Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,541 to 21,560 of 56,066
  1. Scale model of Block 5 men's barracks at Theresienstadt made by a former Jewish Czech inmate

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn855
    • English
    • a: Height: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm) | Width: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm) | Depth: 7.375 inches (18.733 cm) b: Height: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm) | Width: 9.625 inches (24.448 cm) | Depth: 7.500 inches (19.05 cm) c: Height: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm) | Width: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm) | Depth: 4.500 inches (11.43 cm) d1-d15: Height: 7.375 inches (18.733 cm) | Width: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Depth: 0.250 inches (0.635 cm) e1-e5: Height: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Depth: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) f: Height: 3.125 inches (7.938 cm) | Width: 3.000 inches (7.62 cm) | Depth: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) g: Height: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Width: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) | Depth: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) h: Height: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) | Width: 2.375 inches (6.033 cm) | Depth: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) i: Height: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) | Width: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Depth: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) j: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) k: Height: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Width: 2.750 inches (6.985 cm) | Depth: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) l: Height: 7.125 inches (18.098 cm) | Width: 4.250 inches (10.795 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) m1: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) m2: Height: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) m3: Height: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) m4: Height: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) m5: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) m6: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) m7: Height: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) m8: Height: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) | Depth: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) m9: Height: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) | Depth: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) m10: Height: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) m11: Height: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) m12: Height: 0.375 inches (0.953 cm) | Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) | Depth: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) m13: Height: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) m14: Height: 0.875 inches (2.223 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) m15: Height: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) m16: Height: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) m17: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 2.375 inches (6.033 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) p1-6: Height: 7.375 inches (18.733 cm) | Width: 3.000 inches (7.62 cm) q1-2: Height: 7.500 inches (19.05 cm) | Width: 4.125 inches (10.478 cm) r1-5: Height: 7.875 inches (20.003 cm) | Width: 6.500 inches (16.51 cm) s1-7: Height: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) | Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm)

    Scale model, 1:10 ratio, of Block 5, men's barracks, at Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp made by Jiri Lauscher after the war. It was based upon his experiences as an inmate of the camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia from December 1942 - May 1945. Even while in the camp, Jiri was concerned with preserving memories of the prisoner's experiences. He remained dedicated to this memorial work for the rest of his life. Jiri was from Prague which was invaded in March 1939 by Germany. He was fired from his job because he was Jewish. In September 1941, Heydrich, the SS chief, became Reich Protecto...

  2. Francis Sheehan photograph album

    Photograph album chronicling Francis Sheehan's experiences during the European Campaign. Includes photographs of the liberated Nordhausen concentration camp. Consists of 61 photographs attached to album pages.

  3. Motorboat used to take Jewish people in Denmark to safety in Sweden

    Motorboat named Lurifax (later Filuren and Solskin), used by members of the Helsingør Syklub (Elsinore Sewing Club), a Danish resistance group, to transport Danish Jews from German-occupied Denmark to neutral Sweden across the Øresund Strait in October 1943. The boat was one of several the group used to rescue the Jewish refugees and their non-Jewish relatives facing deportation to concentration camps. Later, it ferried weapons and supplies, as well as resistance members, back and forth to Sweden. Between October 1943 and May 1944, the Club transported approximately 1,400 people across the ...

  4. Iron used by Jewish tailor in small village near Treblinka

    Belonged to Jewish tailor in Kosow Lacki, Poland, pre World War II.

  5. Degenerate Art and "Ewige Jude" Exhibitions

    05:10:07 Exhibition of "degenerate art" [Entartete Kunst] in Dresden, 1933. Slow pan of quote on exhibition hall wall reading "Untaufe der Stadt vor 1933: Entartete Kunst" and of exhibition space, framed oil paintings, and a clay statue of a nude woman. Well-dressed museum patrons visiting the exhibit. Paintings on wall in BG. SS soldiers also viewing exhibit. One man showing and explaining some charcoal sketches to an officer. CU bust of Hitler. MS wall with paintings in Nazi realist style. MS of picture of girl in uniform. 05:11:04 Seyss-Inquart opening the 1938 Vienna exhibition on the E...

  6. Victims of massacre

    Emotive footage: Rows of clothed bodies laid out, both men and women. Women with kerchiefs on heads mourn over dead and begin to bury them.

  7. Chicago Herald and Examiner (Chicago, Illinois) [Newspaper]

  8. Nazi banner with swastika found in Austria.

  9. Martin Smith papers

    The collection consists of three passenger tickets from the ghetto in Łódź, Poland.

  10. Bookburning

    Bookburning in Berlin, SA men and university students, throwing books into the fire, Hitler Youth march past, one view of university exterior beyond the bonfire, Goebbels speech (mute), fire scenes. (some scenes match the pre-title sequence of the completed film) 07:11:36 DIE DROHUNG. Still photographs of men. Shots out of Nazi train, men heiling, swastikas. At Dusseldorf train station. CU, drums, parade, marching. Funeral. Looting. Kristallnacht. Destruction of synagogue. 07:14:35 DIE FLUCHT. Refugees with luggage. Shot of St. Louis, ship, passengers on ship, waving, debarking with luggage...

  11. Sign used to identify the home of a Jew

    Small sign identifying the residence of a Jew.

  12. Handmade lace challah cover with a Hebrew inscription owned by Gertrude Straus

    A challah cover is a textile used during the Jewish Sabbath and festival meals to cover hallot (loaves of bread), which are often baked in an elborate, plaited shape. Religious inscriptions are often added to the covers, most commonly with embroidery or paint.

  13. Oral history interview with Harry Toporek

  14. Concentration camp uniform jacket with purple triangle worn by Jehovah’s Witness

    Concentration camp uniform jacket issued to Max Hollweg, a Jehovah’s Witness imprisoned in Buchenwald and Wewelsburg concentration camps from 1938 to 1945. It has a purple patch marking him as a Jehovah’s Witness above a white patch with his prisoner number from Wewelsburg, 13573. The Nazi regime persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses, who refused to put any authority before God. On July 7, 1938, Max was arrested for illegally distributing Jehovah’s Witness materials. He was sent to Buchenwald September 23, put in a punishment commando, and severely beaten multiple times. He had intestinal surgery ...

  15. Łódź ghetto scrip, 5 mark note

    5 mark note receipt created in the Łódź ghetto in Poland, renamed Litzmannstadt by the German authorities following their occuaption of the city in 1939. When the Germans transferred Jews to the ghetto, they confiscated all currency in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be spent only inside the ghetto. The scrip was designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols.

  16. Forced Resettlement of Krakow Ghetto

    Street scenes. Men and women moving their belongings into the ghetto. People are burdened, carrying many bundles. Armbands with Jewish stars are noticeable. Horses and wagons.

  17. Abraham Zuckerman papers

    The papers consist of four sheets of paper bearing Austrian postage stamps along with postmarks commemorating the first anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen concentration camp (May 5, 1946).