Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,581 to 20,600 of 56,066
  1. Supplement to World Press Review

    Report issued by the British Parliament includes description of the physical layout of Buchenwald concentration camp, approximate numbers and nationalities of inmates, estimates of total numbers of individuals who were killed, and the conditions found there. The report was submitted by ten members of the Official British Parliamentary Delegation of the Members of the Parliment from the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  2. Martin Tillmanns photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Helene Gotthold, a Jehovah's Witness, in 1918 and a photograph of Gotthold and her two children, Gerd and Gisela, on June 25, 1936.

  3. John McMichael photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Ohrdruf concentration camp, a sub-camp of Buchenwald, at the time of liberation in 1945. The photographs were taken by Bob McMichael.

  4. Robert Hofmekler papers

    The Robert Hofmekler papers consist of photographs and printed materials documenting the Hofmekler family of Lithuania. Photographs depict members of the Hofmekler family before, during, and after World War II and members of the Kovno Ghetto Orchestra including Michael and Motel Hofmekler, Avraam Abramson, Elia and Mordecai Borstein, Boris Koriski, Michael Lin, and Boris and Shmaya (Alexander) Stupel. Printed materials include programs and clippings documenting Leo Hofmekleris, the Ballet de Monte Carlo, and the Lithuanian National Ballet. A September 1948 issue of From the Last Exterminati...

  5. Lester Burg letter

    The letter was written to Evelyn Burg by her husband, Lester Burg, while he was serving with the American military in France during World War II. The letter, dated September 28, 1944, describes his experiences as a Jewish soldier in France, his knowledge of the ongoing Holocaust, and preparation for 1944 Yom Kippur services.

  6. Ilse Dahl letter

    The mimeographed copy of a letter was written by Ilse Dahl (former roommate of donor's aunt) in France to Charlotte Hackett (donor's aunt) in England and describes the journey of the ship, "Flandre," to Cuba. It is entitled, "Die Cuba-Reise der 'Flandre,' am 16. Mai 1939."

  7. William Herskovic papers

    The William Herskovic papers include two postcards written by Ezryl Anielewicz at the Jawischowitz concentration camp to his wife Mirele in Belgium, a photocopy of an attestation confirming William Herskovic’s report of his escape from the Peiskretscham labor camp, Suzanne Herskovic Ponder’s account of her father’s escape from Peiskretscham, and a requisition order confiscating Herskovic’s photography studio.

  8. Two men on a motorcycle

    The photograph depicts Jan van den Berg and Koos Lammers sitting on a motorcycle outside of a house. Jan van den Berg was persecuted in the Netherlands by the Nazis because he was a Jehovah's Witness.

  9. Zbąszyń photographs

    The collection consists of six photographs of Jewish refugees from Germany on the Polish-German border in Zbąszyń, Poland. On the verso, stamped by Roman Vishniac.

  10. Emergency Rescue Committee collection

    The Emergency Rescue Committee collection documents the efforts of Varian Fry in assisting three of the more than 1,500 refugees he helped escape while living in France from 1940-1941. As a member of the Emergency Rescue Committee, Fry was sent to Marseille, France, to assist in the escape of prominent intellectuals and artists who were living in recently German-occupied France. The correspondence and cables concern Max Ernst, Elena Frank, and Wilhelm Herzog, in addition to a list of clients for the Emergency Rescue Committee that were living in various countries in 1943. The Emergency Resc...

  11. Joseph A. Wyant papers

    The papers consist of a six-page letter written by Joseph A. Wyant, an American soldier, describing the liberation of Dachau concentration camp to his father in the United States. Also included are thirteen annotated photographs depicting Dachau after liberation in May 1945. Joseph and his brother William Wyant appear in some of the photographs.

  12. Letty C. Fernandez photograph collection

    The collection consists of five photographs of rows of corpses laid out on a field with American soldiers in the background.

  13. Isaiah Henig photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of people around the Bergen-Belsen memorial; a photograph of a decomposing corpse inside a metal box taken prior to burial; and three photographs of the funeral ceremony for prisoners who died on the death marches outside Munich in 1945.

  14. Moving train

    VAR shots of train moving along tracks; POV from rear, bucolic shots of train going through town. CUs of train switches, tracks, conductor, workers. Smiling, waving passengers and conductors. The narrator describes the train as the oldest light rail train in Germany. It travels twice a day between two cities in the area of Bonn.

  15. Hindenburg and von Papen vote

    Hindenburg and von Papen voting.

  16. Hanukkah menorah with fish shaped feet that was used in the Tarnow Ghetto

    Hanukiyah used in the Tarnow ghetto between March 1941 and September 1943. This Hanukiyah is an industrial menorah similar in design and composition to several made by Johannes Rominger in Stuttgart, Germany. A Hanukkah candelabrum holds eight candles for the eight nights of Hanukkah; the ninth candle is the Shamash [attendant] that is used to light the other candles. Because of their religious significance, the Hanukkah lights cannot be used for everyday needs, such as providing light. Traditionally, menorah refers only to the original seven branched lamp that stayed lit in the Temple; the...

  17. Nuremberg scenes: crowds; anti-Bolshevik exhibit

    Line of SS men control crowds along sidewalk. Medieval building and banners in view. Group of SA men passing along behind the SS. Top angle view of crowds, apparently in line to enter exhibition; includes SS men, SA men, civilians. Wide view of exhibition building with crowds in front, swastika banners, and the building-wide exhibit title: "Grosse Antibolschewistische Ausstellung" (Great Anti-Bolshevik Exhibition). Street level views of those waiting to see exhibition and moving along the street.

  18. Soviet POWs build bridge

    Soviet POWs walking into town past building with burning roof. LS slow pan buildings on fire. Soldiers working hard building a bridge. Soviet POWs and civilians help.

  19. Berlin scenes: train, Alexanderplatz, Woolworth, phone booth

    Berlin scenes. Train moving out of station. S-Bahn, elevated trains, street scene below. Street with train and overhead rail bridge with sign: HERTIE Am Alexanderplatz. Traffic police in white coat directing traffic. C&A store in background. People exiting from F.W. Woolworth Co. Women looking in window of Woolworth. Public telephone booth marked "Oeffentlicher Fernsprecher." Woman on telephone, wearing gloves, in booth. Vending machines for postage stamps on outside of phone booth. Men buying stamps, close shots.

  20. Jewish service at Dachau; inmate interview

    (LIB 6554) First Religious Services, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. Full screen view, crowd listening to services and voices of women singing "God Bless America" in English. MSs, various flags of Allied nations (US, Belgium, Spain, UK, USSR) flying from staffs held by attendants. CU, Belgian flag with "Dachau" written across center. LS, congregation singing "Hatikvah", the Jewish national anthem. A Hebrew prayer is read by a Rabbi David Max Eichhorn. Inmate Interview, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MSs, Dr. Hussarek, a Czech prisoner, speaks in English of his experience in the various Nazi ca...