Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,741 to 21,760 of 56,066
  1. Buchenwald Standort-Kantine concentration camp scrip, 1 Reichsmark, acquired by a US soldier

    1 Reichsmark Buchenwald Kantine coupon acquired by 25 year old Glenn H. Burghardt, presumably while a soldier in the United States Army in the European Theater from June 1944-August 1945. The scrip was issued at Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, in undated notes in 0.50, 1, 2, and 3 mark denominations. The simply designed notes were printed on coarse paper in two categories: canteen scrip such as this and exchange scrip issued to members of outside labor brigades [Aussenkommandos.] In 1941, Burghardt was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii and watched the planes flew...

  2. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    People on dock waving to refugees aboard ship, the Marine Flasher. Men, women, and children arriving at New York City on May 20, 1946 after a voyage that departed Bremerhaven Germany on May 11, 1946. CU refugees on board. Crowds waiting. Guards behind barrier. Women hugging. Survivors show tattoos. Children and women. The young man with tattoo B3073 is Berek Gola (also called Bernard Gola) a 19 year old Jewish man from Poland. He had been imprisoned by the Nazis at Treblinka and Auschwitz (where he received the tattoo).

  3. Eisenhower at Ohrdruf; liberated prisoners with radio

    00:57:57 (LIB 5416) General Dwight D Eisenhower Visits Atrocities Concentration Camp at Ohrdruf, Germany, April 12, 1945. MS, inmates of camp demonstrate for Gen. Eisenhower the methods of torture used by the Nazis. MSs, CUs, Eisenhower looks at dead bodies of prisoners, GIs standing in BG. Former prisoner (survivor) with scarf talking to officers. CUs, corpses. Mass of US soldiers gather for Eisenhower's departure, barracks in background. Various shots of Gens Eisenhower, Omar N. Bradley and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. leaving camp in jeeps. Crowd of soldiers disperse. MSs, US soldiers ...

  4. Majdanek liberated

    Opening credit: "Das Blut der Opfer Schreit zum Himmel!" Pan of survivors behind barbed wire. CUs, survivors and their tattooed numbers. Various shots of the electrically charged barbed wire, ruins, various signs, guard towers, aerial views, etc. Russian soldiers examine camp officials. Men dig up graves for evidence. CU, women weeping as bodies are uncovered. CUs, decomposed bodies and pile of skulls. Officials of the camp are questioned. Gas chambers. CU, can of chemicals used for gas. INTs, camp, disinfection chamber, etc. More officials are interrogated by Russians. Survivors tell their...

  5. Friedrich and Ruth Frankenthal papers

    The Friedrich and Ruth Frankenthal papers consist of birth, marriage, and American naturalization certificates for Fred and Ruth Frankenthal; a German passport (stamped with a “J”) for Fred and Robert Frankenthal; and a photograph album with photographs and family trees tracing the Frankenthal family and their Frankenthal, Herz, and Ephraim ancestors from Moisling, Braunschweig, and Hamburg back to the beginning of the 19th century and tracing their Leon ancestors from Hagenow back to 17th century rabbi Abraham Abele Gombiner.

  6. Adolf Hitler-Strasse street sign

    Adolf Hiltler-Strasse sign removed and sent by Morris Sol Legum to his family, circa 1939-1945, Karlsruhe, Germany.

  7. Allied invasion and conquest of W. Europe; Belsen at liberation

    Miscellaneous excerpts: 05:09:18 Parts of Reel 1, with an introduction, scenes of Nazis in power, and a map. German officers inspecting coastal defenses in France. 05:11:22 Parts of Reel 9, showing thousands of Nazis as they surrender. US prisoners are liberated. Belsen prison camp is occupied, shows scenes of Nazi atrocities, corpses, etc. Voiceover of British soldier: "We'd taken the Belsen Concentration Camp. Uh...I'm not squeamish. I've seen amputations, operations, deaths, long before I went into the Army in 1941. I was a warden. I lost count of all the arms and legs I pulled out of th...

  8. The Eternal Jew Der ewige Jude [Book]

    Anti-semitic propaganda book created as promotional material for a Nazi sponsored exhibition of the Der Ewige Jude [The Eternal Jew)," which opened in Germany in November 1937. According to an exhibit promotional postcard, canceled December 18, 1937, the installation was considered by the Nazi party to be a "great political exhibition" and was on display daily in the Munich German Museum.

  9. Gardelegen photographs

    Series of seven original black and white photographs taken at Gardelegen, Germany in April 1945. Each photograph measures approximately 3 5/8" x 2 1/2." Four of the series are captioned on the back.

  10. Yank, the Army Weekly (New York, New York) [Magazine] The Army Weekly

    Freedom and Food cover story with a photographic image of woman standing in front of barbed wire fence, holding a box of rations.

  11. Machtinger family collection

    The Machtinger family collection includes photographs of Sophie Machtinger, Paul Machtinger, and their daughter Ruth Machtinger in the Landsberg am Lech (Displaced persons camp) in 1946, as well as Sophie Machtinger's memoir "Recollections from my life's experiences" written in Polish in 1955 and translated into English in 1988.

  12. Robert Pettit collection

    Consists of 27 photographs taken by Robert Pettit, a member of the United States Army, after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes photographs of liberated prisoners, of captured German soldiers, of Mr. Pettit in the camp, and of camp architecture. Also includes photographs taken during the Battle of the Bulge and of destruction in Germany. The photographs are described by Mr. Pettit.

  13. German newspaper articles concerning the treatment of Romanies from 1936 to 1984

    Consists of articles (copies and originals) from various German newspapers concerning Romanies. The articles focus on the plight of German Romanies, making comparisons between their treatment during the time of the Third Reich and their treatment in the 1980s. Also included is information concerning the forensic research conducted by Dr. Joachim Gerchow, executive director of legal medicine at the University of Frankfurt in 1983, and statistics relating to the number of Romanies killed during the Holocaust.

  14. Poland: excerpts from Polnische zigeuner: historische und sittenskizzen

    Consists of a copy of an excerpt from "Polnische zigeuner: historische und sittenkizzen" by Jerzy Ficowski. The excerpt contains information relating to the treatment and persecution of Roma in Poland during World War II and their suffering in concentration camps. Also included is information about medical experiments conducted on Roma children (twins) by Josef Mengele, the imprisonment and murder of Roma in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Roma transport statistics.

  15. Photographs of Armenian genocide from the Armin T. Wegner collection

    The collection consists of 56 copy photographs depicting the results of the Armenian genocide from 1915 to 1923 in the Ottoman Empire. Images are of children and adults in various activities, corpses in ditches, hangings, Armenians as refugees living in tents in the Syrian desert, and piles of skulls and burned bodies.

  16. Adam S. Buynoski photograph collection

    The photographs were taken by Adam S. Buynoski in Apr. 1945 during the liberation of the Landsberg concentration camp. Images include soldiers, civilians, buildings, and bodies. Photographs are 1987 prints from the original 1945 negatives.

  17. John F. Manning collection

    Contains seven photographs taken by John F. Manning Apr. 28, 1945, during the liberation of the Landsberg concentration camp. Images include soldiers, cyclists, jeeps and cars, a guard platform and gatehouse, bodies, and burned buildings. Photographs are 1987 prints from the original 1945 negatives.

  18. Ironic drawing celebrating VE day by a Hungarian concentration camp survivor

    Cartoonlike drawing of a hand with two fingers, one dripping blood and missing the top half, raised in the V for Victory sign. It was drawn by Ernu Homanye-Grytze on May 8, 1945, VE (Victory in Europe) Day, the day the Allies accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. The coloring was added in 1946. Homanye-Grytze was a self taught artist from Hungary with moved to Paris. In September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and World War II began. In June 1940, the Germans occupied France. Around this time, Homanye-Grytze returned to Hungary. Germany occupied Hungary in March 1944. At...

  19. Joseph Tenenbaum papers

    The collection documents the career of urologist, author, and activist Joseph Tenenbaum, originally of Sasów, Poland. Included are biographical materials, correspondence, writings, subject files, photographs, and scrapbooks that document his medical career; his writings on medical topics, Judaism, and the Holocaust; his involvement in Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the Zionist Organization of America; and his work as the founder and chairman of the Joint Boycott Council of the American Jewish Congress (1933-1941...