive past civilians on the sides of the road. Women and children are shown doing washing at a reservoir of some kind. French civilians speak to American troops; a group of them wave to the camera. More scenes of American soldiers, studying maps at an outdoor table, posing for the camera. The streets are decorated with banners and garlands. A group of men carry an effigy of Hitler. and demonstrate cutting off its head. More smiling civilians on the streets, which look to be in good shape -- according to the dope s...

  3. War refugees are integrated into a small town in Massachusetts

    A re-enacted documentary on the integration of a group of World War II refugees into the life of the small town of Cummington, MA. In Reel 1, the town's clergyman describes Cummington's initial coolness towards the diffident newcomers. He helps involve the refugees in social, church, and vocational activities. In Reel 2, individual refugees find familiar work in printing, farming, lumbering, and shopkeeping, and begin socializing with their neighbors as a new kind of respect develops on both sides. Included are panoramic views of the countryside in and around the town.

  4. Jewish refugees in Manila; Plaza Santa Cruz businesses

    The Rauscher and Eisner families in Manila. Pan, Manila harbor. Large ship arrives with passengers by the railing, waving. (01:11) Hanna Eisner sits in a small chair in a garden of their home in Manila, waving at the camera. She runs over to a water pump, washes her hands and drinks. Hanna plays with relatives who fled from Nazism, including mother Irma, uncle Walter, and grandmother Clementine. They dance, play with a guitar, and pose for the camera. (3:47) Leo Schnurmacher, the Honorary Consul of Czechoslovakia in Manila, Philippines, plays with his grand-niece Hanna. They hold hands. (04...

  5. WWII European refugees arrive in New York City

    New York Harbor, new arrivals to America. DPs from Europe, they are not all Jewish DPs, but they are all war refugees. VS, the ship named US Army Transport General WM. Black. Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty.

  6. Refugees; captured Germans; bombed towns; GIs; marching into Paris

    Civilians with rucksacks walking down street with belongings. Some wheeling bicycles. Refugees. These are twilight shots, autumn leaves in the pictures. Red Cross truck followed by jeep coming down street. More shots of refugees. Some of the men are dressed in suits and ties, roads are wet and muddy. Woman wheeling a pushcart with belongings. Two people embrace. Stevens walks toward camera. Empty wet street. Tank coming through town past Hotel Caspiel Hindenburg. Men running, including cameraman, some men firing mortars, others small light weapons. Members of camera crew visible in frame. P...

  7. Rebuilding life: refugees board trains in Germany; learn English

    (Color) CUs, weaved crafts. 01:00:37 Displaced persons (DPs) on a transport sponsored by the IRO. DPs get off a truck with luggage and board a train. Handwriting on the side of the train says "US emigr. via Bremen." DPs lean out the windows of the train to look at the camera and talk to IRO officers. Uniformed men and women with badges stating "IRO", "US Committee", and "USCOM." DPs wave and the train departs. CU, luggage. 01:04:35 Blurry footage for three minutes with more takes of men, women, and children boarding the train. Wide views of the train station. 01:07:22 Two official men stand...

  8. Army film showing Nazi aggression, refugees, FDR & Hull

    Orientation Film no. 7, Reel 5. International events cause the US to enter into World War II. Cranes move scraps of metal in a junkyard and protestors carry picket signs saying "Embargo Japan." A sign over a doorway reads, "Mr. Acheson Assistant Secretary of State." Dean Acheson sits at a desk and summarizes the conflicts involved with exporting goods to Japan. 05:22:15 "April 9, 1940." Hitler looks over a map with other Nazi officials. A graphic shows the Nazi party taking over Western Europe. "May 10, 1940" is superimposed on a CU of soldiers marching in boots. People sit in their homes a...

  9. Dedication of land for Jewish refugees in the Philippines, 1940

    Dedication of Mariquina Hall in Manila on April 23, 1940. President Manuel Quezon offered this private land (called Mariquina Hall) to the Jewish Rescue Committee in order to provide housing for Jewish refugees. Guests gather outdoors. 01:02:51 Alex Frieder speaks to the audience, while President Quezon sits at the table to the side. 01:03:05 President Quezon addresses the crowd, Herbert Frieder in back. Quezon shakes hands with some men on the stage. Alex Frieder and President Quezon walk together through the crowd to survey the land. CUs, side views of President Quezon speaking. The camer...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish Refugees in Paris

    Jewish Refugees in Paris. LS, Jewish hostel in Paris-16 rue Lamarck, Montmartre. VSs, Jews entering the hostel (four story plain concrete building). CU sign "Associations Philanthropique- Asile de nuit- Asile du jour et Creche Israelites." ES, class learning French. CU, teacher, pupils writing and listening. Refugees arriving at hostel and lining up near the director's office. Refugees in reception room. Director Beilin consulting index cards. ES, view of kitchen. Refugees entering the dining room. Plaque on wall of the Association.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees board ship in Lisbon

    Large crowd of people wave to those aboard "Serpa Pinto." Ship waits for 1500 children from France. At last minute, Germans do not let children leave France. Most are Jews and were assisted by American charitable organizations. Only 40 of these children get to Portugal. Men at table check passenger documents prior to boarding. Children are assisted up gangway; boy and girl at document table. More people, including more children, board ship, go up gangway toward camera. Good shots of children. LS departure of "Serpa Pinto" against sun. People waving from ship. LS Boarding of American Export ...

  12. Refugees/POWs; VE Day in London; postwar Nuremberg

    Railroad. Entrance to bunkers. Piles of ammunition near Leipzig (wired to blow all the ammunition when captured by the Americans). Sign: "Munitionsabhol = kommandos hier melden." CU of German eagle with swastika. Tanks. Liberated Russian POWs waving at camera. German POWs guarded by US soldiers. Repatriated English soldiers. French refugees walking down road. German prisoners enter POW cage, march across shallow river. 01:22:13 Sir Winston Churchill in his office. Saluting crowd from car. LS of Big Ben. Crowd on streets of London, running towards passing car, waving flags. British soldier (...

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees in Amsterdam

    01:18:54 December 3, 1938, the Christian population organized street collections for Jewish refugees. Shots of collectors at work on street. CU of collection tin. Jewish men walk on busy street (bikes, cars, streetcars) and enter small hotel, shot of men leaving. Same men with suitcases go to doorway. LS "Beurs Voor den Diamanth" (Amsterdam Diamond Bourse). 01:20:35 Jewish open air market as people buy and sell. Book stalls, fabrics, food. Newspaper on wall "Ten Bate Voor de Joodsche Vluchtelingen." Good shots of people, women chatting. LS EXT kosher poultry shop ("Kip Haan"). INT women hav...

  14. Retinoscopy instruments with box brought with Jewish refugees

    1. Bielski family collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn560782
    • English
    • a: Height: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Width: 6.500 inches (16.51 cm) | Depth: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) b: Height: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm) | Diameter: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) c: Height: 3.750 inches (9.525 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Depth: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) d: Height: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) e: Height: 2.375 inches (6.032 cm) | Width: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm)

    Box containing opthalmic instrument (opthalmoskop) and instructions brought with Drs. Hildegard and Johannes Bielski, who left for the United States, with their daughter Mation, in November 1939. In July 1938, the Drs. Bielski were forbidden to practice medicine because they were Jewish. With assistance from a family friend, they received US visas. Marion later married Herbert Boxer who fled Nazi-occupied Europe with his parents, arriving in the US in 1940.

  15. Poster concerning volunteer solicitation for the aide of Jewish refugees.

    1. Jewish American ephemera and archival collection

    Poster concerning volunteer solicitation for the aide of Jewish refugees. (Joint Distribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal, National Refugee Service, Refugee Work in Chicago).

  16. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This is a compilation reel, the title on the reel reads: "Jewish Life in Budapest", however, this title does not correspond to anything seen on the reel, except a few seconds of unidentified amateur footage, which may have been shot in Hungary. This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. Shots from behind, crowds marching in st...

  17. Nameplate for fishing boat Stjernen used to rescue Jewish refugees

    Nameplate: for fishing vessal STJERNEN [The Star] that was pressed into service to move Jewish refugees from Denmark to Sweden over a route established between the Danish isle of Moen and southern Sweden. Some years after the war, the boat was laid up and dismantled for scrap. Because of its historic role in 1943, the nameplate was saved.

  18. British Pathé (Unissued/Unused) -- Refugees are given clothing and food

    Titles read: "ALLIES FEED AND CLOTHE REFUGEES FROM WAR ZONES". Refugees (probably from Eastern Europe) carry bundles on their backs and heads walk to and from a building guarded by soldiers (unknown location). CUs of refugee adults and children outside the building. INT, women and children are given clothing. Refugees sit at long tables and eat. General view of refugees milling about outside the building.

  19. Cardboard cover used to hold identication by Jewish refugees

    1. Josef Pistiner family collection
  20. [Correspondence & Reports of Dutch, Jewish Relief Organizations regarding Jewish Refugees]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence and numerous reports of Jewish refugee relief organizations in the Netherlands pertaining to the situation of Jewish refugees and the contiguous stream of Jewish and political exiles into Holland during the 1930s up until 1940 when the subsequent German occupation of the Netherlands began. The file contains reports in particular by two organizations, the "Comite voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen" as well as the "Comite voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen", moreover the High Commisioner for Refugees of the League of Nations as well as the Red Cross pertaining to the ...