Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,221 to 20,240 of 55,889
  1. Jewish forced labor

    VO starts with "Zuruck nach Polen..." Jewish kids gathered in front of building. MLS of older religious man all alone walking slowly down a street, light streams through a delicate little tree, through wooden fence. Propagandistic CUs of Jewish men. Old and young. Narrator describes the Jewish problem as the greatest facing Germany, and other typical antisemitic statements. Camera pans back and forth across unhappy young Jewish men in a clean-up crew, digging in city street, working near white fence, in ditch, etc.

  2. SA in Rhine country

    Titles are all in German. Title: "Parade in the mountains". SA march across a country bridge; trucks full of Nazis drive across the bridge. A few children run alongside the trucks. The camera moves closer and follows one truck full of SA men as they salute. Title: "S.A. march in the Nazi stronghold of Waldbroel." A crowd watches an SA parade down the street. Nazi banners hang from windows. Closer view of participants in the parades, including a focus on the flags they are carrying. Men in white shirts carry a sign that reads "NSBO," which stands for the Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellen...

  3. Soviet Army liberates Klooga concentration camp

    Soviet Army liberates Klooga concentration camp. Map. Military scenes including shots of soldiers/Army in field, INT at a desk, on tanks, fighting in forests. Military advances. Shots of horses and more tanks. Map depicting attacks.

  4. Luftwaffe Honor Day

    Goering reviews Luftwaffe troops, watches a parade of Luftwaffe. Several good shots of Goering in full regalia, good shots of goosestepping, CUs of soldiers (many shots familiar).

  5. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 2 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 2 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  6. Goebbels on Jews/German Art and Culture

    Goebbels speaks from podium in philharmonic concert hall about expelling the Jews from artistic and cultural life. Shots of the audience seated. CUs of Goebbels speaking in SS uniform: "We have a German theater, a German film, a German press, and a German literature, a German art, and a German culture." Need for Jews to be eliminated from German culture. Sounds calm, confident. Huge swastika banner behind his head. The audience applauds. Portion of speech (transcribed by researcher): "Der Einwand es gabe keine Moglichkeit, die Juden aus dem deutsche Kunst, und Kulturleben zu beseitigen...oh...

  7. Irena Cymerman Wojcik collection

    The collection includes photographs relating to Irena Wojcik (born Irka Cymerman) and her relatives during the Holocaust and in hiding in Sadoleś, Poland; her rescuer and future husband Władysław Wojcik; life before the war at a public school in Węgrów and during the war in Poland; and their daughter visiting the site of the former death camp of Treblinka circa 1960. Additional individuals depicted in the photographs include Irena’s brother-in-laws Mietek Rubinsztajn and Franciszek Wojcik, her sister Henia, and her friend Jadwiga Worowicz. The collection also includes an affidavit issued by...

  8. Jewish Refugees in Shanghai

    CU refugee ship with 900 well-dressed men and women on board from Germany waving. On open trucks (after having landed) into city. Receiving rations, seated at picnic tables outdoors. Narrator: "Destitute...having gone penniless into exile."

  9. Goldschmidt School in Berlin, private Jewish school

    Prospectus of Jüdische Privatschule / Dr. Leonore Goldschmidt für Knaben und Mädchen (Jewish private school created when Jews were not allowed to enroll in public schools). Camera iris moves on brochure's photograph of school, repeated several times. Berlin, Gruenewald.

  10. Hitler trial in Munich

    Title (in German): "Kriegsschule [military academy] where the trial took place." View of large building on a snowy street. Camera focuses on the word "Kriegsschule" then pans down to the guards in front of the building. A wide view of the snowy street, then shots of the barbed wire and guards in front of the building. People (women and men) show identification to the guards and enter the building. "Lawyer Luedgeborn" (according to title) shown getting out of a car - snow is now falling. More shots of guards patrolling the entrance, barbed wire, and people going about their business in the s...

  11. Deportation of Jews to Cyprus

    LS pan of "Four Freedoms." CU of young man hanging desperately onto ship (trying to resist getting off boat and being deported to Cyprus); British soldiers try to pull him away. LS men on board behind barbed wire.

  12. Oral history interview with Chaim Herzog

  13. Feeding survivors and barracks in flames at Belsen on the 7th Day

    Soldiers open can of food for a woman. MSs of camp huts in flames ["accidental fire" handwritten into caption on one sheet, and on another "One of the huts caught fire - I was unable to ascertain whether this was done purposely by the inmates or whether it was accidental. It was not set alight by British troops for any reason."] CUs of flames. British soldiers and ex-prisoners watch the fires.

  14. Hitler trial in Munich

    Tilt down from Kriegschule to guards. Soldiers checking IDs at barbed wire. Barbed wire, people enter court.

  15. 2 million celebrate May Day at Hitler rally

    An aerial shot shows a huge crowd gathered for a May Day rally. Hitler arrives in a car. He speaks briefly, greeting the German youth and mentioning president Paul von Hindenburg. Nuremberg. More crowd shots, then Hitler is shown speaking again. He speaks of the German workers of all occupations and the Reich's second celebration of May Day. Vast field covered with ranks of uniformed men. This footage is from a different speech than the first one.

  16. Hitler reviews SA

    Hitler reviews SA from open car.

  17. Berlin city scenes

    City scenes featuring theaters, clubs, and pedestrian and auto traffic; also a brief altercation between men on a sidewalk outside a concert house or cafe. A long shot of the train station. Some of the clubs or bars include: Rasputin's Love Affair, the Boulevard Theater, the Comic Opera, which advertises "a thousand naked women", and the Admiral's Palace theater, featuring a review called "Beatiful and Chic."

  18. Deportation of Bessarabian Jews to Transnistria

    Forced march of Bessarabian Jews in the area of Balti, Romania, part of the deportations to Transnistria, late fall, 1941. Long line of impoverished people moving along a country road and over a low wooden bridge. Some are barefoot. Most carry bundles. They are guarded by a few Romanian soldiers. Pan of a seemingly endless line of people stretching back to the horizon. 01:10:42-01:11:07 Brief shots of Trzebinia camp, EXT. Trzebinia was a sub-camp or satellite of Auschwitz and was in operation from 1942 to January 1945. 700 Jews worked there.

  19. 20,000 Flay the Nazis

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 722, Part 2. Release date, 11/21/1938. Anti-Nazi speech (indoors) at Madison Square Garden, NYC. Shots of speakers at podium. CU, Dr. Harry F. Ward of Union Theological Seminary speaking. Wide shots of crowd; crowd cheering. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 02:00:54 Worldwide News Events 02:00:59 Port Washington, NY "New Amphibian Plane Tested" 02:01:35 London, England "Girls Train for War Duty" 02:02:49 "Xmas Tree Land" 02:03:32 London, England "Ancient Bike Stars at Show" 02:04:07 Cleveland, Ohio "New Stein-Carrying Mark Set"

  20. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.