Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,581 to 19,600 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  2. Street scenes in Bialystok

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. Town, streets, man on bicycle. "The Old Synagogue" Pan up and down old synagogue. Street activity with pedestrians and many shops. Group of people pose in front of synagogue. Children. Pan up to synagogue.

  3. Łódź becomes Litzmannstadt, reels 1 and 3

    Germans build new planned city for German Volk. Łódź before and after being "rebuilt." Stroll through town, labor camps, city street. Reel 1: LS panorama of city. Animap highlights darkened area "Wandalen" (early history of Vandals and Germanic occupation of area). CU stone surrounding circular metal object, pull out to reveal museum (archeological?) cases of vases. "Das Gefaess Aus Biala..." label on one of the vases. Swastika carved into urn. CU of ornamental crosses and other objects, spearheads, helmets. Map of Sudetenland and Warthegau, extreme Eastern edge, points to Litzmannstadt (Łó...

  4. Ship

    Ship at sea.

  5. Nuremberg stadium, swastika blown up by US troops

    US and Russian troops meet at the Elbe. Shows General Emil Reinhardt. Shows scenes of Nazi headquarters in Nuremberg. Huge US flag is raised over the giant swastika atop the Nuremberg stadium. Swastika is later blown up - the actual explosion and flying debris.

  6. Albert Speer Gives Award news

    Part 3, Albert Speer heads delegation walking into munitions factory, good CU, large crowd of workers listens to him. He is completely surrounded by workers on bombed factory floor. Puts ribbon around neck of award recepient and shakes his hand, walks out thru crowd, lots of kids among workers.

  7. Book

  8. Denmark during WWII: Copenhagen; refugees escape by boat; underground printing press; Yalta

    MS, EXT Christiansborg Castle. INT, room with ornate table and chairs, empty now because the Danish government resigned. Shops/businesses, including a clothing store and a shoe store, sign reading "...pige Kofektion." Pan up building, where the National Freedom Council held illegal meetings. Memorial wreaths, flowers, ribbons with Danish commemorating fallen soldiers who died on August 29, 1943. View up street [seen in Story 828, Film ID 511] where Danish civilians bring flowers to the King on his 73rd birthday on September 26, 1943. CU, boy with raincoat. 00:06:37 At night, Danish Jews fle...

  9. Hopkins back from England

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 13, No. 955, Part 1. Release date, 02/16/1941. Harry Hopkins returns from England after a month's tour as President Roosevelt's special representative, convinced that Hitler can be beaten by Britain, with material help from the US. Harry Hopkins arrives via Yankee Clipper at LaGuardia Sea Base. Hopkins leaving plane, greeted by Mayor LaGuardia. Reporters interview Hopkins (MS and LS).

  10. Quisling and Norwegian fascists

    UFA #688: LS of parade in Oslo, banner being carried. MS Uniformed men (units of Nasjonal Samling salute Vidkun Quisling). Women's unit. Onlookers don't appear too happy. LS of crowd looking on. CU of two different speakers in uniform.

  11. Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate given to a US soldier after the liberation of Paris

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn7086
    • English
    • a: Height: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Width: 4.500 inches (11.43 cm) b: Height: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Width: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm) c: Height: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Width: 6.125 inches (15.557 cm)

    Nazi propaganda leaflet resembling a US dollar bill given to US Army Colonel Lewis H. Weinstein in Paris on the day of liberation, August 25, 1944. His jeep was surrounded by thousands of grateful Parisians near the Montparnasse railroad station. An emaciated man with a Star of David badge pushed his way forward and asked him if he was Jewish. Weinstein said yes and the man blurted out: “ I’m the last of my family. The rest went to Drancy.” He tore off his badge and handed it and an envelope with the leaflet to Weinstein, and disappeared. These leaflets were dropped from planes over Paris i...

  12. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: children

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Aid to children; puppets.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Berlin in the 20s

    Scenes of a day in Berlin

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- German American Bund Rally

    Fritz Kuhn and party officials sit behind lecturn big swastika behind them. Music plays as American and Nazi flags come in, Kuhn gives Nazi salute. Backs of heads of people in audience. Kuhn speaks in MS in German, then in MCU, then shifts to English, speaks of "purposes and aims." Talks of Samuel Untermeyer and boycott of German goods. Sings song which includes "Sieg heil." 01:39:34 Wilhelm Kunze, national publicity director, speaks of "stopping disease spreading which will mean of end of United States...reason is to be found in blood" [then sound goes out]. 01:41:21 Kuhn speaks in German ...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- German American Bund Office

    German American Bund stock shots. Fritz Kuhn stands reading, shots of doorway to office, shot of office window from street.

  16. Bulgaria joins the Axis

    Bulgarian delegate signs document to join Axis. 3:22:41 German plane taxiing at airfield, Prof. Dr. Filov in coat, debarks and shakes hands with Ribbentrop. Band plays. Group walks past honor guard. 3:22:58 MS Ribbentrop, Filov and Count Ciano take seats at conference table. CU German and Bulgarian signatories sign. LS Ribbentrop and Filov shake hands. 3:23:43 Hitler and various delegates shake hands. 3:24:00 Hitler speaking and gesturing to Filov.

  17. Tablecloth

    Embroidered by Hannah Weinberg sometime between her wedding in 1931 and 1939.

  18. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: children

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Solidarity Kids camp.

  19. Hitler visits Krupp factory

    Hitler pays tribute to Gustav Krupp von Bohlen. 03:19:39 MS Hitler shakes hands with Krupp as officers look on. 03:19:45 Hitler talking to and gesturing to civilian in dark suit as officers look on. 03:19:55 Large crowd of factory workers cheer and salute as Hitler walks past them toward camera, then steps up into car and remains standing.

  20. German Army in Slovakia

    German troops enter region of Slovakia, round up civilian suspects. Reel 1, cont.: 4:50:15 Animap of Slovakia showing towns of Neusohl, and Altsohl, (German names for towns of Zvolen and Banska Bystrica). 4:50:21 MS German troops in truck and artillery piece being pushed on road, LS German troops firing into town at "bandits." MLS German troops advance through field toward town. 4:50:37 MS Peasant woman crying, holding head goes to German officer, watches her barn burn, cows in FG. Reel 2: 4:50:48 LS Burning farm houses, cows, men try to put out fire. 4:50:56 MLS German soldiers striding ac...