Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,801 to 20,820 of 56,066
  1. 50,000 Communists at Berlin May Day celebration

    50,000 Communists at Berlin May Day demonstration. The camera pans over a huge crowd, holding signs, banners, and flags. They sing the Internationale (?). A man speaks but the words are barely audible. He is shot from far back in the crowd and not identifiable. He is then shown closer up briefly, but then flags obscure half of his face. The camera pans over the crowds as they leave the demonstration. The audio (crowd noises) cuts out at 6:04. Police are shown dispersing and perhaps arresting people in the crowd. Slow pan of immense crowds with Berlin Cathedral in background.

  2. Anniversary of Munich Putsch

    Anniversary of the 1923 Munich Putsch. Reenactment of the burial of the party members killed in the Putsch, at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. Horse-drawn hearses carry coffins into the Feldherrnhalle. The event appears to be taking place at night and is lit by torches. Good views of the hall, including two large stone lions flanking a staircase. Flag-draped coffins line a wall; above them are banners bearing the names of the dead. A uniformed man stands behind each coffin. The scene switches to a solemn outdoor parade headed by Julius Streicher. Streicher stops, salutes. A wreath is laid. Hi...

  3. American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors collection

    This collection contains numerous testimonies and memoirs, poems, songs, and various other materials written at the behest of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council during the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors convention in April 1983. Includes also copy of documents, photographs and newspaper clippings related to the life of the Holocaust survivors during the World War II. The materials include information about life in the ghettos, and concentration camps, episodes of emigration, and liberation of the concentration camps during World War II.

  4. Belsen Concentration Camp: burial and Red Cross

    Four SS men drag two corpses by the legs, pass another pair of men with a corpse, British gentry stands at frame right with bayonet. Pit of corpses, MCU of two SS men standing with the dead in the grave, shifting the bodies and preparing for burial. MS across mass grave in process of being deepened by Hungarian troops with shovels, British officer in foreground watching. MCU of Martin Wilson talking with Czech Jewish woman (interpreter) who is a former prisoner. MCU as Red Cross load stretcher cases into back of ambulance, sending to delouse and cleanse. Men wearing full decontamination sui...

  5. Wenceslas J. Wagner papers

    Contains photocopies of personal notes, essays, and newspaper articles written by Wenceslas J. Wagner concerning experiences as a resistance fighter in underground movements in Poland, and as a political prisoner in several Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

  6. Wilhelm Coenraad Laros papers

    Consists of copies of a testimony and other materials relating to Wilhelm C. Laros and Jehovah's Witnesses during the Holocaust. Among the topics mentioned are concentration camps, death marches, and activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  7. British II Armored Division Advance

    British soldiers. Tanks move through a burning forest into Germany. Forests burned to clear out Germans. One short shot of sign reading "Danger Typhus". Tanks roll down road. At gate of camp; watchtower. Germans march in, past German officers. Another officer walks up and gives a Hitler salute. More views of the German and Hungarian soldiers watching British armor pass by, and the Belsen camp.

  8. 56th Armored Engineer Battalion arrives at Mauthausen to bury the dead

    The 11th US Armored Division advances through Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. Includes scenes of surrendering enemies and the 56th Armored Engineer Battalion at the liberation of Mauthausen. Color: Countryside from moving tank. Liberation of German town: flames, civilians, some waving white flags, church. Views of German civilians from tank as US army passes through, 2 men with armbands carry a Red Cross flag. US soldiers marching along road (dark) and through town. Shots of farm animals and barns on fire. 01:22:26 Group of men - brewery workers - exiting building with arms raised. Wo...

  9. 11th US Armored Division Advances

    The 11th US Armored Division's advances through England, France, and Germany. Includes scenes of burning villages, surrendering enemies, tanks in fields. Black and white: US Army headquarters in England, pan of buildings. Skyline, factory, US soldiers on boat. Woman bicycling on path. LS, from train, Southhampton waterfront, warehouses, Cherbourg harbor, countryside. 01:03:45 Handing cigarettes and candy to women on train. City, shops, traffic in Paris, dark. 01:04:56 Color: In Bestogne, civilians on dirt road, snow, military vehicles in field, postwar destruction, dead animals, makeshift g...

  10. Nazi flag

    Taken from German Headquarters by Pfc. George Gelernt, August 1944, Paris, France. Sent to Gloria Aronow, circa 1944-1945, Belgium.

  11. Faces of International Hitler Youth

    HJ-Stabsfuhrer Hartmann Lauterbacher, deputy head of the Hitler Youth (HJ) speaking (partial), his speech continues over dramatic shots of Hitler Youth listening to him, holding Nazi flags, HJ banners, and signs/flags of various countries (Costa Rica, Cuba). Lauterbacher tells the youth that they are not strangers in Nazi Germany; that Nazi Germany is the home of all Germans.

  12. Gusen [War Crimes Commission: Mauthausen Concentration Camp]

    "Mauthausen Concentration Camp" [Title incorrectly identifies this camp as Mauthausen. The footage actually shows Gusen concentration camp.] High pan of concentration camp for slave laborers. Pan of buildings. Gallows with 2-3 men standing alongside it, courtyard wall behind. Soldiers provide "tour." American POW talking about experience at Mauthausen [filmed at Mauthausen], "fortunately my turn hadn't come," talks of two American soldiers/officers killed, talks about his uniform. Survivors. Pile of corpses. Inmates help each other through the camp, one washes another at trough. German civi...

  13. Goebbels speaks at SA funeral

    Goebbels speaks passionately, emotionally, at rainy funeral of two SA men, Hans Eberhard Maikowski and Zavritz, who died 1/30/1933. Great drama and solemnity: "Deutschland free of was a dream, but now it is a reality. Germany is in your hands."

  14. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 5 mark coin

    5 mark coin issued in the Łódź ghetto in Poland in 1943. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1940; Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and annexed to the German Reich. In February, the Germans forcibly relocated the large Jewish population into a sealed ghetto. All currency was confiscated in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be exchanged only in the ghetto. The scrip and tokens were designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols. The Germans closed the ghetto in the summer of 1944 by deporting the residents to concentration camps or killin...

  15. U.S. leaders protest anti-Jewish attacks in Germany

    "America Condemns Nazi Terrorism: Roosevelt Protests, Envoy to Return, Leaders Speak" Prominent US figures condemn Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews after Kristallnacht. CU President Roosevelt, Hoover, Al Smith, Alf Landon speaking (prepared speeches to camera) against Nazism and about their hopes that Germans will stand up to the Nazis.

  16. Training film for indoctrinating American soldiers and unify the American public to support the war effort

    "Prelude to War" reviews events leading to the war and contrasts American democracy with fascism. This is the first film of Frank Capra’s "Why We Fight" propaganda film series, commissioned by the Office of War Information (OWI) and George C. Marshall. "Prelude to War" was made to convince American troops of the necessity of combating the Axis Powers during World War II. The film was based on the idea that those in the service would be more willing and able fighters if they knew the background and reason for their participation in the war. It was later released to the general American publi...

  17. Oral history interview with Lora Eliav

  18. Drawing

    artist: Kurant Created by Kurant, January 1941, Łódź, Poland.

  19. German officers roundup hospital staff and patients

    German officers gather hospital staff and patients outside hospital. MCU, all standing around, emotionless mood. Some wounded men. Germans interrogate one man.