Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,601 to 20,620 of 56,066
  1. von Papen speaks at Reparations Conference, Lausanne

    von Papen reads a prepared speech to camera after the Reparations Conference at Lausanne, during which German reparation payments were officially suspended due to the financial crisis and worldwide economic depression. Portion of speech (transcribed by researcher): "Deutschland Schicksal ist das Schicksal der Welt; deutsche Not ist die Not der Welt; der Wohlstand der einzelnen Nation is der Wohlstand der Gesamheit. Die Arbeit der verantwortlichen Staatsmanner in Lausanne muss den Weg frei machen zur eine positive Zusammenarbeit die uns allein einer besseren Zukunft entgegenfuhren kann." [Tr...

  2. Buchenwald, Soldiers in Germany

    Various LS views of camp. CU of a searchlight, the camera pans down to the square of the camp, smaller searchlights are in the FG. Camera pans down to barracks and across the plaza. People are scattered and walking around. MS of a clock/tower (from side), closer shot. CU of a prisoner's back with marked coat (a square of striped fabric over a red X). There is a crowd behind him. Another survivor with similar marking on back (no X). CU of a survivor with a hat, explaining something, gesturing in a wheel-like motion with hands, a patch with an X is on her back, dancing around in a circle. CU ...

  3. Nighttime event in Olympic Stadium; display of jousting

    Olympic Stadium, Berlin. EXT, extreme LS, undercranked night scene, all actions occur at exaggerated rate of speed. HASs from a seat in the stadium. Night scenes, spotlighted entry into stadium, marchers with flags, horses, acrobats and figures in formation, running and jousting. In the last sequence the silhouetted heads/hats of the audience are visible in the FG.

  4. Hitler fireworks

    A band plays from sheet music by torchlight. Fireworks go off, reflected in a body of water. A fireworks display shows an eagle, atop Swastikas, atop the words "Heil Hitler".

  5. Hitler reviews SA

    Hitler reviews the SA (c. 1925) in Nuremberg. SA marching and saluting. A much better-quality version of this same footage can be found in Story 3788. Scene switches to communist party (KPD?) rally. Street violence erupts; police running down street. Camera focuses on a sign reading: "Attention! Prohibited area!" Shots of feet marching; more street violence, including a sequence that is a duplicate of one in Story 3760, Film ID 60, which is dated May 1, 1929. A brief shot of two religious Jews walking down the street, perhaps not related to other footage? See notes about quality.

  6. Goering/SA in Nuremberg

    SA march into Nuremberg. Goering in brown shirt leaves building. Goering in car.

  7. Von Papen speaks

    Title: "Reich Chancellor talks to you - Count von Papen declares through Movietone that all Germany asks is justice from the other nations." A format very similar to story 3729, in which Bruening speaks. Franz von Papen is shown seated at a desk and reads in English from a speech that he holds in his hands. He first dons and then removes his glasses toward the end of the speech. The camera moves closer after the first couple of sentences. He says he is glad to have the opportunity of "addressing a few words to the American public" and speaks of the "discriminating provisions of the Treaty o...

  8. Jews support the Hitler boycott

    A street demonstration in London by 50,000 Jews in favor of Hitler boycott. HASs, crowds gathered for demonstration, carrying placard reading " Hitler's eyes, Guilty of Treason". MSs, men in suits and hats parading through streets, women follow. Distributing leaflets. People standing on automobile.

  9. Oral history interview with Fraim Ronel

  10. Einstein leaves

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 128, Part 2. Release date, 03/16/1933. VCU Einstein with smiling older woman at his right; crowd mingling (seen from behind) then Einstein again. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:12:38 Rome, Italy "Excavations reveal priceless art ruins over 2000 years old" 01:13:09 New York, NY "Katherine Spector is chosen 'Queen Esther' in NY beauty contest" 01:13:52 San Pedro, CA "Admiral Leigh views US ships and planes in big Marine parade" 01:14:56 Miami, FL "'Dark Horse' winner of Florida Derby in final Hialeah event" 01:15:59 Clearwater, FL "Newark 'Bears' show ...

  11. Murdered prisoners buried by German civilians

    (LIB 5907) Murder, Gardelegen, Germany, April 22, 1945. HSs, long line of German civilians carrying grave markers and shovels leave village. CUs dead, skulls, corpses. VS, German civilians burying murdered prisoners who were burned to death. VS, German civilians carrying bodies in cemetery. (LIB 5908) Mass Murder, Leipzig, Germany, April 20, 1945. HSs, burned building in concentration camp with bodies lying in the wreckage. CUs, 2 survivors. CUs, partially burned bodies entangled in electrified barbed wire fence. Corpses in a shed and burned barracks. MCUs, Russian women, forced laborers, c...

  12. Oral history interview with Sophie Miklos

  13. Family business; market; shops

    Reel 3. Marketplace in Humenne with tents and shops. The Klein family's shop was located across from this market. Peasants from the local villages traveled to Humenne on Mondays and Fridays to sell their wares. Local policemen pose for the camera with one of the American relatives (Louis or Harry Sommer in a dark suit and hat). Cousins stand before their leather goods shop owned by uncle Jacob Grossman. Pan up to sign on store: "Jakob Grossmann. Obchod Kozou." Carts with horses and people pass through streets of village. 01:15:32 Hermann Klein's brick-making factory. Smoke stack. Pan up and...

  14. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case, judgement and sentencing

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Sentencing of defendants in the Nuremberg "Medical Trial." Most are sentenced to death by hanging or life imprisonment. Slate reads: "Army Pictorial Division. War Crimes Trials. Sentencing. 20 Aug. Last 700. Case #1. CAM 369, MAG 522. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials: "Medical Case" " MHSs, defendants individually step into prisoners' dock to hear sentencing (expressionless faces). Camera remains on defendants as voice of presiding judge is heard sentencing each one. Sentences are handed dow...

  15. Goering speaks about power

    State celebration of justice on the occasion of the formation of the German Reichs-Justice-Administration on April 2, 1935. Goering speaking to lawyers at a gathering at the State Opera House in Berlin. MCU Goering speaking with CAs to overhead shots of theater. Judges on stage, Hitler and other officials in audience. Speech re: guarantee of rights can only be found in the Recht des Volkes, which is the basis of the State.

  16. Soviet POWs; German Army waits

    Pan at edge of road, German Army standing around (some officers visible). Soviet POWs grouped together, under guard of German soldier. Wounded German soldiers receive medical aid from Red Cross.

  17. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  18. Camp in Argeles, Southern France

    Argelès - An "escaped prisoners" camp, people who have escaped from "Red Spain." General shots of men sitting around tents, performing manual labor. Men carrying twigs on their backs. Seated by a fire. Smoke from cigars drifts up through the air. LS of camp, little tents, lots of men (dirty and disheveled). Barbed wire.