Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,761 to 1,780 of 1,934
Language of Description: English
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Yom Hashoah: publicity material

    Yom Hashoah: publicity material 

  2. Reports re conditions in Chile

  3. People tracing forms

    Forms from the British Red Cross and the Internationaler Suchdienst, Arolsen 1995

  4. Miscellaneous collection of copy documents

  5. 'Hidden Children-final script'

    Text entitled 'Hidden Children Final Script' 

  6. Copy letters from Rudolf Hess

  7. Deutsche Volksunion: sticker

    Sticker of the German Neo-Nazi party Deutsche Volksunion (DVU), German people's party, stating: "Deutschland Deutschland ueber alles