Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,161 to 20,180 of 55,888
  1. Burning farm

    German tanks and troops cross field towards burning farms. VAR MS, MLS of barns and houses blazing, billowing smoke, horse in silhouette, then line of soldiers in silhouette in FG.

  2. Postwar Europe: destruction; burial; Berchtesgaden

    Home movies filmed during the liberation of Germany. Chicken in grass. Milt Ramoy talking, with Earl Soltan, a German woman, and other soldiers. Milt with a typewriter. 03:59:24 Bombed rubble of German village, remains of buildings. LS, field, convoy of military vehicles. Tank traps built by the Germans line the fields to prevent US tanks from crossing, CUs, called "Dragon's Teeth." 04:00:15 Devastated, bombed German town, gray ashen buildings. Milt poses in front of buildings, moving through town. LS, field of mines. Military convoy/jeeps, yellow sign for Ohrdruf, ruins of town, dead horse...

  3. Opening of Reichstag, 1933

    Church bells pealing; VLS tilt up and down from Garrisonkirche to crowd. Wearing formal dress, Hindenburg, Blomberg, Himmler et al. leave the church, accompanied by clerics, and get into a car. Very crowded scene of soldiers and citizens, including brief shot of men standing on base of large statue to be above the crowd and have a better view. Brownshirts struggling, arms linked, to keep crowd under control. Hitler and others walk down crowded, soldier-lined road in morning coats. LS from above of general scene; enthusiastic crowd. INT shot, Hindenburg speaks. Elaborate baroque INT of Reich...

  4. Belsen: German camp personnel identify themselves; British officers describe conditions; Hadassah Rosensaft speaks

    Testimony about camp given by former inmates, SS men and women, in German, Polish, and English. MCU, Dr. Fritz Klein speaks in German about his experience in Bergen Belsen. In BG, SS continue to bury corpses in pit. Same introduction in CU. MCU, Hela Goldstein speaks in German. Commanding Officer speaks in English, stands in front of chalkboard graph, "Most unpleasant task has been making SS, of which there are about 50, bury the dead...buried about 17,000...expect to bury about half as much again. When we came here, the conditions were indescribable. The people had had no food for six days...

  5. Industrial scene: cranes and chimneys

    Industrial scene at gas plant near Berlin. WS with cranes moving and smokestacks in BG.

  6. Tallit bag

    Created by Wolf Fischelberg while in the Bochnia Ghetto, Poland. Made in a factory where German army uniforms were produced in the Bochnia Ghetto, Poland. The thread used in the bag is the same thread used for sewing German uniforms. The bag was recovered by the maker, Wolf Fischelberg, after the war.

  7. Passengers on the St. Louis

    Passengers from SS St. Louis returning to Europe. CU of ship's prow. People waving from the deck. Disembarking.

  8. German occupation of Kharkov; daily life

    Soldiers in Kharkov, busy city street scene, marketplace, etc. German soldiers and military vehicles throughout. Shot of German women crossing street, probably nurses (they wear military uniforms and white caps). Signs in German, including "Soldatenheim." Germans and civilians in busy marketplace. German soldiers walk past a bedraggled Soviet soldier (?) sitting in the marketplace. One of the Germans asks for and is given the man's cigarette. German soldier talking with old man, who removes his hat and refuses the cigarette offered to him by the German -- the old man appears a bit crazy. PO...

  9. Train shots; German industry

    Open train (from above) with equipment, cargo, etc. partially camouflaged. German industry. The narration indicates that the material is headed for the front. Perhaps for use in putting down the Warsaw Uprising, given the date.

  10. Belsen Concentration Camp at liberation

    Tank moving across field. LS, pan, inmates women standing around moat/reservoir, women fishing out tin buckets for washing; two boys sharing soup, stand huddled together, intent on soup. Low to ground, MLS, several clothed corpses, lots of inmates walk by corpse, possibly a murdered Nazi in civilian clothes (original shot sheet captions do not suggest or confirm this). CU corpse. WS of camp with many inmates. Emaciated man, "practically a skeleton", with a cap crouches, holding a piece of clothing. LS, bodies all over (clothed), survivors at edges in BG; LS, barracks, road outside, views of...

  11. Oral history interview with El-Chanan Gafni

  12. Jewish boycott; Goebbels

    Title: "Germany defends itself against the atrocity-mongers [Greuelhetze] - In the struggle against the false reports in foreign lands, Jewish businesses across the country will be boycotted." March 30, 1933, the day before the official boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. SA men driving through the street in the back of an open truck with a "Deutsche! Wehrt Euch!" sign on the back The SA men wave Nazi flags and the audio has people chanting, "Deutschland!" Civilians on bicyclists follow closely behind the truck as it weaves through the street. The scene switches to SA men posting "Deut...

  13. FDR and US congress; Huey Long; Father Coughlin

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 7, No. 356, Part 1. Release date, 05/22/1935. 01:58:21 Part 1A: "President reads bonus veto to joint Congress" Washington, DC. The President delivers the first personal veto speech in history to a joint session of Congress, explaining why he refuses to sign the Palman bill for the immediate payment of Adjusted Compensation certificates. Presidential motorcade to Capitol, shot from within a crowd of onlookers. CU of President Roosevelt, flanked by police officers. LS of Joint Congress standing and applauding. LS of Roosevelt speaking at podium to Congress. MCU, famil...

  14. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 2 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 2 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  15. Hindenburg

    Various clips of Hindenburg, both candid and formal political shots. Hindenburg arrives on horse and wagon. CU of Hindenburg. Hindenburg being helped to sit under a tree, little children dance around him. Hindenburg with young kids on a country path/driveway, accepting flowers from a little girl. Arriving at a diplomatic event. "Vorfahrt der Diplomatische Corps."

  16. German Army in Warsaw

    Footage from the Polish uprising, August 1944. Tanks rolling into town. Man being arrested. Soldiers walking through archway. Polish refugees boarding train. Soldier kneeling on balcony.

  17. Oral history interview with Harry Peters

  18. Lemberg/Lvov massacre

    Brief HA pan of city of Lvov. In bright sun, Jewish men (some bearded, with yarmulkes) are forced to carry and lay out the bodies of those murdered by the GPU/NKVD [not Jewish victims]. Very gruesome: some corpses have no heads, some are bloated, disintegrating bodies. MS pans of bodies splayed out. SS soldiers look on, clutching kerchiefs to their mouths.

  19. French refugees and POWs

    Refugee families with heavily loaded wagons cross in front of camera at end of town. Refugees, including children, push bicylces and baby carriages. Tanks pass by. Camera shoots from ground up toward soldiers atop tanks. The soldiers look and sometimes smile at camera. Germans search boarded-up shops, sprawl around city, taking over town. Brief inerior of soldier, asleep in a chair. French POWs entering and exiting building, being rushed down a street by German guard. A couple of civilians, including a woman, with the POWs. Various shots of POWS marching down road, with a tank and flowers g...

  20. Oral history interview with Haim Halachmi