Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,581 to 21,600 of 56,066
  1. Nazi flag captured by a US soldier

    This flag was captured at Berchtesgaden in Germany at the end of the Second World War in May 1945 by Henry Kraftzeck, a member of the 1101st Engineer Combat Group of the United States.

  2. Bronze sculpture memorializing the Holocaust

    Large, bronze sculpture created by William Tarr in 1989 as the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was preparing to open.

  3. Oral history interview with Allen Cohen

  4. Leather ID bracelet with tag worn by a concentration camp inmate

    Prisoner identification bracelet issued to Edwin Chwedyk at Majdanek concentration camp in October 1942. It is stamped with his prisoner number 17215.

  5. W. F. Schmid papers

    The collection consists of copy negatives and contact sheets of Signal Corps photographs and a photocopy of a booklet on the Buchenwald concentration camp by F. M. S. Miller.

  6. Ruth B. Mandel papers

    The Ruth B. Mandel papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting the Blumenstock family from Vienna, their effort to immigrate to the United States via Cuba aboard the MS St. Louis, and their refuge in England during the war, and their immigration to the United States in 1947. Biographical materials include certificates, correspondence, certificates, identification papers, travel documents, and military papers documenting the Blumenstock family’s efforts to immigrate to the United States via Cuba, their refuge in England, Mechel Blumenstock’s service with the British ...

  7. German trials of resisters during the WWII

    05:12:14 Paris, April 1942: A trial of members of the French resistance movement by the German military court. The 23 accused were executed on April 17 and 18, 1942. CUs of bombs and weapons. CU of Andre Kirschen, the son of Romanian Jews, who was not sentenced to death because of a German Military Law that prohibited execution at his young age (15 years old). 05:13:30 Simone Schloss (Jew) beheaded in Cologne on July 2, 1942. 05:13:57 (sound in German) Berlin 1944: People's court trial of the plotters of the Hitler assassination attempt, held in the Supreme Court of Berlin, under Judge Frei...

  8. Yiddish State Theater performs Shakespeare's King Lear starring Mikhoels

    Filmed version of Yiddish State Art Theater (Moscow) production of King Lear, starring Solomon Mikhoels as Lear and Benjamin Zuskin as the Fool. Wide shots of curtained stage and opening of curtains to reveal throne. Grand entrance for Lear. MS of Lear giving speech in Yiddish, daughter and Fool on either side of throne. King Lear's first speech in the play (Act I, Scene 1), refers to dividing the kingdom in three... that strife may be prevented... : "Meantime we shall express our darker purpose. Give me the map there."

  9. Kharkov Trial; Executions

    Scenes from wooded courtroom of men on trial for crimes committed against Soviet civilians and soldiers. The judge reads the sentence before a standing audience. The convicted men are led outside and are hanged at a public hanging. The names of the men are read: Reinhard Redslav, Wilhelm Langfeld, Hans Riitz, Mikhail Bulanov.

  10. Gardelegen photograph

    The photograph depicts three soldiers looking at burned bodies inside a building at Gardelegen, Germany.

  11. Deportations, various locations; Himmler near Minsk

    05:15:34 Title: DEPORTATION 05:15:39 Balti, Romania. Deportation of Bessarabian Jews guarded by a few Romanian soldiers. Low shot as they pass over wooden footbridge. Medium close shots of people on the move, with bundles, children, etc. Long line curving into the distance, open field. 05:16:16 Unnidentified location: shot surreptitously from interior, through window. Woman shoved by German. 05:16:31 German deportees arrive in Warsaw Ghetto, "Aufnahmelager", 05:17:05 People gathered at the Killesberg assembly point in Stuttgart railroad station in 1943. They will be deported to Riga. 05:17:...

  12. Bernard Feingold papers

    The Bernard Feingold papers include photographs of the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp, scrip from Theresienstadt, and certificates, military passports, and photographs relating to Max Levi and Walter Joseph, soldiers during World War I.

  13. Photograph collection from the Russian State Archive of Film, Video and Photo Records

    Contains 57 photographs and 11 film negatives depicting Nazi atrocities in the Soviet Union and Europe, war crimes, liberation of concentration camps by the Red Army, corpses of Soviet prisoners of war, Russians and other people tortured by German solders; Judicial proceedings in the trial of the German criminals.

  14. Ukrainian nationalists

    Documentary film on Ukrainian nationalists and their trial and sentencing. World War II period photos, documents, and film illustrate the history of Ukrainian nationalist collaboration with the Germans. Formation and activities of the Ukrainian S.S. Division. Locations where crimes occurred, recollections of aging witnesses. Accused testify before court/audience; witnesses testify. Footage and still photographs of pillage and destruction by Ukrainian nationalists.

  15. The Eternal Jew Der ewige Jude [Book]

    Antisemitic propaganda book, Der ewige Jew [The Eternal Jew] created as promotional material for a Nazi regime sponsored exhibition of the same title in November 1937 in Munich, Germany. A postcard canceled December 18, 1937, has the exhibition information.

  16. [Newspaper]

  17. Envelope postmarked Warsaw and New York 1940 saved by a Jewish Lithuanian concentration camp survivor

    Airmail envelope received by the Jaffe family in New York, relatives of Nesse Galperin Godin. It was postmarked December 1940 and sent from Warsaw in German occupied Poland to New York. In June 1941, Siauliai, Lithuania, where Nesse lived with her closeknit family, was occupied by Nazi Germany. Nesse, her parents Pinchas and Sara, and her brothers, Yechezkel and Menashe were soon forced into the ghetto. When Nesse turned 15 in 1943, she had to report for forced labor. That November, her father was deported to Auschwitz, and gassed upon arrival. In July 1944, the ghetto was emptied. Menashe ...

  18. Jean B. Rosensaft photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs depictiong the Wiesbaden displaced persons camp and the Buchenwald concentration camp shortly after liberation.

  19. Bookburning

    07:15:44 Amateur footage of bookburning. Includes scenes of many others making speeches, students in their uniforms (of dueling societies?) and with swords, SA men, band with brass instruments and xylophone. 07:19:07 "The Nazi Plan" version of bookburning coverage, title reading "The Burning of Books." Ends with brief title regarding the dedication of the von Hindenburg, "Christening of the New German Aircraft." (no footage)