Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,821 to 20,840 of 56,066
  1. Cap worn by a young girl in a concentration camp

    Cap was given to Ruth Blocher upon arrival in Stuthoff Concentration Camp.

  2. Jews and POWs rounded up

    Soldiers and Jewish civilians behind barbed wire, being arrested (hands up in surrender). Marched onto truck, some are injured, all have shaved heads. Jewish men and others seated in barbed wire area, being loaded onto truck. At end of reel: Jewish men being separated from other prisoners and put onto back of truck.

  3. Dyno Lowenstein collection

    Contains photographs and passports documenting the experiences if Dyno Lowenstein, who escaped via Marseille with the assistance of the Emergency Rescue Committee. Includes photographs of the donor's parents, Kurt and Mara Lowenstein.

  4. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  5. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Huts/barracks burned by flamethrowers from military tank. Conflagration. Building engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Soldiers. Fire blowing tractor lumbers along, shooting fire. LS of trucks driving around camp. Panoramic shots of smoke and burning camp.

  6. Belsen sign; torching barracks

    Rear shot of tank entering camp, passes barbed wire fence. Pans to sign on left of entrance. Sign reads, "This is the site of the Infamous Belsen Concentration Camp. Liberated by the British ca. 15 April 1945. 10,000 unburied dead were found. Another 13,000 have since died. All of them victims of the German new order in Europe. And an example of Nazi Kultur." Same LS, pan to sign across deserted land, barbed wire, smoke in BG. More torching of buildings. Fast pan across lots of tiny brush fires. Soldiers on tank drive through camp.

  7. Day after liberation of Belsen by British 8 Corps; SS overseers

    British MP Daniel O'Shaughnessy and surrendered Hungarian guard on duty at main entrance of Belsen Concentration Camp. Notice on sentry box reads: "Allied Military Commander. Entrance Belsen Camp." Supply truck backs up and German POWs unload flour sacks from truck into warehouse. British RASC men also help unload truck. Blurry shot of a tattooed arm. Two smiling young female inmates, healthy, with soldiers. Sign in Russian on barbed wire reading "Halt! Anyone crossing the wire will be shot!". Series of shots of women behind barbed wire, waving to camera and talking with British soldier in ...

  8. Czech Jews, resettlement

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 719, Part 2. Release date, 10/23/1938. "Czech Jews in Exile." Men stepping out of makeshift tent. CU older men and women in overcoats and hats, standing "ready to go", seated on bench, waiting. Women with bread slices off a piece and takes a bite. Crying woman. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:46:21 Arlington, VA "President leads impressive rites on Armistice Day" 01:47:06 Blaine, Wash 01:47:30 "World-Wide News Events" 01:48:45 Naples, Italy 01:49:22 So. Kensington, Eng. 01:49:43 Washington, DC 01:50:10 "The World of Sports" 01:50:45 Ithaca, NY "Corne...

  9. German Panzer totenkopf insignia taken from a guard at Dachau concentration camp

    Nazi insignia taken from guard at Dachau concentration camp by liberator Curtis Whiteway.

  10. Hindenburg reviews corps

    Hindenburg reviews corps on Weimar anniversary.

  11. Jews beaten, bodies, crowd (Lwow); soldiers' corpses after Russian massacre

    Exhumation of victims of the NKVD in Brygidki prison in Lviv in the summer of 1941. Laying out the bodies of officers and soldiers. Crowd gathered around bodies. (VQ, very soft, dark) Women poking at bodies which are being laid out in the courtyard, sweeping them clean? Woman running after and beating a man in the crowd. Soldiers pull her back and comfort her. Woman keening. A Ukrainian militiaman, recognizable by his armband, beating a Jewish man in Brygidki prison in Lviv. This was during the "prison action" of the Lviv pogrom of 1941. Many bodies laid out in foundation of building/baseme...

  12. Opening of XI Olympics

    Hitler Heil/salutes the vast stadium crowd from viewing stand, where he is seated with Baillet-Latour, President of the International Olympic Committee, and Frick. Many shots of the stands; LS of vast crowd. German athletes in white suits enter the stadium, saluting Hitler. Music plays and the crowd salutes. Hitler speaks, officially opening the games with a speech declaring the games open. Olympic flag is raised, crowd salutes, and birds are released over the stadium.

  13. Preparing for burial at Belsen

    Large group of young children, standing for camera. MCU of children and woman holding baby. MS through wire of perimeter (barbed wire) fence to children who approach and look at cameraman. Children smile and react favorably to camera. MLS over detachment of Hungarian Garrison troops digging new grave, assisted by British bulldozer.

  14. Anti-Jewish sign; amusement park

    Signpost along country road: "Juden sind hier unerwuenscht" (Jews are not wanted here) in Bavaria?. Man on motorbike passes in one direction; woman walking along in opposite direction (may be in vicinity of Nuremberg, southern Germany). Low angle view of carved figures on post with several cross bars. One shot of German Autobahn, trees on either side, two vehicles. Amusement park scenes in Stuttgart. Rides, signs. Close views of older couple, youngsters.

  15. Oral history interview with Zev Hadari

  16. Speeches by Hess/Goebbels re: Jews & Bolshevism

    Hess speaks to audience (not compellingly). CU of Hitler seated, looking distracted, glum. Hess leads "Sieg Heils." Goebbels speaks with authority and command. Crowd of SS behind him. "International Jewish conspiracy...and its pathological...goal of destruction of European culture."

  17. Corpses at Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; atrocities

    German Atrocities, Ohrdruf, Germany, April 7, 1945. MPs herding civilians of Ohrdruf through shed to view bodies of victims. Germans reluctant to enter shed. Taken to outdoor crematorium. CUs, charred bodies lying in piles in mud. MCUs bodies stacked in shed. Civilians shocked. 4th Division Finds Victims of Atrocity, Ohrdruf, Germany, April 7, 1945. Corpses scattered around camp grounds. MS officer looks into shed and sees piles of dead bodies. Officer speaks to remaining prisoners who hid in woods until Germans left. MS victim of malnutrition.

  18. Warsaw Ghetto scenes; Civilians drag a Jew in the street in Riga

    Wartime, Warsaw Ghetto: Tracking shots of streets in the ghetto. Crowded sidewalk, alleyway. Pedestrian traffic. Bridge over an "Aryan" street. Warsaw scenes end at 01:07:47. Germans in uniform smashing a wood fence, location unknown. Riga, Latvia: Local civilians drag a (Jewish) man through the street, watched by uniformed Germans.

  19. Goebbels speaks on Jewish press

    Goebbels (in non-military suit) speaks to SA and civilians at an enormous rally at the Berlin Sportpalast, during Hitler's first public appearance since becoming Chancellor. Some LS pans of crowded stadium. Speech warns the anti-Nazi press to watch out, as they now won't be able to avoid the emergency decrees and restrictions, now their "lying Jewish mouths will be silenced. Now the Nazis will show them how propaganda can really work, with a government behind it." Crowd yells "Heil" and rises to its feet.

  20. Delousing at Belsen; Red Cross; women at Mobile Bath Unit

    CU, British soldier. Three young women with armbands walk through camp gate (guarded by British). Sign by gate "Dust Spreads Typhus 5 MPH." CU, two soldiers and two women: "One woman has travelled from Osnabruck to enquire after her husband who she believes has been interned in Belsen". MCU as captain uses DDT duster on companion outside "Dusting Room." In FG, two men sleeping by roadside. Ambulances pass. Rear shot of Sgt. Oakes of Army Film Unit talking to two Hungarian Jewish women, sitting by barbed wire and cooking lunch. Same survivors with soldier (now crouched down) with bowls of so...