Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,461 to 18,480 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Poster announcing housing regulations for Jews in German occupied Chelmn

    House order (Hausordnug) concerning the mandatory method of house maintenance within the ghetto in Chelm, Poland.

  2. Nazi banner removed from concentration camp

    Nazi war banner removed from a concentration camp.

  3. US Army infantry advances in Germany

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 2: The 29th Division crosses bridge at Jülich. Aerial views of the wrecked city of Jülich. Gen. Gerhardt and his G-2 officer report plans and conditions at a staff meeting. Troops cross a bridge under enemy fire. Gen. Gerhardt crosses the bridge. The 102nd Division liberates US prisoners at Erkelenz. Undelivered Red Cross packages intended for American POWs but used by Nazis are found in Heppendorf. The 1st Army battles toward Cologne; the 83d Division takes Neusse. Telephoto images of Düsseldorf under bombardment fr...

  4. Development of German campaign in Poland

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 1: maps the Hanseatic cities and Danzig. Shows World War I combat scenes. Describes the Polish Corridor settlement. Shows German refugees driven from Poland. Describes Hitler's proposed highway across the Corridor. Shows Polish Foreign Minister Beck and the Danzig defense corps. Von Ribbentrop enplanes for Moscow. London workers dig air raid shelters. Shows Polish President Moscicki.

  5. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 164) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 16, 1946. LS, court in session as member of the Commission calls defendants for recital of their names and background. Gen Sepp Dietrich is called and he gives his name and age. MS, Dietrich answers questions of the Commission. Defendants Fritz Kramer, PJ Ochmann, Joachim Peiper, Hermann Priess, and Wolfgang Richter rise as they are called. They give their names, former rank and age, and are assigned numbers. CU, Brig Gen Josiah T. Dalbey calls out names of the accused. MCU, court interpreter, US soldier, speaking.

  6. Calling card brought to the US by an Austrian refugee

    Calling card for Fanny Beit found in the autograph album, 1994.53.6.1, owned by Irene Rosenthal. Irene fled Nazi ruled Austria for the United States in March 1940. German troops marched over the border into Austria in March 1938. The next day, Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish legislation was enacted to strip Jews of their civil rights. The November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom vandalized Jewish businesses and homes and destroyed most of the synagogues in Austria. Irene received a visa to leave Austria in March and sailed that month from Genoa, Italy, to New York.

  7. Army film on postwar devastation and the threat of disease

    Orientation Film no. 17: shows widespread devastation and deprivation resulting from the war and conducive to disease and epidemics. Reel 1: Explains how these dangers can be combated. Contains many scenes of personal suffering of war refugees and displaced persons. Shows how uncontrolled reunions spread diseases.

  8. Army film showing Japanese troops, Nazi conquests, the bombing of Warsaw, and neutrality

    Orientation Film no. 7, Reel 4. International events cause the US to enter into World War II. A newspaper man calls out, "Nazi Spy Gang Captured!" on a bustling street. People sit in a movie theater and the screen reads, "Confessions of a Nazi Spy." They watch a dramatization of Hitler saying the Constitution should be destroyed. German American children march in a parade carrying Nazi and American flags and others play instruments. In Madison Square Garden, people recite the Pledge of Allegiance while giving the Nazi Salute. A man is held back by guards. Hitler and Mussolini are seen on th...

  9. Idealized picture of Prussia to garner German support for total war

    Reel 4 opens with Schill demanding that Lucadou release Mayor Nettelbeck, whom the commandant has imprisoned after Nettelbeck requisitioned cannons without Lucadou's permission. Schill announces that French scouts are almost upon Kolberg. The next scene shows Maria and Claus frantically hurrying cows away from burning buildings. Werner has set their house on fire rather than allow the French to stay there. In the next shot Maria stands outside Nettelbeck's jail cell. He hugs her as she grieves for her father, who was killed when their house burned down. Nettelbeck hands Maria a letter in wh...

  10. Russian News (1944)

    Russian tanks, truckloads of infantrymen and marching soldiers enter Bucharest and parade through the streets as civilians cheer and wave. Shows general scenes of peaceful, prewar Bucharest. Russian newspapers are distributed. Russian soldiers are given flowers by young girls. Shows damaged palaces, churches and the parliament building.

  11. UN formed at San Francisco conference

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 394. Release date, 04/30/1945. Representatives of 46 nations at San Francisco Conference. Delegates arriving at conference, surrounded by crowds and journalists. Anthony Eden, Jan Smuts of South Africa (old man in uniform). Mackenzie King heads Canada's delegation. Molotov arrives; "[he] will play an important role in the proceedings." Narrator states that the charter is based on the Dumbarton Oaks formula. French and then Saudi delegations arrive. Senator Tom Connally of Texas, Commander Harold Stassin. Interior of conference location, delegates registering...

  12. Painted wood plaque with an inscription of gratitude

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Expulsion and repatriation of Germans from Sudetenland

    Expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia (3 million). US Zone. Shots of German citizens wearing armbands as identification on the streets of Usti, Sudetenland. Committee of Allied representatives meeting to decide the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia. LS members over map on table: Dr. Kuchera, plenipotentiary of the Czechoslovak government; American Col. J.H. Fye, liasion offier; Lt. Col. Messick, executive officer of CAX in Berlin; a Czech doctor; and Czech Col. Monzer, from the Ministery of National Defense. MS same. CU Col. Fye, Kuchera, Messick. CU Kuchera and Fye. CU Me...

  14. Ferencz discusses reunification of Germany

    One Germany. Host: Steven Roberts, US News and World Report, CBS News Nightwatch. Segment includes discussion among Roberts, Ambassador Jonathan Dean, US officer of the High Command in Germany who helped establish new German armed forces, Henry Kellerman, director of the office of German Public Affairs at the State Department in the early 1950s, and Benjamin Ferencz, prosecutor of Nazi war crime trials. The men discuss Germany as a single sovereign state. Topics include the causes that created a divided Germany, economic and social dislocation, reeducation of East Germany, democracy, and th...

  15. Liberation of So. France; US reclaims Guam

    Film Communique - 12th issue. Large-scale mission of US military airplanes, paratroopers liberating the South of France. Map of US. Guam is bombarded by naval guns and from the air. Assault parties land on a beach. A Japanese freighter is hit. Troops drive through the jungle. Wounded are evacuated. Guam freed on July 25, 1944.

  16. Second Global Structures Convocation lecture by Ferencz

    Lecture, "Creating Global Structures for Agenda 21." Second Global Structures Convocation, Washington, DC. February 6-9, 1992. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (tape 10 in conference series) Introduction by Robert Livingston, president of Positions for Social Responsibility. Second introduction by Catherine Porter, executive director of US Citizens Network. Ferencz discusses new structures needed to create a more peaceful planet. Broad frameworks include a world community that is environmentally healthy, free from war, and economically sound. He argues for coordinated action on an international ...

  17. Survivors and corpses at Buchenwald

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany, 1945. LSs, civilians kicking German soldier. MSs, civilians breaking windows in building. Camera (on automobile) traveling through outskirts town, passing people with bags, cart. In town, crowd on sidewalk, looting? store. MS, survivors in square. MSs, CUs, furnace doors being opened in crematorium showing remains of bodies not wholly consumed by fire. Demonstrating oven "tray." Pan, survivor with three ovens/crematoria in BG. Corpses on cart, in truck. CU, "Jedem das Seine" gate closing. Men circled around corpse, taking hats off. MSs, CUs, emaciated...

  18. Ben Shahn poster with an image of a hooded man protesting the Nazi destruction of Lidice

    Poster created by Ben Shahn for the US Office of War Information as a response to the Nazi-led annihilation and destruction of communities throughout the Czech Republic, including Lidice. It also protests the retaliatory measures taken for the attempted assassination by Czech resistance members of Reinhard Heydrich, director of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, under the Nazi occupation.

  19. Buchenwald; US destroying German weapons

    (LIB 5569) Bridge Crossing, Saalfeld, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: Tanks of 607th TD and 735th Tank Bn move through streets. LSs, rear views, infantry men of 87th Div atop several of the tanks as they pass camera. MSs, Maj Gen Troy Middleton and Maj Gen Frank L Culin question German officer. LS, vehicles pass over steel treadway pontoon bridge. MS, Maj Gens watch vehicles crossing. Head-on shot, tank crosses steel treadway pontoon bridge. VS, soldiers righting caisson which has falled partly between treadways. (LIB 5570) German Railroad Gun, Unter-Steinach, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: US...

  20. Ferencz discusses war crimes and Yugoslavia

    Canadian Broadcasting Company, Prime Time News. Yugoslavia: War Crimes Tribunal. Discussion among host, Benjamin Ferencz, and Major General Lewis Mackenzie, United Nations Commander in Sarajevo, about the legal and political problems of establishing an international war crimes tribunal in Yugoslavia. Ferencz speaks about the precedents of Nuremberg: 1) war crimes; 2) crimes against humanity; and 3) crimes against peace. He relates the two experiences, declaring the existence of war crimes in Yugoslavia. Ferencz argues that it should be simple to obtain conviction in Yugoslavia as overwhelmi...