Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,061 to 2,080 of 10,181
  1. Hungarian Refugee Registration Cards

    Hungarian refugee registration cards, created in the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. More than 18,000 Jews fled to Austria. The AJJDC helped emigrants for resettlement, also supported two kosher kitchens in Vienna and furnished medical and religious supplies. While some emigrants stayed in Europe, other group of refugees emigrated to the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Latin America.

  2. Anti-Nazi parade in New York City

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 757, Part 2C. Release date, 03/25/1939. 20,000 in "Stop Hitler" parade in New York City. Girls in Dutch-like costumes, banners, ticker tape. Band playing. Parade with lots of little girls in Dutch-like outfits; American flag and Czech flag. MS big banner "Jesus not Hitler"; "Keep America open for Refugees"; "Embargo all Nazi Trade." Women with ribbon across chests; lots of little flags. LS street and building. Ticker tape. LS high above big crowd. Costumed women. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 02:29:11 "Lady Luck Smiles on Big Winners in...

  3. "Every Day a Gift: The Holocaust Memoir of Leah Goltzman as told to Janis Haswell"

    1. Leah Goltzman collection

    "Every Day a Gift: The Holocaust Memoir of Leah Goltzman as told to Janis Haswell" is a bound transcript of the oral history interview Janis Haswell conducted with Leah Goltzman in 2010. The bound transcript includes photocopies of Goltzman's family photographs.

  4. Development of German campaign in Poland

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 1: maps the Hanseatic cities and Danzig. Shows World War I combat scenes. Describes the Polish Corridor settlement. Shows German refugees driven from Poland. Describes Hitler's proposed highway across the Corridor. Shows Polish Foreign Minister Beck and the Danzig defense corps. Von Ribbentrop enplanes for Moscow. London workers dig air raid shelters. Shows Polish President Moscicki.

  5. Philip Freid papers

    1. Philip Freid collection

    Contain two photographs of Philip Freid playing football (soccer) in the Schlachtensee displaced persons camp in Berlin, Germany; a photograph of his sister, Bronka Frajdenzaych, taken in Łódź, Poland, before World War II; two school certificates from the "Herzel" school in the Düppel Center in Schlachtensee; documents and identification cards pertaining to Freid's experiences in the Feldafing and Schlachtensee displaced persons camps; a certificate of incarceration issued by the International Refugee Organization (IRO); and documents pertaining to Freid's experiences in the United States ...