Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,761 to 20,780 of 56,066
  1. US case files. Auschwitz concentration camp, Record Group 338

    Consists of a war crimes case file relating to the Auschwitz concentration camp, crimes allegedly committed by camp personnel, medical experiments, lists of war crimes suspects, and testimonies by Auschwitz survivors. Includes documents relating to Drs. Josef Mengele and Friedrich Entress, and to Konrad Reinhard, a Roma who collaborated with the Germans. The earliest war crimes cases were investigated by war crimes sections under the Staff Judge Advocates of the 1st, 3rd, and 7th U.S. Armies and under the commanding generals of the Eastern and Western Military Districts. The war crimes prog...

  2. Regional File of the U.S. War Department, Military Intelligence Division (MID)

    Consists of selected records from the Regional File containing a wide variety of information about conditions and events around the world with a general span of years from 1922 to 1944. Some materials are dated as early as 1918. Many records from the 1930s and 1940s include Holocaust-related topics such as concentration camps, antisemitism, deportations, racial laws, forced labor, and religious persecution.

  3. Records relating to the occupation of Yugoslavia during World War II

    Consists of copies of documents from the Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia concerning Yugoslavia during World War II. Included are documents relating to the occupation of Yugoslavia by Germany, Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria, the activities of resistance forces, executions of Jews and other civilians in retribution for German deaths, the persecution of Roma, and Hitler's plans for the partition of Yugoslavia. Also included are documents relating to the Ustaša (Ustashi) and the Zbora groups. See RG list for titles for RG-49.00201 and RG-49.00205.

  4. Hitler Youth, BDM; Nazi Party rally in Weimar

    EXT, Friedrich Schiller's House decorated with swastikas, evergreen garlands. Hitler Youth by doorway. Candid shot of BDM girls walking towards camera, other passersby, SA men clowning in BG. More shots of Hitler Youth by doorway of Goethe's House; various pedestrians walking along sidewalk: women with children in strollers, men in suits, men in various uniforms. Shot of crowded town square in Weimar decorated with Nazi banners. Festival in town square, people dancing in the BG, in FG many people seated at long wooden tables, talking, eating. In FG, screen right, German military men are see...

  5. Records of gay men and sex offenders in Austria

    Consists of copies of documents from the Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes concerning legal action against gay men and sex offenders. The documents relate to evidence against three such criminals, describing their criminals backgrounds and suggestions for their punishment and treatment.

  6. Warsaw scenes

    LS Warsaw city scenes, including HA views of city street with trolley. The narration states that Warsaw again now shows an every-day [normal] appearance. MCU sign, "Nur fur Juden" [For Jews Only] with Jewish star on trolley, also in Polish. Railroad and wire repair work being done. CU men in trolley appear wary of camera.

  7. Gaynor I. Jacobson papers

    The Gaynor I. Jacobson papers consist of biographical information, correspondence, photographs, printed material, reports, transcripts, and writings documenting Jacobson’s refugee aid work with the American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and especially his work assisting eastern European Jews fleeing anti‐Semitism and Communism. Biographical information includes the employment histories of Jacobson as well as author Tad Szulc and Auschwitz survivor Alex Dekel. Personal correspondence includes letters from Gaynor to his family describing his re...

  8. Gaynor I. Jacobson collection Tad Szulc papers

    Contains transcripts of oral history interviews, correspondence, reports, and photographs compiled by Tad Szulc while conducting research on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Among the materials is information concerning Jewish emigration, displaced persons, Holocaust survivors, and Jews in predominantly Arab countries during the 1960s through the 1990s. Also includes the research notes used by Tad Szulc while writing "Rescue."

  9. Hindenburg reviews troops

    Title [appears very quickly; not readable unless the frame is paused]: Peace Army files past Hindenburg - Aged president of German republic inspects troops on the 10th anniversary of Weimar constitution." Hindenburg [with von Papen?] emerges from a building and inspects soldiers standing at attention. The soldiers play "Deutschland Ueber Alles".

  10. Nazi concentration camp records from the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland

    Contains information about various concentration and labor camps in Europe from 1939 to 1945. The bulk of the collection contains lists of prisoners who were transported between concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Dachau, Flossenbü̈rg, Gross Rosen, Dora-Mittelbau, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück and Buchenwald. These lists contain information about the place and date of birth, occupation, religion, and identification number of the prisoners. In some cases, the date of death is also given. In addition to the lists, there are area administrative records from various camps containing ...

  11. Reichsministerium des Innern records

    Consists of records relating to various activities of the Reichsministerium des Innern during the Holocaust. Includes information about sterilization, abortion, racial purity, mental illness, experiments on criminals, sexual deviance, and care for wounded German civilians and wounded military personnel.

  12. Deportees; scenes suggesting Warsaw Ghetto in flames; rubble

    Wartime. VLS from ceiling rafters of enormous barn-like room filled with refugees/ deportees (?) and their bundles. Soldiers in action, various locations (probably including USSR, Berlin, many countries), edited to represent the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Uprising, and intercut with contemporary shots of smoke blowing across closeup portions of Rappaport sculpture commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Night time shot of buildings on fire (various locations; unclear if any is actually the Warsaw Ghetto). Expanse of rubble after the ghetto was destroyed and razed, likewise int...

  13. German Army moves through village

    Soldiers laden down; horses, trucks, food truck with billowing steam. A few homes along dirt road, three men watch from outside their homes.

  14. Bulgarian Orthodox Church newspaper articles relating to antisemitism

    This collection contains copies of articles from a Bulgarian newspaper concerning Bulgarian government and Bulgarian Orthodox Church policy on antisemitism, as well as English-language translations of each.

  15. Records relating to Nazi genocide in Poland from the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland

    Contains information about executions by Nazis; laws and regulations imposed on Poles and Polish Jews by the Nazis; ghettos; and deportations to German concentration camps in occupied Poland.

  16. Articles relating to post-war Germany from the Antifa-Archiv

    Contains German newspaper articles (originals and copies) describing Germany in the years since the fall of the Third Reich. Among the topics of the articles are the rise of neo-Nazism and antisemitism in present-day Germany, the rise of new German nationalism, and well-known anti-Nazi and pro-Nazi personalities from World War II, such as Hans Eiden and Ernst Tag.

  17. Oskar Brill concentration camp letters

    Contains information about the experiences of Oskar Brill in Strafgefängnis und Arbeitshaus Ebrach, Zuchthaus Amberg, and Buchenwald concentration camp.

  18. Richard W. Wharton testimony of the liberation of Dachau concentration camp

    Contains information about Richard Wharton's experiences as a participant in the invasion of Italy and the liberation of Dachau. The testimony focuses on the desperation felt by Wharton after the death of a child in the camp.

  19. Slovak State Archives records

    Contains photocopies of documents from various Slovakian archives concerning events in Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary during World War II. Among the topics mentioned are the occupation of Slovakia by Hungarian and German troops, antisemitism, and anti-fascist movements.

  20. Selected records from archives in Rostock, Dresden, Potsdam, and Leipzig relating to Jews during the Holocaust

    Contains photocopies of reports, lists, articles, and various other documents from German archives in Rostock, Dresden, Potsdam, and Leipzig. The documents relate to the fate of German Jews in various German cities, deportations to concentration camps, exclusion of Jews from public activities, and organized antisemitism.