Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,241 to 20,260 of 55,889
  1. "Entartete Kunst" (Degenerate Art) exhibition

    The 1937 exhibit of ENTARTETE KUNST at the Archeological Institute in Munich, not far from the House of German Art, with paintings of modern artwork declared by the Nazis to be "degenerate" on the gallery walls. Museum visitors in the exhibit, walking, viewing the art on display. SS officer in FG. A quote taken from George Grosz and mockingly displayed on the Dada wall: "Nehmen Sie Dada ernst! Es lohnt sich." [Take Dada seriously! It's worth it.] EXT, visitors exiting building. Large sign on the building's facade: Ausstellung: "Entartete Kunst" / Eintritt frei [Exhibition: Degenerate Art / ...

  2. POWs & Jews are rounded up and forced to march

    Sign: "Gefangenen Sammelstelle." [Prisoner collection point]. In the countryside, mass of civilian POWs stand behind roped-off area; pan of mass of soldiers (POWs) sitting on the ground, also roped-off. VAR CUs of civilians as they are frisked (some wear caps, all look shabby). The narrator states that the prisoners consist mainly of Jews, and that through the actions of the Fuerher Germany is protected from this danger. The camera lingers on a few individual faces. POWs flood train platform and embark onto waiting train. Endless line of prisoners march 4-5 abreast along the railroad tracks...

  3. Stephen Lerman papers

    The Stephen Lerman papers consists of six photographs of Lerman’s family and himself. All but one of the photographs capture images of Lerman’s family prior to his imprisonment in several concentration camps. The photograph marked 1991.105.02 is a portrait of Stephen Lerner. 1991.105.03 shows the Lerman family in 1938. From left to right: Stephen, mother Sara, sister Shana, father Izak Wolfe, and brother David. The photograph marked 1991.105.04 was taken in 1931 and shows from left to right: sisters Miriam, Bessie, and Goldie, with Stephen’s cousin Szlama in the rear. The photograph marked ...

  4. SA funeral and march

    Title (partly cut off): The miner and Sturmfuerher [Wilhelm] Hambuecker, of __ Merkstein in the area of Aachen, fought tirelessly for Hitler's ideas. On the 19th of June he was shot by fanatical enemies." SA men bearing torches stand in front of a building, from which other SA men exit through an archway. SA men bearing a casket emerge from the building and place the casket into the back of a hearse. Scene switches to civilians and SA men watching the SA procession down a street, then the procession marches solemnly into a building. Next scene shows a procession of men marching down a count...

  5. Anti-Hitler demonstrations

    Jewish War Vets parade to protest Nazi persecutions. MLSs to MSs, protesters gather in Washington Square Park. Many American and Palestinian flags, banners. Police on the sidelines trying to maintain order among the marchers. Some marchers are in uniform, others in civilian clothes, all marchers are men. They march uptown towards Central Park. VS, AVs of the parade route, crowds of bystanders line the streets. CU of banner, "HITLER CEASE BARBARISM". CU, tracking shot of the feet of protesters as they walk on the tram lines over cobbled streets. Protesters gather under tents in Central Park ...

  6. German victories in East before invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 2: Vehicles move on an autobahn. British troops parade and drill. British recruits join up. Hitler reviews German troops. War material rolls from a German factory. Hitler rides through Vienna and across the Czech border. German troops and tanks parade. German refugees flee Polish oppression. Hitler speaks in the Reichstag. Panzer units invade Poland. Hitler looks through an artillery periscope. German railroads transport war material. Newspaper headlines proclaim the war. German naval units cruise off Norway, paratroops land in Norway. German planes fly over Norwegian mountains. Hitler...

  7. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection Bergen-Belsen

    Contains two articles concerning the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The first article, "Belsen Concentration Camp," by J.A.D. Johnston, describes the history of Bergen-Belsen, gives prisoner statistics, and outlines the establishment of the hospital at the camp. The second article by Chris Mitchell, entitled "The Valley of Death, the Armies of Life," appeared in "Moment" (issue date not specified). It describes the role of the British military in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, the treatment of the SS guards captured at the camp during liberation, and the mass burials of v...

  8. Demonstrations by the Red Front

    Various shots of protest march(es). Protesters carry signs that indicate they are members of the Red Front and the Spartacus League, which was a socialist organization formed in 1914 and included leaders such as Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. The marchers play instruments and carry signs and banners. The intertitles are in Russian, as are some of the signs carried by the marchers. One large sign spells out "Rot Front". Some scenes show spectators watching the marchers. A man conducts the crowd as they sing, perhaps the Internationale (silent). Crowd and close up shots of people singing.

  9. Jews in train station, Westerbork?

    Wartime deportation. Westerbork or Warsaw? (there are no records from Bundesarchiv that substantiate either location). Well-known footage of men, women and children on train platform. Jewish stars visible on clothing (patches). Nazis checking ID papers.

  10. Jews Land In Australia

    Huge ship arriving at Sydney's port with "700 Jewish migrants" aboard, waving from decks. CUs of people on board and on dock waving. Ledge of ship packed with people.

  11. Oral history interview with Bubu Landa

  12. Anti-Jewish sign; churchgoers, market in Bavaria

    CU of sign with swastika: "Juden sind hier unerwuenscht" (Jews not wanted here). Funeral at small church. Selling sausages, meat. Scenes at church yard. Poster for food production in Bavaria; Reichsnaehrstand (Nazi Peasant Organization). ["Blut und Boden" ("blood and soil") motto and symbol top left]. People exiting church: men, women, young boys.

  13. Oral history interview with Freda Koren

  14. Deportation of Jews

    Deportation of Polish Jews. Scenes of men, women, and children walking quickly towards train, and along a train platform with bundles, entering trains, views from inside railcars as people are loaded in. Doors are closed by uniformed German SS, Reichsbahn officials, and Polish Blue policemen. Many shots of women and children. People are wearing armbands. Close view of bar on closed railcar door, close pan along wooden car. NOTE: From 01:09:21 to 01:10:03 is black and white footage shot in 1955 at Auschwitz and Majdanek for the film "Night and Fog." The scenes shown in the film are in color.

  15. German civilians tour Buchenwald; US artillery, tanks in action

    At Buchenwald, survivors sit crouched around a fire, looking at the camera. German civilians file past after being taken through barracks. A flatbed of naked corpses situated in front of a building. MS, pile of bodies alongside building as civilians walk past. Women walk by with their heads buried and their hands covering their mouths. Crowds of people with white flags line the road; Germans sit against a fence. Overturned carts on the road with items scattered everywhere; horses eat from the abandoned carts. U.S. infantry run from a tank that is firing into the forest. LS of a building beh...

  16. Ken: Tomorrow the World is Ours (Chicago, Illinois) [Magazine]

    Anti-Nazi magazine printed in the U.S. to subvert propaganda.

  17. Donald Carroll negatives

    Consists of 18 copy negatives of photographs Donald Carroll received from Annette Fry and others while researching the work of Varian Fry and the Emergency Rescue Committee's work in Vichy France. Includes images of Miriam Davenport, Bill Spira, and others, as well as Villa Air Bel and the U.S. Consulate in Marseille.

  18. SA marches through Nuremberg

    Hitler reviews SA through streets of Nuremberg. This is the same footage as that found in Story 3786. A good shot of a young-looking Hitler. A title quotes a daily newspaper from 24 August: "The jubilation of the population is simply indescribable." Scenes of the crowd waving and saluting from the sidewalk. A line of SA men, hands clasped, lines the street in front of the crowd to separate them from the marchers. More shots of marching SA and jubilant crowds, waving handkercheifs, throwing flowers, saluting. A man conducts a band playing on the side of ths street. More shots of Hitler and o...

  19. Jews protest; anti-Hitler demonstration

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 144, Part 3. Release date, 05/10/1933. Jews in giant protest parade seen from above, marching in New York City. Organized units/groups and scattered people. Ticker tape. Well-dressed men march towards and past camera. From above LS, mostly men marching (fills screen), closer, standing still. Horse and rider from above. Full parade in wide street. Sidewalk jammed, marchers in lines, street level, American flag. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:32:10 Washington, DC "Vanguard of 2nd B.E.F. reaches the capital. Will live in tent city" 01:33:07 Chicago, IL ...

  20. Nazi children/soldiers

    Workers Party Day. Montage of CUs, headshots of Workcorps, HJ, BDM, and Wehrmacht. Admiring faces in the crowd. All look Aryan. All EXT shots.